Hackney Park User Groups set to gain recognition
Hackney Park User Groups | 13.01.2002 16:00
But we have support from Ian Hook the Community and Learning Director and Michele Guimarin who works with the User Groups. Dave Mackey of Hackney Downs and Mike Martain originally got together to discuss the need for unity of all the User Groups against the continuous cuts in parks funding. Dave badgered the Officers to support this move and we had a meeting with Michele where a constitution was discussed.
Mike Martain wrote the original Draft Constitution which was circulated to all the User Groups for discussion which received wide support. We had a meeting in December to discuss the Draft Constitution with Ian Hook & Michele where most of the User Groups were involved including Ken Warpole for Clissold Park. The Draft Constitution was then then amended at a further meeting on the 3rd of Jan. and will be checked by the council legal department. It will finally be going forward with Recommendation from the Director for a Members decision in March. We will then be officially recognized as a community representation with official powers for the first time in the history of Hackney parks.
The Forum will then be formed.
This is the Constitution as it currently stands................................................
Proposed Constitution of the
Hackney Parks Forum 3
1. Name
The Hackney Parks Forum hereafter called "the Forum".
2. Objects (Objectives)
The Forum’s objects ("the Objects") are:
a) That the Forum is to represent the User Groups of all Hackney parks, public gardens, squares and open spaces and that in all cases the use of the word "parks" shall be taken to include these other public spaces;
b) To promote the regeneration and development of Hackney parks for the benefit of the community as a whole, without distinction of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, political, religious or other opinions;
c) To promote the maintenance, development, improvement and management of public buildings and other amenities for recreation, refreshment, children's play, physical training, sport and other health facilities for all sections of the community;
d) To promote the maintenance and development of wildlife areas; promoting conservation of the environment, interesting plantings, nature trails and provide facilities for training in the appreciation of nature and ecology for recreational and educational purposes;
e) To promote the reclamation and regeneration of areas of polluted or despoiled land;
f) To promote improved lighting and CCTV coverage, to gain more night security and the prevention of crime;
g) To promote the employment of local people, wherever possible, in all regeneration, developments, maintenance and management in Hackney parks;
h) To encourage the participation and empowerment of the community (including various ethnic and special interest communities, local tenants and residents associations and schools) at every stage in the process of regenerating and developing Hackney parks;
3. Powers
In furtherance of the objects, the forum may exercise the following powers:
a) That the Forum has official recognition by Hackney Council its officers and appropriate committees as representatives of parks and their User Groups;
b) That the Forum assists in the borough wide development of User Groups;
c) That the Forum is consulted by the council, its officers and committees on any development or change, whether constructive or detrimental, to Hackney parks and open spaces, and invited to discuss and negotiate prior to contractual conclusion for the "Best Value" framework in the delivery of services, as defined by the government guidelines and its promotion of equal opportunities;
d) That the Forum assists the council in ensuring that proper enforceable penalties and penalty clauses are written into all Hackney Parks Department Contracts;
e) That the Forum helps and assists the council in identifying gaps in policies, services and procedures to improve current services and involve and liaise with various local communities and interest groups for that purpose;
f) That the Forum has the power to co-operate with charities, voluntary bodies, statutory authorities and any charitable funding body, operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes, to secure funding and to exchange information and advice and that said funding be ring fenced for park development only;
g) That the Forum be assisted by the council in publicity for informing and increasing local awareness of all proposals for the development and delivery of services for Hackney parks;
h) That the Forum be informed and involved with the council in the awarding of contracts to any inside or outside organisation wishing to use Hackney parks and open spaces for their own and community purposes, including fairs, funfairs, festivals, (religious, cultural and political) meetings and any other use;
4. Membership
a) Membership of the Forum shall be open to any person over the age of 18 years interested in furthering the objects and who has been put forward as a representative of a Hackney Parks User Group;
