the world in the news
compiled by eric stewart | 08.01.2002 23:53
LORD MELCHETT, the former head of Greenpeace, who led its campaign against genetically modified crops, has accepted a salaried job with a public relations firm whose clients include Monsanto, the GM giant.
LORD MELCHETT, the former head of Greenpeace, who led its campaign against genetically modified crops, has accepted a salaried job with a public relations firm whose clients include Monsanto, the GM giant.
About 1,500 U.S. military personnel are bound for the U.S. Navy base in Cuba to build and then guard a prison that will hold hundreds of al-Qaida and Taliban detainees ``in maximum security,'' a Pentagon spokesman said Sunday.
It may not yet quite be the "cancer on the presidency" of which John Dean warned Richard Nixon in the early days of Watergate. But the collapse of the energy conglomerate Enron is suddenly shaping up as big, big trouble for George Bush.
Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorism
This year was different alright. What do you say to friends who have been laid off? Is it possible to have faith in a system that provides billions in corporate welfare for companies like Enron and IBM, even as they turn thousands of workers out on the streets? How do you get that patriotic feeling when your president was appointed in a rigged election, and the new mayor of embattled New York, media mogul Michael Bloomberg, basically bought the office at $92.60 per vote? When your government carpet bombs a far-off country yet misses the point entirely?
With overwhelming statistical evidence and interesting and witty examples, Affluenza explains our conditioning by the advertising industry and corporate America to want more and more material possessions that we do not need and will not make us happy. I had spoken recently at a couple of Unitarian-Universalist Churches in South Carolina about "The United States' Civic Religion of Mammon Worship" and concluded that our unrestrained acquisitiveness was ecologically and spiritually unsustainable. So De Graaf's message resonated with me when he defined "affluenza" as "n. a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more." Affluenza takes a clinical approach to our all-consuming social disease and is cleverly divided into three parts-Symptoms, Causes and Treatment.
HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. US military documents seem to suggest, however, that HAARP's main objective is to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." Without explicitly referring to the HAARP program, a US Air Force study points to the use of "induced ionospheric modifications" as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar.
Karl Marx, whose works were variously distorted by so many of those who claimed to be his supporters and ridiculed by his opponents, may indeed have the last laugh. Though only human and therefore fallible, Marx's analysis of society has in many respects been proven remarkably accurate save for one thing — admittedly the most important — his prediction of socialism.
Is a drunk, rowdy passenger on an airplane a terrorist? Is a man who pushes a judge? They are according to annual reports from the Department of Justice. An investigation by the Miami Herald found that the department routinely overstates the number of terrorist arrests and convictions it makes every year. It does so, apparently, to cook the numbers for Congress, as a way to justify its annual $22-billion budget of which counterterrorism is a part.
Ralph Nader's latest newspaper column, appended here, describes the conference he has called for Monday in Washington about the work of the Federal Reserve. GATA Chairman Bill Murphy will attend and
call attention to the Fed's role in surreptitiously suppressing the gold price.
"Old Charlie had a lousy life, but one thing you can say about him, he always had a smile on his face." What was Charlie, some kind of a
desensitised imbecile who was scared of expressing the misery of the
social reality which was crushing him? Why put up in silence with a bad lot?
The following is meant to act as an information sheet for the ABC and other initiatives connected with state repression, prioners, etc. The level of repression against anarchists and other revolutionaries is growing all around the world. It can be seen everywhere, especially at anti-globalization protests. As we get further absorbed into EU structures. we can expect more repression. It is important therefore that we better organize mutual aid networks so that nobody who is repressed is left to
stand alone and so that our movement can withstand the impending storm.
US workers are also victims of US capitalism. Bill Gates personally has more wealth than the bottom 45% of US households. In 1999, top executives earned 419 times the wage of a blue-collar worker, up from a difference of 42 to 1 in 1980. This is directly due to the vicious implementation (and often racist) of neo-liberal / privatisation policies within the US itself.
We turn now to a story about one of the most powerful companies you've never heard of. The company is called The Carlyle Group and in the wake of the events of September 11th, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. It has also brought together the current Secretary of State Colin Powell, former President George Bush, and a man named Bakr Bin Laden-Osama bin Laden's half brother.
For 32 years, the fattest of world fat cats have repaired to snowy Davos, Switzerland, to meld minds with world leaders, think big thoughts about the state of the global economy and soak in the occasional apres-ski hot tub. Next month, however, the glitzy passel of CEOs and politicos will descend instead on Manhattan, filling plush suites at the Waldorf-Astoria, partying on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and stacking limos three lanes deep down Park Avenue.
Israeli Settlers Increase Attacks on Palestinian Farmlands
"Pakistan is an ally to the US. Good luck to the US," Singh said.
Taliban leader Mulla Mohammad Omar gave US-led forces the slip once more on Saturday, Afghan intelligence said, roaring off on a motorbike just before the force protecting him agreed to lay down its arms.
Indian security forces have killed 13 militants in 24 hours in separate gunbattles across the disputed region of Kashmir, police said on Saturday.
Following is the text of the declaration issued at the end of the 11th Saarc summit in the Nepalese capital.
India emerged smiling Sunday from a two-day South Asian summit in Nepal, having for once held its own in a public exchange with its traditionally more media-savvy rival, Pakistan.
An unmanned Pakistani spy plane was on Sunday shot down after it intruded into Indian air space in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir, defence sources here said.
In the long and "shaky" history of famous handshakes, General Pervez Musharraf’s clasping of Prime Minister Vajpayee's palm looks destined to be a mere footnote in the chronicle of tensions between the countries they lead.
Quake rocks El Salvador
Canada will send up to 900 troops to Afghanistan in the next few weeks to assist in peacekeeping and other duties outside Kabul, defence officials said.
Fulton County prosecutors are asking that Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin be held in contempt of court for writing a seven-page letter proclaiming his innocence.
Under pressure from the Senators to come up with something convincing, Myers twice changed his testimony, putting forward three entirely different versions of what happened September 11th. Myers' last 'reality' was pretty close to what Dan Rather reported at 6 PM the next day. In between, Myers and the Senators went into a closed (i.e., secret) session.
While the Condit/Levy story ran rampant in the national press for weeks on end, the Scarborough/Klausutis story got barely nine lines in the Associated Press and only one line in The Washington Post.
How Deregulation and Enron's Influence Over Government Looted Billions from Americans
Now before you lynch the messenger, consider the nature of National Loyalty. We are told that Patriotism is love for one's country, which is valid. But in practice, the current version of devotion to country, is defined as blind faith and obedience to government policies. We are continuously told that at no other time has the American public been so united. But the reality is, never have they been more wrong. Wrong to support a false and destructive policy to police the world, American style.
Since 1973, I have been a Criminal Investigator, Private Detective, Trial Assistant and Legal Assistant. To me, evidence is something I can put a courtroom evidence sticker on and have admitted in a court of law as evidence. Not rumors, not 3rd party stories, not articles from non-reputable publications. First person eyewitness, statements, Photographs, Videotapes, Audio recordings, reputable
