Interior, Police and the Civil Guard track Indymedia and 7 vestibules more
MELCHOR SÁIZ-pardo COLPISA | 15.01.2002 11:38
According to the newspaper " the North of Castile ", the " experts of Interior " track the vestibules of Barcelona.Indymedia, Global Observatory, International Protest Shares, Nodo50, Shares the International of Students,, the Haine and Without Dominion. What so this note!
The fight by the security during the six months that Spain will preside over the UE has begun already, at least of virtual form in Internet. The information services of the Police and the Civil Guard have been raking for weeks the network of networks to anticipate to the movements of the most radical activists antiglobalización than they try to protest or to sabotage the main acts of the presidency in Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Valencia. Eight servers, plagued of directions and ' links' (bonds), are the pillar of the antisystem to distribute by all Europe calendars of the twenty main mobilizations and in, some cases, tactics of urban guerrilla.
" the information and the prevention are our main arms ", explains one of the experts of the National Police that from December is outstanding in workings of information in Internet.
According to police sources, eight are the servers of Internet (with seat outside Spain) from which are organizing the protests - pacific and you do violence to against the presidency: ' Barcelona Indymediá, ' Global' Observatory, ' International Protest Shares', ' Nodo50 ', ' Shares the International of Estudiantes', ' Org' Rebellion, ' Lahainé and ' Without Dominió.
From these vestibules, servers and pages - the experts of the Forces of Security explain accedes themselves to a " vast half-framed one " of bonds, ' e-mails' and articles to inquire on the pacific protests, but also for the sabotages of the predicted acts.
Two spaces (' the Protest' International and ' Shares the International of Estudiantes') have served like channel the violent ones to organize some of the more violent protests antiglobalización like those of Genoa, Seattle and Davos and now distributes calls of the acts of the European semester.
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The fight by the security during the six months that Spain will preside over the UE has begun already, at least of virtual form in Internet. The information services of the Police and the Civil Guard have been raking for weeks the network of networks to anticipate to the movements of the most radical activists antiglobalización than they try to protest or to sabotage the main acts of the presidency in Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Valencia. Eight servers, plagued of directions and ' links' (bonds), are the pillar of the antisystem to distribute by all Europe calendars of the twenty main mobilizations and in, some cases, tactics of urban guerrilla.
" the information and the prevention are our main arms ", explains one of the experts of the National Police that from December is outstanding in workings of information in Internet.
According to police sources, eight are the servers of Internet (with seat outside Spain) from which are organizing the protests - pacific and you do violence to against the presidency: ' Barcelona Indymediá, ' Global' Observatory, ' International Protest Shares', ' Nodo50 ', ' Shares the International of Estudiantes', ' Org' Rebellion, ' Lahainé and ' Without Dominió.
From these vestibules, servers and pages - the experts of the Forces of Security explain accedes themselves to a " vast half-framed one " of bonds, ' e-mails' and articles to inquire on the pacific protests, but also for the sabotages of the predicted acts.
Two spaces (' the Protest' International and ' Shares the International of Estudiantes') have served like channel the violent ones to organize some of the more violent protests antiglobalización like those of Genoa, Seattle and Davos and now distributes calls of the acts of the European semester.
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