b) Every Forum member shall have one vote;
c) The Forum may by unanimous vote and for good reason, terminate the membership of any individual and their User Group will be asked to send an alternative representative, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Forum and accompanied by a representation (which can be one or more) of their User Group, before a final decision is made;
d) Each User Group may appoint a deputy or alternative representative if their nominated person is unable to attend a meeting;
e) Each User Group may appoint an observer to attend meetings but observers shall not be entitled to vote;
5. Honorary Officers
a) At the Annual General Meeting the Forum shall elect from these representatives a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and such other Officers as the Forum shall from time to time decide;
b) The Chair and Officers of the Forum shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Forum after their election, but shall be eligible for re-election PROVIDED THAT no Officer shall hold the same office for more than 4 consecutive years and on the expiration of such a period two further years must elapse before any former Officer shall be eligible for re-election;
6. Meetings of the Forum
a) The Forum shall hold meetings every 3 months at a place, date and time that the Forum shall determine and give 21 days clear notice in writing to each Forum member;
b) That after the first General Meeting of the Forum is held, thereafter (not greater than 15 months after the holding of the previous General Meeting) an Annual General Meeting of the Forum shall be held and the business shall include the election of Officers at such a place and time that the Forum shall determine and give 21 days clear notice in writing to each Forum member;
c) The Chair of the Forum shall at any time call a Special General Meeting, within 21 days of receiving a written request with full reason for doing so, signed by not less than half the members of the Forum;
d) A quorum at a Meeting shall be 3 members or one third of the total membership of the Forum;
e) All questions at Meetings shall be decided by a simple voting majority of those members of the Forum present and entitled to vote (including the deputy as allowed in 4d but only if the normal representative is absent), but in the event of an equal vote the Chair of the meeting shall have a second casting vote;
f) The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Meeting in a minute book with a record of the proceedings, voting and resolutions and this record shall be circulated to the User Groups and appropriate council officers;
g) All the Forum meetings shall be open to relevant council officers who will be expected to keep the Forum informed of all matters relevant to the Objects and convey the Forum requests, investigations, inquiries and recommendations to the appropriate officers;
7. Finance
a) The Forum is subject mainly to the funding of support services and projects by the Hackney Council through an annual budgetary arrangement, but the Forum will also apply to obtain alternative funding (see 3f) through other sources;
b) The Treasurer shall keep proper books of accounts of the finances of the Forum which shall be audited and submitted once a year to the Annual General Meeting;
c) All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Forum shall be applied to further the Objects of the Forum and for no other purpose PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration or repayment to members for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses;
d) A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Forum and the Forum shall authorise the Treasurer and the Chair to be signatories for cheques and other monetary requirements and all cheques must be signed by these 2 authorised people;
8. Alteration to the Constitution
Any alteration to the constitution shall have to be agreed to by 75% of the members of the Forum and notice of this alteration shall have to be sent to the Chair one clear month in advance, and notice to the members of this the meeting where this alteration is to be discussed shall be in writing giving 21 days clear notice.
Mike Martain wrote the original Draft Constitution which was circulated to all the User Groups for discussion which received wide support. We had a meeting in December to discuss the Draft Constitution with Ian Hook & Michele where most of the User Groups were involved including Ken Warpole for Clissold Park. The Draft Constitution was then then amended at a further meeting on the 3rd of Jan. and will be checked by the council legal department. It will finally be going forward with Recommendation from the Director for a Members decision in March. We will then be officially recognized as a community representation with official powers for the first time in the history of Hackney parks.
The Forum will then be formed.
This is the Constitution as it currently stands................................................
Proposed Constitution of the
Hackney Parks Forum 3
1. Name
The Hackney Parks Forum hereafter called "the Forum".