open source articles, leaked or researched government documents, these are what I call evidence. I have acquired what I consider substantial evidence that the Russian and Chinese governments are planning to militarily occupy the U.S.A.
Meanwhile, the list of "terrorists" is expanding to include hackers (who could get life imprisonment without parole under the Justice Department's proposed Anti-Terrorism Act) and even MIT professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky. Chomsky-along with several left-wing and anarchist groups-was named as a suggested target in the War on Terrorism in a September 18 press release by the Jewish lobbying organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
Happy Hour on holy ground? Terror-based tourism? Dining out alongside a mass grave? That’s the new advertising campaign a coalition of business groups led by the Alliance for Downtown NY are hoping will lure millions of gawking tourists to the World Trade Center [WTC] disaster site.
Afghan City, Free of Taliban, Returns to Rule of the Thieves
When a 13-year-old boy opened a plastic rubbish bag washed ashore off the Texas coast last autumn and found the torso of Morris Black, he also prised open the grisly true-crime mystery that has gripped America for two decades: the one surrounding Manhattan's millionaire real estate heir, Robert Durst.,6903,628371,00.html
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive
Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to
issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr.
Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver
certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver
dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver
in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new
money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion
in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are
GATA consultant James Turk, editor of The Freemarket Gold & Money Report, has just discovered that U.S. government accounting reports show a gold liability of $20 billion. In Letter 297 of his report, appended here, Turk details how the U.S. government's surreptitious suppression of the gold price works.
Perle's foreign-policy freelancing first raised eyebrows on October 5, when he chided the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in The Daily Telegraph for a "failed" and "embarrassing" mission to Iran in which Straw sought to enlist Tehran's assistance in the war against terrorism. That evening, Perle proved that his beef with foreign secretaries isn't limited to the United Kingdom. Appearing (again, as "former assistant secretary of defense") on CNN's Crossfire, he attacked an insufficiently hawkish member of Bush's National Security Council, called Colin Powell's coalition building "foolish," and charged the State Department with bucking the president's policy by pushing Israel to make a deal with the Palestinian Authority. Leaning on Israel "was a change in policy," said Perle, "a very undesirable change in my view; and I don't believe it was the president's policy. I think it originated, it began, and it ended in the Department of State."
More often than not, too much is produced. When this happens the profits of the capitalist class are threatened. The result is that millions of tons of food are destroyed every year on purpose, to keep prices high in the shops. In addition, when no profits are to be made, workers are sacked or made redundant.
The Palestinian people are long suffering at the hands of the Jews. They are disarmed and conquered. Their homes and their homelands are being confiscated by the Jews and Americans so that Jews can tear down the Palestinian homes and put up homes for Jews with American tax dollars. Entire Palestinian villages have been bulldozed and replaced with Jew settlers. Desperate, the Palestinians face automatic rifle fire, tanks, and American helicopter gunships with only barehands and rocks.
Even as the political status of Gaza and the West Bank evolve, the uncertainties and harshness of land confiscations and military occupation remain key. Dealing with the very issues that caused the intifada and continue at the heart of the conflict, Gaza Ghetto shows the impact of decades of war on the family life of Abu el-Adel.
Former President Jimmy Carter describes how the deliberate placement of isolated Israeli communities as outposts in Palestinian lands leaves settlers open to attack without massive military protection, thus frustrating both Israelis who seek peace and any Palestinian government from realizing an integral sovereign nation.
A man who claims to have helped recruit more than 200 UK volunteers to fight for the Taleban says many will return home to launch terrorist
attacks that "strike at the heart" of the UK.
More than 100 civilians were killed in a small village, Qalaye Naizi, in
eastern Afghanistan by bombs dropped from US aircraft on Sunday. A
cameraman who visited the village after the bombing said he could see
huge craters blasted by bombs. Amid the destruction were scraps of
flesh, pools of blood and clumps of what appeared to be human hair.
We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased.
Environmental groups are suing Uncle Sam, hoping to force the federal government to use more vehicles that run on alternative fuels.
The United States is encouraging proxy wars on terrorism in the Philippines, Yemen and Somalia by quietly providing intelligence, training and artillery while the locals do most, if not all, of the fighting.
U.S. warplanes renewed strikes against suspected terrorist hide-outs in eastern Afghanistan, but leading U.S. senators said that the belief was increasing that al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden had fled across the border into Pakistan.
The foreign ministers of China, Russia and four Central Asian countries are holding talks in Beijing on the situation in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism.
As the world focuses on the new Interim Authority in Kabul and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, the human cost to Afghan civilians is going virtually unnoticed, Amnesty International delegates returned from a mission to Afghan refugees camps on the Afghan - Pakistani border, said today.
For all the focus on Afghanistan, the U.S.-led war on terrorism has quietly picked up pace worldwide, with increasing results even in problem areas ranging from Sudan in Africa and Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula to the Philippines in Southeast Asia, according to U.S. officials.
Four Port Authority police officers working at the wreckage of the World Trade Center have been reassigned after tests showed elevated levels of mercury in their blood, officials said on Saturday.
The FBI has extended its latest warning of possible terrorist threats until March 11, signaling a new strategy in the government's attempt to keep weary Americans on alert, officials said yesterday.
~keep up the spying on your neighbor! ~
$3.5B WTC Insurance Dispute Debated
Suspected Islamic militants arrested in Singapore and accused of links with al-Qaida were planning attacks on the U.S. Embassy and American business interests in the city-state, a government official said Monday. Home Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Ong-Chew Peck Wan said that ``the U.S. Embassy and U.S. commercial entities were the principal targets'' of 15 suspects who were arrested last month.
~hey...they're arab so it must be true~
Hong Kong Financial Secretary Antony Leung will head a special team to Beijing this month for talks on setting up a free trade agreement (FTA) with China, a government spokesman said here.
Some 235 North American animal species such as the Monarch butterfly and northern codfish are threatened by pollution, human encroachment on their natural habitats and aggressive harvesting practices, says an environmental agency set up under the continental free-trade pact.
As I write this from Jerusalem, I still have no idea how he's doing: the 13-year-old-boy from Qalandia who Israeli soldiers shot in the face. Nor do I even know his name. We kneeled, shoulder to shoulder behind a parked car, while windows exploded like water balloons all around us. We had nowhere to go, and the instant he looked through the passenger side window it happened. The blast and his blood splattering on the ground with shards of glass.
The U.S. Supreme Court says a corporation is a person, or at least must be treated like one when it comes to most constitutional protections. These protections include the right to speak and the right to act in the political arena--giving campaign contributions, lobbying, and advocating its agenda.
An extreme rightwing Web page lists progressive, radical and cultural groups in Montreal and Quebec City, calling them “enemies of our people and our race.” The list includes addresses, telephone numbers and, in some cases, specific names. There are also photos of individuals and buildings.
