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Funny Fare Dodgers Liberation Front site back online

fdlf | 09.01.2002 17:46

Check it out and come to a Reclaim The Streets meeting next Monday 14/1 1900 to discuss campaigning against Labours PPPrivatisation (pending) disaster.
Call RTS 0207 2814621 for more info on meeting but...

Pioneering a new campaign to make the directors PERSONALLY reponsible for the shoddy services they provide.
Please sign our guestbook, thanks.

- e-mail: fdlf at
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Clarification from London RTS

09.01.2002 22:22

Yup, it's true that London RTS are thinking about taking on tube privatisation as a focussed campaign for a period of time, although it's still early days. The meeting on the 14th will be chatting more about that, and how it might fit in some way with the planned Festival of Alternatives leading up to Mayday this year.

We meet every Monday night at 7pm at the newly opened/opening London Action Resource Centre, which is at 62 Fieldgate St, corner of Parfett St., E1, nearest tubes Aldgate East or Whitechapel. All are very welcome to come along and get involved in the merry processes of revolutionary change, (unless they happen to be policement or journalists writing stories about the group). There's loads of stuff for people to do if they don't feel like getting arrested every five minutes, (although that's still an option if you like...)

By the way, interesting as the ideas posted above are, they haven't been discussed (yet at least) by London RTS.

Good luck everyone,

(A London RTS'er)

Keith Hill
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Yep, they haven't been discussed

09.01.2002 22:49

coz they will be discussed next Monday.
It is at the moment the site of a couple of people, who want to retain SOME autonomy from RTS, while still working together pretty closely on other methodologies hopefully.

mail e-mail: fdlf at
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