2. Objects (Objectives)
The Forum’s objects ("the Objects") are:
a) That the Forum is to represent the User Groups of all Hackney parks, public gardens, squares and open spaces and that in all cases the use of the word "parks" shall be taken to include these other public spaces;
b) To promote the regeneration and development of Hackney parks for the benefit of the community as a whole, without distinction of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, political, religious or other opinions;
c) To promote the maintenance, development, improvement and management of public buildings and other amenities for recreation, refreshment, children's play, physical training, sport and other health facilities for all sections of the community;
d) To promote the maintenance and development of wildlife areas; promoting conservation of the environment, interesting plantings, nature trails and provide facilities for training in the appreciation of nature and ecology for recreational and educational purposes;
e) To promote the reclamation and regeneration of areas of polluted or despoiled land;
f) To promote improved lighting and CCTV coverage, to gain more night security and the prevention of crime;
g) To promote the employment of local people, wherever possible, in all regeneration, developments, maintenance and management in Hackney parks;
h) To encourage the participation and empowerment of the community (including various ethnic and special interest communities, local tenants and residents associations and schools) at every stage in the process of regenerating and developing Hackney parks;
3. Powers
In furtherance of the objects, the forum may exercise the following powers:
a) That the Forum has official recognition by Hackney Council its officers and appropriate committees as representatives of parks and their User Groups;
b) That the Forum assists in the borough wide development of User Groups;
c) That the Forum is consulted by the council, its officers and committees on any development or change, whether constructive or detrimental, to Hackney parks and open spaces, and invited to discuss and negotiate prior to contractual conclusion for the "Best Value" framework in the delivery of services, as defined by the government guidelines and its promotion of equal opportunities;
d) That the Forum assists the council in ensuring that proper enforceable penalties and penalty clauses are written into all Hackney Parks Department Contracts;
e) That the Forum helps and assists the council in identifying gaps in policies, services and procedures to improve current services and involve and liaise with various local communities and interest groups for that purpose;
f) That the Forum has the power to co-operate with charities, voluntary bodies, statutory authorities and any charitable funding body, operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes, to secure funding and to exchange information and advice and that said funding be ring fenced for park development only;
g) That the Forum be assisted by the council in publicity for informing and increasing local awareness of all proposals for the development and delivery of services for Hackney parks;
h) That the Forum be informed and involved with the council in the awarding of contracts to any inside or outside organisation wishing to use Hackney parks and open spaces for their own and community purposes, including fairs, funfairs, festivals, (religious, cultural and political) meetings and any other use;
4. Membership
a) Membership of the Forum shall be open to any person over the age of 18 years interested in furthering the objects and who has been put forward as a representative of a Hackney Parks User Group;
b) Every Forum member shall have one vote;
c) The Forum may by unanimous vote and for good reason, terminate the membership of any individual and their User Group will be asked to send an alternative representative, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Forum and accompanied by a representation (which can be one or more) of their User Group, before a final decision is made;
d) Each User Group may appoint a deputy or alternative representative if their nominated person is unable to attend a meeting;
e) Each User Group may appoint an observer to attend meetings but observers shall not be entitled to vote;
5. Honorary Officers
a) At the Annual General Meeting the Forum shall elect from these representatives a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and such other Officers as the Forum shall from time to time decide;
b) The Chair and Officers of the Forum shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Forum after their election, but shall be eligible for re-election PROVIDED THAT no Officer shall hold the same office for more than 4 consecutive years and on the expiration of such a period two further years must elapse before any former Officer shall be eligible for re-election;
6. Meetings of the Forum
a) The Forum shall hold meetings every 3 months at a place, date and time that the Forum shall determine and give 21 days clear notice in writing to each Forum member;
b) That after the first General Meeting of the Forum is held, thereafter (not greater than 15 months after the holding of the previous General Meeting) an Annual General Meeting of the Forum shall be held and the business shall include the election of Officers at such a place and time that the Forum shall determine and give 21 days clear notice in writing to each Forum member;
c) The Chair of the Forum shall at any time call a Special General Meeting, within 21 days of receiving a written request with full reason for doing so, signed by not less than half the members of the Forum;
d) A quorum at a Meeting shall be 3 members or one third of the total membership of the Forum;
e) All questions at Meetings shall be decided by a simple voting majority of those members of the Forum present and entitled to vote (including the deputy as allowed in 4d but only if the normal representative is absent), but in the event of an equal vote the Chair of the meeting shall have a second casting vote;
f) The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Meeting in a minute book with a record of the proceedings, voting and resolutions and this record shall be circulated to the User Groups and appropriate council officers;
g) All the Forum meetings shall be open to relevant council officers who will be expected to keep the Forum informed of all matters relevant to the Objects and convey the Forum requests, investigations, inquiries and recommendations to the appropriate officers;
7. Finance
a) The Forum is subject mainly to the funding of support services and projects by the Hackney Council through an annual budgetary arrangement, but the Forum will also apply to obtain alternative funding (see 3f) through other sources;
b) The Treasurer shall keep proper books of accounts of the finances of the Forum which shall be audited and submitted once a year to the Annual General Meeting;
c) All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Forum shall be applied to further the Objects of the Forum and for no other purpose PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration or repayment to members for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses;
d) A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Forum and the Forum shall authorise the Treasurer and the Chair to be signatories for cheques and other monetary requirements and all cheques must be signed by these 2 authorised people;
8. Alteration to the Constitution
Any alteration to the constitution shall have to be agreed to by 75% of the members of the Forum and notice of this alteration shall have to be sent to the Chair one clear month in advance, and notice to the members of this the meeting where this alteration is to be discussed shall be in writing giving 21 days clear notice.
Hackney Park User Groups