We live in a decisive moment in the history of our species. We have to make profound choices about how we will sustain ourselves into the next century. In most cases, the choices require that we take a close, intense, and introspective look at ourselves and our world. What kind of lives are we living? What sort of world are we fashioning? What legacies will we leave for those who come after? These questions are more than philosophical; indeed, tough and realistic answers to these questions could mean the difference between a healthy world, utter catastrophe, or a slow strangulation of the planet’s biosphere.
Turkey Noam Chomsky, the American linguist and political dissident, has attacked a court's decision to prosecute his Turkish publisher over a book that slams Turkey's human rights record.
The practice of boiling down euthanized dogs and cats for industrial fat and protein causes an uproar in St. Louis.
Men, women and children have been bombed and gunned to death by US forces in Afghanistan and on Saturday 15th of December men women and children from the four corners of Ireland gathered at Shannon airport to protest at the use of that facility as a stop over and refuelling point for US death squads.
A delegation of influential U.S. senators arrived at this former Soviet air base north of Kabul Monday for a meeting with Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai.;jsessionid=EJJK4C5XWODQUCRBAEKSFFAKEEARMIWD?type=topnews&StoryID=497390
A senior European Union official, picking up where a U.S. envoy left off, pursued talks with Israel and the Palestinians Monday in the latest international effort to build on a lull in violence.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Palestinian President Yasser Arafat a bitter enemy Sunday and accused him of ordering the purchase of a weapons cache that Israel seized on a captured ship.
~how dare they not stick to rocks...after all, only ISRAELIS are allowed to be fully armed in this genocide, lest it become a mere conflict~
Rabih Haddad is being held indefinitely without bond at the
Monroe County jail on charges of a technical violation of
his tourist visa, despite the fact that he has an
application pending for permanent resident status through
labor certification and employment sponsorship pursuant to
the Life Act of 2000.
A U.N. police officer has been arrested on suspicion he shot to death an ethnic Albanian woman, U.N. police said Sunday. They refused to discuss what the motive might have been.
The Pentagon is pushing for a substantial increase, in the range of $20 billion or more, for its 2003 budget, confident that the war on terrorism has strengthened Congressional and public support for rebuilding the armed services, senior military officials say.
Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute Professor Hans Moravec has expressed - like Charles Darwin - a dangerous idea that has the potential to radically alter the course of both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human evolution, fulfilling the age-old Faustian promise of reverse engineering divinity. Attempts to transcend the existentialist human condition date back to Egyptian and Grecian theocracies, but his speculations raise startling implications because they may be realisable through future technological innovations.
Senior American military contacts suggest the State of Israel launched a remote air attack on the USS Cole as she entered Aden Harbour in South Yemen. If the detailed information provided is accurate, this would be the second time Israel has attacked an American ship in international waters. The first was a cowardly but ruthless attack on the unarmed American signals intelligence (SIGINT) ship USS Liberty, by Israeli warplanes in 1967. Though the powerful Jewish lobby in Washington managed to suppress all details of the attack at mainstream media level, the cowardly attack is remembered by most members of the American military.
A few weeks ago I received an interesting email from Andrew Hepburn. He is a diligent researcher who has done yeoman's work for, an organization formed for one purpose - to find the truth about who is keeping a lid on the gold price. Andrew and I recently have been sharing information and research on a number of matters, and he brought to my attention an intriguing footnote in a 1997 report called the "Consolidated Financial Statements of the US Government."
The continued bombing puts interim prime minister Hamid Karzai in a
bind, having to balance obeisance to his Washington masters against the need to build a modicum of legitimacy with Afghanistan's people. A Jan. 2 New York Times headline said Karzai "Warily Backs US Bombing." He was quoted saying the US must finish off the "terrorists," but "we must also make sure our civilians do not suffer."
Following months of brutal military operations, thousands of casualties, delegitimization and insults, brainwashing and political and media manipulation that would have toppled many a regime, Arafat, besieged and humiliated, is still holding on, while Sharon and his cronies are the ones who have been pushed into a defensive position; evident in all its absurdity in their frightened rejection of President Moshe Katsav's hudna initiative.
US raid killed 25 children, says UN,,2001570024-2002003499,00.html
Putting together a number of recent stories, one has a clear sense that warlordism is returning to Afghanistan. We are seeing a return of the worst features of the pre-Taliban 1990: unrestricted banditry, looting of food supplies meant for civilians, widespread smuggling of all forms and above all extensive production of opium and heroin.
For almost forty years, the circumstances surrounding the death of President John F. Kennedy have been the subject of controversy. From time to time scholars, witnesses, and commentators have come forth offering some sort of sweeping explanation, as if to settle the controversy once and for all. Rather than offering a final analysis of the assassination, I will endeavor only to show how a particular perspective on the event may be the best starting point in understanding it.
Man, the State and Dope
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Indian leaders on Monday exchanged views on the war against terrorism - a priority for both nations as they fight militant groups accused of deadly attacks on their soil.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee signed a joint declaration here on Sunday, condemning all those who support and finance terrorism.
India and Pakistan exchanged fire along the Line of Control in Kashmir overnight Saturday, but no tangible losses were reported from anywhere in Azad Kashmir.
The federal government has signed an agreement with Nawab Akbar Bugti according to which he would ensure security of oil and gas exploration activities in Balochistan as well as protection to the existing oil and gas installations.
Muslim scholars and clerics from around the world are meeting in Saudi Arabia to work out a definition of terrorism to help ward off "a malicious smear campaign against Islam and Muslims" , a Saudi newspaper reported on Sunday.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Pakistan on Monday to press Pakistan's government to make an unequivocal condemnation of terrorism as a step toward defusing a dangerous showdown with India.
Presence of foreign militants in rural Kashmir and the fear psychosis of a war and suicide attacks have crippled life in the Valley. Following frequent militant attacks on security force pickets, patrolling has gone up a notch.
Prime Minister Tony Blair, on a diplomatic mission to India and Pakistan, is under growing pressure from critics who say the globetrotting premier should be devoting his energies to problems at home.
The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967, And the 32-Year Cover-up That Has Followed
It was a small incident but a telling one. The Italian journalist
Franco Levi was visiting Israel on a tour this week and was banned
from visiting a Foreign Ministry briefing with the rest of his tour
members. See, Levi has been translating writing coming from Israel,
including this author's, and has reached the conclusion that Peres
was the mastermind of the Rabin assassination. Someone didn't want
him asking embarrassing questions about the Foreign Minister.
Ralph Nader:
The Federal Reserve wields enormous power over the national
economy. Its decisions have a major impact on every citizen.
Jobs, shelter, and the quality of life are greatly affected by
what the Federal Reserve decides on monetary policy.
As new mayor Michael Bloomberg was sworn into office in New York on January 1, the city was facing its deepest social and economic crisis in more than a quarter of a century.
Monsanto - World's Most Unethical and Harmful Investment
The problem began in 1958, with the formation of the United Arab Republic by Egypt and Syria. To protect Israel, the CIA armed Iraq's Kurds and encouraged them to revolt and attack Syria, which was considered a Soviet pawn. In response, Colonel Abdul Karim el-Kassem overthrew Iraq's King Faisal and restored relations with the Soviets. The coup d'etat incited nationalists in Lebanon's Arab community and in May 1958, armed revolt erupted in Beirut. The U.S. Information Agency building was burned and sacked and the ARAMCO pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Tripoli was severed. To placate King Hussein, America began selling arms to Jordan and mounting covert operations against Iraq, including an MKULTRA operation in which the infamous CIA officer, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb sent, from India, a handkerchief laced with poison to Colonel Kassem.
Israeli Company Cydoor Plants Spyware in American Computers
Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. A town of 5,400 people that harbored the airport for one of the busiest drug smuggling in operations in the world. When a C-123K military cargo plane crashed in Nicaragua on October 5, 1986 with weapons and CIA employees on board, it was discovered that the plane and its contents came from the Mena airport.
Meeting in the fourth floor conference room of a quaint red brick office building in a quiet section of Alexandria, Virginia, a group of retired generals discussed military support for a U.S. ally. The topic of the day: how to train and equip a shadowy guerrilla group accused by the State Department of being a terrorist organization.
Asserting its right to a leading role in Central Asia, a
six-nation group led by China and Russia said Monday it wants
Afghanistan free of foreign influence.
Many if not most of Kissinger's partners in politics, from Greece to Chile to Argentina to Indonesia, are now in jail or awaiting trial. His own lonely impunity is rank; it smells to heaven. If it is allowed to persist then we shall shamefully vindicate the ancient philosopher Anacharsis, who maintained that laws were like cobwebs--strong enough to detain only the weak and too weak to hold the strong. In the name of innumerable victims known and unknown, it is time for justice to take a hand.
Some times small actions tell a larger story. On his last day in office while going from tribute to tribute to his compassionate greatness, Rudy Giuliani found the time to fire 3,500 former welfare mothers who were part of his workfare program.
United Airlines' mechanics filed suit Monday to block an
emergency panel established by President Bush that delayed the union
from striking last month.
It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing -- a somewhat unfamilar conception for the average mind.
Now, even Russia welcomes FBI which means that Russia is busy plotting the demise of dissidents. The Hanssen spy case here reflects the incompetence of the FBI, concerning foreign intelligence operations, but more importantly the case reflects the sinister plot yet unknown to the world to seize control of the former Soviet Block countries by a quiet coup in which Hanssen played the role of a pawn. The public ignorantly accepts the Hanssen conviction . In fact I suspect that Hanssen is innocent, but was targeted to make the Russian people (and the world) believe that the U.S. is still at odds with Russia. Hanssen was blackmailed into a confession after he was drugged and terrified by threats that his wife and children would be on the streets and penniless. Today, Hanssen's family are receiving full government benefits earned by Hanssen; that was the deal he struck with the FBI when he pleaded guilty to absurd charges.
A jailed Seminole County man who had served time in a British prison with three suspected associates of Osama bin Laden claims the FBI ignored his warnings in August that terrorist attacks on New York City would occur "very soon."
A Phoenix Program for Afghanistan?
~as i have said before, the same folks that trained gritz's boys trained the mujahideen...the connections between gritz and the phoenix program are strong...poppies are grown in gritz's area [idaho] and the mujahideen area [afghanistan]~
According to fresh reports received from Kandahar, three US soldiers on a routine survey mission in the Kabul Shopping Center of Kandahar, have disappeared. According to reliable sources, these Marines disappeared two days ago and US Forces have searched every street of Kandahar but they have failed to recover their companions. As this news goes to press, there is no news on their whereabouts.
The true goal is to further traumatize and brutalize the American people. This has in fact been a primary goal of the state for quite some time, dating back at least to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
The strategy is now (as it was then) to inflict blunt force trauma on all of American society, and by doing so to destroy any remaining sense of community and instill in the people deep feelings of fear and distrust, of hopelessness and despair, of isolation and powerlessness. And the results have been, it should be stated, rather spectacular.
The Saudi government as well as Western diplomatic sources have confirmed reports of massive riots by fundamentalists who attacked foreigners and Saudi families.
If true, this document reveals a law that would have revolutionized banking forever. It would have lessened the chains of corporate slavery, and made life a little easier for everyone.
Too good to be true, or a hint at why 911 HAD to take place? I don't have any answers, but this sure makes me ask a lot of questions!
A handful of North Texas peace advocates have united to raise money for the Iraq Water Project.
The fear of tainted mail has set off a wave of innovations by companies trying to fill a niche created by the fight to stamp out bioterrorism.
Bush's Carlyle Management Group/Anthrax/Bin Laden connection
The pilot of a light plane that crashed Friday night on Sonoma Mountain was the subject of a criminal investigation, authorities said Saturday.
When nation-states engage in covert actions, such as assassinations, bombings and CBW attacks, do they use free-lance terrorists groups to camouflage their participation? If so, are there instructive examples of disguised state-sponsored terrorism?
Before fuel cells take on the internal-combustion engine, they’ll offer clean electricity to offices and homes.
On the streets of Buenos Aires, the relics of unraveled lives are stacked high on tables in trading markets, where the unemployed go to barter their memories for food. What remains is anger, and questioning of the capitalist policies of past administrations.
It is time for Americans to think what has been done to our country, its people and government--in the name of oil, war and drug profiteering. Then we must also think what the same forces have done to other countries, nations, governments, and peoples of the world in the name of the same.
Argentina collapsed last week and nobody seemed to give a damn. Twenty-seven people were killed in economic riots in the streets of Buenos Aires, triggered by 20 percent unemployment and the frustration and hunger that represents. Is this a glimpse of what may happen to the United States in years to come?
Over the past several days I have received many emails congratulating me on my "exclusive" articles reporting the suspicious death of Anna Marie Cavazos Magers. Many of these emails have come from residents in Marin and Sonoma counties. I would like to take full credit for my "scoop" but I cannot do that. To be totally fair, I have to give credit where credit is due. There have been several walls of silence erected to totally insulate Leo Magers from the consequences of his many violent acts.,12,01.htm
Michael Riconosciuto on Encryption
Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying
The two men headed to the Hilton Hotel in Sherman Oaks, California in the late Spring of 1986 were on their way to meet representatives of the mujahadeen, the Afghan fighters resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
One of the two, Ted Gunderson, had had a distinguished career in the FBI, serving as some sort of supervisor over Special Agents in the early 60s, as head of the Dallas field office from 1973-75, and as head of the Los Angeles field office from 1977-1979. He retired to become an investigator for, among others, well-known attorney F. Lee Bailey. And all along the way, Gunderson, whether or not actually a CIA contract agent, had been around to provide services to various CIA and National Security Council operations, as he was doing now.
In more recent years Gunderson was to become controversial for his investigations into child prostitution rings, after he became convinced of the innocence of an Army medical doctor named Jeffrey McDonald, who had been convicted of the murder of his wife and three young children in the 1970s. This has led to various attempts by the patrons and operators of the child prostitution industry to smear Gunderson's reputation.
Michael Riconosciuto was there to discuss assisting the mujahadeen with MANPADs—Man Portable Air Defense Systems. Stinger missiles were one possibility. If the U.S. would permit their export, Riconosciuto could modify the Stinger's electronics, so the guided missile would still be effective against Soviet aircraft, but would not be a threat to U.S. or NATO forces.
But Riconosciuto had another idea. Through his connections with the Chinese industrial and military group Norinco, he could obtain the basic components for the unassembled Chinese 107 MM rocket system. These could be reconfigured into a man-portable, shoulder-fired, anti-aircraft guided missile sytem, and produced in Pakistan at a facility called the Pakistan Ordinance Works. The mujahadeen would then have a lethal weapon against Soviet helicopter, observation, and transport aircraft.
Riconosciuto was more than just an expert on missile electronics; he was also an expert on electronic computers and associated subjects such as cryptology (see my "Michael Riconosciuto on Encryption").
Riconosciuto was a prodigy who had grown up in the spook community. The Riconosciuto family had once run Hercules, California, as a company town. In the early days (1861) a company called California Powder Works had been established in Santa Cruz, CA. It later purchased land on San Pablo Bay, and in 1881 started producing dynamite, locating buildings in gullies and ravines for safety purposes. A particularly potent type of black powder was named "Hercules Powder", which gave the name to the town of Hercules, formally incorporated in 1900. In World War I, Hercules became the largest producer of TNT in the U.S. Hercules, however, had gotten out of the explosives business by 1940 when an anhydrous ammonia plant was constructed. In 1959 Hercules began a new manufacturing facility to produce methanol, formaldehyde, and urea formaldehyde. In 1966 the plant was sold to Valley Nitrogen Producers. Labor problems led to a plant closure in 1977. In 1979 the plant and site was purchased by a group of investors calling themselves Hercules Properties, Ltd.
However, Michael and his father Marshall Riconosciuto, a friend of Richard Nixon, continued to run the Hercules Research Corporation. In the early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of Coral Gables, Florida, and the Cabazon Band of Indians in Indio, California. Riconosciuto's talents were much in demand. He had created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro-Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I've spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA."
Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily minaturized. You could have a suitcase a-neutronic bomb, or a briefcase a-neutronic bomb, or simply a lady's purse a-neutronic bomb. Or just pull out your wallet for identification and —. The Meridian Arms Corporation, as well as the Universities of California and Chicago owned a piece of the technology.
But there was more than explosives in the portfolios of the CIA agents who surrounded Riconosciuto like moths around a candle. Both Robert Booth Nichols, the shady head of Meridian Arms Corporation (with both CIA and organized crime conections), and Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the manager of the Cabazon reservation, were involved in bio-warfare work—the first in trying to sell bio-warfare products to the army through Wackenhut, the second in giving tribal permission for research to take place at Cabazon. According to Riconosciuto, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was in charge of the classified contracts for biological warfare research. Riconosciuto would later testify under oath that Stormont Laboratories was involved in the DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon project. Jonathan Littman, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle would relate: "Cabazons and Wackenhut appeared to be acting as middlemen between the Pentagon's DARPA and Stormont Laboratories, a small facility in Woodland near Sacramento."
Whether a threat comes from pilot error or enemy aggression, scientists are finding that multisensor mapping and analysis of the brain lead to systems with human-machine interfaces that can correct human error, aid counterintelligence work and guard against attacks.
It isn't gold, but a nine-inch-tall ivory statuette of a man and a lion may have once been part of the throne of King Midas, according to a new analysis.
US think-tanks have been simulating a new India-Pakistan conflict for years. In almost nine out of ten cases, the outcome is nuclear.
State law enforcement agencies will soon be called upon to take over some of the criminal investigations traditionally done by the FBI as that agency undergoes the most fundamental reorganization in its history to focus on counterterrorism, federal officials in Utah say.
Freelance writer and book author Vanessa Leggett was released from federal custody in Houston on Jan. 4, after serving 168 days in jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury and turn over her research materials.
The Southwest's mightiest river once roared past this desert village, but no longer. By the time the Colorado makes it this far south, the river is literally tapped out -- drained by cities, farms and dams until no fresh water is left. And the consequences for this thirsty region are huge.
Federal nuclear regulators are withholding two important public reports on a proposed nuclear-waste facility in Tooele County in order to black out portions they believe might be of use to terrorists.
Three years after then 17-year-old Londonderry High School student Joseph Heirtzler was charged with drug possession and distribution after being questioned and searched by school officials, the New Hampshire Supreme Court gave Heirtzler and legions of New Hampshire students to come a constitutional Christmas present. On December 24, the court ruled that his interrogation and search was unconstitutional because school officials were acting as agents of the police, but failed to afford Heirtzler the constitutional protections (e.g. a Miranda warning) police must grant criminal suspects.
Bloody evidence of US blunder,1284,628666,00.html
Over three decades ago on December 21, 1971, Richard Nixon approved the first major cover-up of his administration. He did so reluctantly at the behest of his closest political advisers, Attorney General John Mitchell, Domestic Counselor John Ehrlichman, and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman. The public remains ignorant of this seminal event in Nixon's first term and journalists and historians have largely ignored it. The question is why? A recently released Nixon tape transcribed from an enhanced CD produced by the Nixon Era Center provides the clearest answer to this thirty-year-old Nixon secret.
Could the anthrax scare have been intended as a diversion? Could bio-terror have been unleashed on the American people to divert their attention from seeking a coherent explanation for the holes, discrepancies, and unanswered questions that the FBI shows absolutely no interest in clearing up?
Firefighters slam WTC "investigation" (3 articles)
New Yorkers who believe they saw American Airlines Flight 587 explode in flames before its tail sheared off have accused crash investigators of ignoring their eyewitness accounts and prematurely ruling out a terrorist attack.
Through a complex combination of coercion and ideological control, a tiny minority are able to live off the backs of the immense useful majority in society. From their ownership of the means of production (factories, offices, transport systems, etc.) they are able to gain political and legislative control, not to mention their power over education and the mass media. This tiny minority are the capitalist class — the ruling élite in society.
The Australian Defence Force today assumed command of international ships enforcing sanctions on Iraq in the north Arabian Gulf.
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein lashed out at Israel on
Monday, saying its seizure of an arms ship was "criminal piracy" in
breach of international laws, the official Iraqi News Agency reported.
Eighteen people have been killed in separate incidents of violence in Kashmir, the UNI reported on Monday. Five Pakistani soldiers were killed in an exchange of fire between troops on the Line of Control in Poonch on Monday, the UNI reported.
Our man in Kabul ("Abdul," not Geraldo) reports the latest news from Afghanistan. The US troops are still trying to integrate with the Afghani peasantry, and even though the CNN-Department of Defense has reported that only one twelve hundred pound crate of food has landed on a hut, killing the people inside, it's not true. There have, in fact, been many incidents like this.
A California bill to place MDMA (Ecstasy) in Schedule I and to impose 90-day mandatory minimum for using or being under the influence of MDMA.
"I fail to understand how the repression of the Palestinian
resistance to Israel by means of state terror--more cruel and of wider scale even than the counter terror which it provokes--serves the society that I am part of. How does the activity of the state, implemented through the army, benefit me and those I care for? The 'sterile' Jewish space created by the State of Israel is a ghetto for its Jewish residents as well. It prevents them from integrating into the Middle East. Nobody is safe in this space--neither Jews nor Arabs."
A delegation of U.S. senators on Sunday thanked Uzbekistan's president for his support in the U.S.-led war against terrorists, and said economic and political contacts would likely increase between the two nations.
The former Soviet republic of Turkmenistan has refused a German request to base warplanes on its soil to help the international
military campaign in neighbouring Afghanistan, an official newspaper
said on Tuesday.
Stalinist North Korea said Tuesday it could become the next
target of the US-led war against terrorism but warned that Washington risked its own "destruction" instead.
.....a proven master in the art of the cover-up has been placed by President George W. Bush in the position of greatest responsibility for solving the 9-11 crime. The new head of the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice is the New Jersey lawyer, Michael Chertoff. Chertoff was minority counsel in the first Senate
investigation related to the death of Vincent Foster and majority special counsel in the second such Senate investigation.
This analysis piece, written for the Washington Peace Letter, does not reflect my deeper analysis of events, but it does reflect my ideas about what must be our response to them, and their broader context. If now now, when? If not us, who? This is, I think, democracy's last and best chance. Time to change or enter the nightmare forever. We are not alone, either. People all over the country are responding to these events with questions and calls for a reasoned response.
Twelve years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former
communists of East Germany are returning to power in the capital -- as the local coalition partner of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD).
You may be willing to believe there is one or more conspiracy and you may have done some research. How does the conspiracy remain hidden and what does it do with the vast sums of money it has? Are there real world examples of secret activities – and does there exist professionals and structures and systems to enable any conspiracy? One only needs to look at the global financial system and especially Offshore Banking/Financial Havens. There are billions in unreported, untraced, and unaccounted for funds, admitted by the authorities. Following the money is key to unraveling conspiracy activity whether it is actors such as Organized Crime or if it is something else, like governments, intelligence agencies, rebels or drug dealers.
AngloGold [JSE:ANG] chief executive Bobby Godsell launched a no-holds barred attack on a rival bid for Australia's Normandy Mining today, in the run-up to the scheduled close of its own offer for the company, which closes on Friday. He said the narrow (5c) gap between its own offer and a competing bid by North American gold producer Newmont Mining was "no basis for making a long-term investment decision."
To the extent the tape is an accurate translation, it is certainly a disgusting display of ethical depravity. But really now, did we need grainy VHS footage to demonstrate that Osama bin Laden was a thug? Or was its dissemination primarily for the purpose of re-inflaming the American public?
China's Role in WTC Attack on America?
The American government suspends the funding of the Iraqi opposition, the Washington Post reported. The funding has been suspended because the opposition failed to properly explain, where was the money, assigned for the struggle against Hussein’s regime. It was very good money, by the way.
When a corrupt government is in power, those who typically feel loyal to their nation face a dilemma – is it more patriotic to stand by their government do or die, or is there a higher form of loyalty to something more fundamental to the nation than the state. It was a question debated by Adolf Hitler (taking the part of the government) and Otto Strasser (taking the part of the ideal) before Strasser’s highly publicized break with the Nazi Party in 1933. According to Strasser’s account of the conversation, from his 1940 book Hitler and I: [Strasser] said, “… The Idea is divine in origin, while men are only its vehicles, the body in which the Word is made flesh. The Leader is made to serve the Idea, and it is to the Idea alone that we owe absolute allegiance. The Leader is human, and it is human to err.”
The following passage is taken from a treatise written in the early 12th century by the Cistercian abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, on behalf of the fledgling Knights Templar. It might be viewed as a combination of exhortation to the Knights, and advertisement to the population in general. Officially it is an answer to a letter written to Bernard by his friend Hugh de Payens, one of the founders of the Templars.
President Bush more than doubled the limit on the speed of supercomputers that US companies can sell to such countries as China, Pakistan and India, a move some critics said endangers US security. Under the new guidelines, US producers of supercomputers can export hardware capable of running at 190,000 millions of theoretical operations per second without notifying the federal government. The current cap is 85,000 MTOPS.
Contrary to media projections, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf did not have double standards in dealing with terrorism to the west and east of his country.
Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres ended his visit to India by solidly supporting India in its war against terror. Drawing constant parallels between the concerns of India and Israel, Peres said Israel would continue to support India.
A three-member suicide squad of militants on Tuesday made an abortive bid to storm the Army's Brigade Headquarters at Kupwara in north Kashmir triggering an exchange of fire that left two ultras and an army personnel killed, a defence spokesman said.
Evidently unhappy with Islamabad’s dissembling and hairsplitting over the issue and its insistence on describing the violence in Kashmir as a freedom struggle, President Bush has once again asked military ruler Pervez Musharraf "to make a clear statement to the world that he intends to crack down on terror."
President Bush dropped one of his trademark clangers on Monday, referring to Pakistanis as "Pakis", a term that is considered an ethnic slur, especially in Britain.
The print version of Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? stars MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor—a newspaper dream date with a big mouth, endless ambitions, and wired gazillions. The Washington Post, for one, hasn't played coy: Oh yes, Michael, tell us about your fabulous Oscar party and your 50-acre front yard. Bring on those aphorisms about how the miracle of "data mining" will set us free while collecting our most private information. And while you're at it, explain how the velocity of digital business outstrips the capacities of common accounting principles.
INDIA boasted yesterday that it would survive a first strike by a Pakistani atomic weapon, but that its neighbor would be wiped out in a swift nuclear counter-attack.
Bush's buddies at Enron plead ignorance but not poverty after mysterious collapse
It is sad to reflect on how the people of Pakistan are being taken advantage of; millions of Americans number Pakistani immigrants to this country among their friends and acquaintances. But by any definition of "terrorism," one of its most consistent sponsors in our time is Pakistan.
WTC Tower Collapse Investigators Blow Whistle on Constrained Non-Investigation
The Jewish and Zionist lobbies in the United States have succeeded basically because they served the interest of the American ruling elite. I don't believe that those lobbies could have succeeded if support of Israel conflicted with American interests. It is important here to remember that the holocaust industry burst out after the June War of 1967 when Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States. Before June 1967 there was hardly any mention of the holocaust in American Jewish life, not to mention American life in general. As soon as Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States the holocaust established that it was an excellent weapon for silencing criticism directed at Israel. Later, American Jews used the holocaust to silence any criticism directed against them, and they became more conservative in the political sense.
President George W. Bush said US federal budget deficits may be the
price to pay to battle global terrorism, ensure homeland security and pull the US economy out of recession.
China backs the euro at dollar's expense

About 1,500 U.S. military personnel are bound for the U.S. Navy base in Cuba to build and then guard a prison that will hold hundreds of al-Qaida and Taliban detainees ``in maximum security,'' a Pentagon spokesman said Sunday.

It may not yet quite be the "cancer on the presidency" of which John Dean warned Richard Nixon in the early days of Watergate. But the collapse of the energy conglomerate Enron is suddenly shaping up as big, big trouble for George Bush.

Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorism

This year was different alright. What do you say to friends who have been laid off? Is it possible to have faith in a system that provides billions in corporate welfare for companies like Enron and IBM, even as they turn thousands of workers out on the streets? How do you get that patriotic feeling when your president was appointed in a rigged election, and the new mayor of embattled New York, media mogul Michael Bloomberg, basically bought the office at $92.60 per vote? When your government carpet bombs a far-off country yet misses the point entirely?

With overwhelming statistical evidence and interesting and witty examples, Affluenza explains our conditioning by the advertising industry and corporate America to want more and more material possessions that we do not need and will not make us happy. I had spoken recently at a couple of Unitarian-Universalist Churches in South Carolina about "The United States' Civic Religion of Mammon Worship" and concluded that our unrestrained acquisitiveness was ecologically and spiritually unsustainable. So De Graaf's message resonated with me when he defined "affluenza" as "n. a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more." Affluenza takes a clinical approach to our all-consuming social disease and is cleverly divided into three parts-Symptoms, Causes and Treatment.

HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. US military documents seem to suggest, however, that HAARP's main objective is to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." Without explicitly referring to the HAARP program, a US Air Force study points to the use of "induced ionospheric modifications" as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar.

Karl Marx, whose works were variously distorted by so many of those who claimed to be his supporters and ridiculed by his opponents, may indeed have the last laugh. Though only human and therefore fallible, Marx's analysis of society has in many respects been proven remarkably accurate save for one thing — admittedly the most important — his prediction of socialism.

Is a drunk, rowdy passenger on an airplane a terrorist? Is a man who pushes a judge? They are according to annual reports from the Department of Justice. An investigation by the Miami Herald found that the department routinely overstates the number of terrorist arrests and convictions it makes every year. It does so, apparently, to cook the numbers for Congress, as a way to justify its annual $22-billion budget of which counterterrorism is a part.

Ralph Nader's latest newspaper column, appended here, describes the conference he has called for Monday in Washington about the work of the Federal Reserve. GATA Chairman Bill Murphy will attend and
call attention to the Fed's role in surreptitiously suppressing the gold price.

"Old Charlie had a lousy life, but one thing you can say about him, he always had a smile on his face." What was Charlie, some kind of a
desensitised imbecile who was scared of expressing the misery of the
social reality which was crushing him? Why put up in silence with a bad lot?

The following is meant to act as an information sheet for the ABC and other initiatives connected with state repression, prioners, etc. The level of repression against anarchists and other revolutionaries is growing all around the world. It can be seen everywhere, especially at anti-globalization protests. As we get further absorbed into EU structures. we can expect more repression. It is important therefore that we better organize mutual aid networks so that nobody who is repressed is left to
stand alone and so that our movement can withstand the impending storm.

US workers are also victims of US capitalism. Bill Gates personally has more wealth than the bottom 45% of US households. In 1999, top executives earned 419 times the wage of a blue-collar worker, up from a difference of 42 to 1 in 1980. This is directly due to the vicious implementation (and often racist) of neo-liberal / privatisation policies within the US itself.

We turn now to a story about one of the most powerful companies you've never heard of. The company is called The Carlyle Group and in the wake of the events of September 11th, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. It has also brought together the current Secretary of State Colin Powell, former President George Bush, and a man named Bakr Bin Laden-Osama bin Laden's half brother.

For 32 years, the fattest of world fat cats have repaired to snowy Davos, Switzerland, to meld minds with world leaders, think big thoughts about the state of the global economy and soak in the occasional apres-ski hot tub. Next month, however, the glitzy passel of CEOs and politicos will descend instead on Manhattan, filling plush suites at the Waldorf-Astoria, partying on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and stacking limos three lanes deep down Park Avenue.

Israeli Settlers Increase Attacks on Palestinian Farmlands

"Pakistan is an ally to the US. Good luck to the US," Singh said.

Taliban leader Mulla Mohammad Omar gave US-led forces the slip once more on Saturday, Afghan intelligence said, roaring off on a motorbike just before the force protecting him agreed to lay down its arms.

Indian security forces have killed 13 militants in 24 hours in separate gunbattles across the disputed region of Kashmir, police said on Saturday.

Following is the text of the declaration issued at the end of the 11th Saarc summit in the Nepalese capital.

India emerged smiling Sunday from a two-day South Asian summit in Nepal, having for once held its own in a public exchange with its traditionally more media-savvy rival, Pakistan.

An unmanned Pakistani spy plane was on Sunday shot down after it intruded into Indian air space in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir, defence sources here said.

In the long and "shaky" history of famous handshakes, General Pervez Musharraf’s clasping of Prime Minister Vajpayee's palm looks destined to be a mere footnote in the chronicle of tensions between the countries they lead.

Quake rocks El Salvador

Canada will send up to 900 troops to Afghanistan in the next few weeks to assist in peacekeeping and other duties outside Kabul, defence officials said.

Fulton County prosecutors are asking that Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin be held in contempt of court for writing a seven-page letter proclaiming his innocence.

Under pressure from the Senators to come up with something convincing, Myers twice changed his testimony, putting forward three entirely different versions of what happened September 11th. Myers' last 'reality' was pretty close to what Dan Rather reported at 6 PM the next day. In between, Myers and the Senators went into a closed (i.e., secret) session.

While the Condit/Levy story ran rampant in the national press for weeks on end, the Scarborough/Klausutis story got barely nine lines in the Associated Press and only one line in The Washington Post.

How Deregulation and Enron's Influence Over Government Looted Billions from Americans

Now before you lynch the messenger, consider the nature of National Loyalty. We are told that Patriotism is love for one's country, which is valid. But in practice, the current version of devotion to country, is defined as blind faith and obedience to government policies. We are continuously told that at no other time has the American public been so united. But the reality is, never have they been more wrong. Wrong to support a false and destructive policy to police the world, American style.

Since 1973, I have been a Criminal Investigator, Private Detective, Trial Assistant and Legal Assistant. To me, evidence is something I can put a courtroom evidence sticker on and have admitted in a court of law as evidence. Not rumors, not 3rd party stories, not articles from non-reputable publications. First person eyewitness, statements, Photographs, Videotapes, Audio recordings, reputable
open source articles, leaked or researched government documents, these are what I call evidence. I have acquired what I consider substantial evidence that the Russian and Chinese governments are planning to militarily occupy the U.S.A.

Meanwhile, the list of "terrorists" is expanding to include hackers (who could get life imprisonment without parole under the Justice Department's proposed Anti-Terrorism Act) and even MIT professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky. Chomsky-along with several left-wing and anarchist groups-was named as a suggested target in the War on Terrorism in a September 18 press release by the Jewish lobbying organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Happy Hour on holy ground? Terror-based tourism? Dining out alongside a mass grave? That’s the new advertising campaign a coalition of business groups led by the Alliance for Downtown NY are hoping will lure millions of gawking tourists to the World Trade Center [WTC] disaster site.

Afghan City, Free of Taliban, Returns to Rule of the Thieves

When a 13-year-old boy opened a plastic rubbish bag washed ashore off the Texas coast last autumn and found the torso of Morris Black, he also prised open the grisly true-crime mystery that has gripped America for two decades: the one surrounding Manhattan's millionaire real estate heir, Robert Durst.

On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive
Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to
issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr.
Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver
certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver
dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver
in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new
money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion
in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are

GATA consultant James Turk, editor of The Freemarket Gold & Money Report, has just discovered that U.S. government accounting reports show a gold liability of $20 billion. In Letter 297 of his report, appended here, Turk details how the U.S. government's surreptitious suppression of the gold price works.

Perle's foreign-policy freelancing first raised eyebrows on October 5, when he chided the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in The Daily Telegraph for a "failed" and "embarrassing" mission to Iran in which Straw sought to enlist Tehran's assistance in the war against terrorism. That evening, Perle proved that his beef with foreign secretaries isn't limited to the United Kingdom. Appearing (again, as "former assistant secretary of defense") on CNN's Crossfire, he attacked an insufficiently hawkish member of Bush's National Security Council, called Colin Powell's coalition building "foolish," and charged the State Department with bucking the president's policy by pushing Israel to make a deal with the Palestinian Authority. Leaning on Israel "was a change in policy," said Perle, "a very undesirable change in my view; and I don't believe it was the president's policy. I think it originated, it began, and it ended in the Department of State."

More often than not, too much is produced. When this happens the profits of the capitalist class are threatened. The result is that millions of tons of food are destroyed every year on purpose, to keep prices high in the shops. In addition, when no profits are to be made, workers are sacked or made redundant.

The Palestinian people are long suffering at the hands of the Jews. They are disarmed and conquered. Their homes and their homelands are being confiscated by the Jews and Americans so that Jews can tear down the Palestinian homes and put up homes for Jews with American tax dollars. Entire Palestinian villages have been bulldozed and replaced with Jew settlers. Desperate, the Palestinians face automatic rifle fire, tanks, and American helicopter gunships with only barehands and rocks.

Even as the political status of Gaza and the West Bank evolve, the uncertainties and harshness of land confiscations and military occupation remain key. Dealing with the very issues that caused the intifada and continue at the heart of the conflict, Gaza Ghetto shows the impact of decades of war on the family life of Abu el-Adel.

Former President Jimmy Carter describes how the deliberate placement of isolated Israeli communities as outposts in Palestinian lands leaves settlers open to attack without massive military protection, thus frustrating both Israelis who seek peace and any Palestinian government from realizing an integral sovereign nation.

A man who claims to have helped recruit more than 200 UK volunteers to fight for the Taleban says many will return home to launch terrorist
attacks that "strike at the heart" of the UK.

More than 100 civilians were killed in a small village, Qalaye Naizi, in
eastern Afghanistan by bombs dropped from US aircraft on Sunday. A
cameraman who visited the village after the bombing said he could see
huge craters blasted by bombs. Amid the destruction were scraps of
flesh, pools of blood and clumps of what appeared to be human hair.

We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased.

Environmental groups are suing Uncle Sam, hoping to force the federal government to use more vehicles that run on alternative fuels.

The United States is encouraging proxy wars on terrorism in the Philippines, Yemen and Somalia by quietly providing intelligence, training and artillery while the locals do most, if not all, of the fighting.

U.S. warplanes renewed strikes against suspected terrorist hide-outs in eastern Afghanistan, but leading U.S. senators said that the belief was increasing that al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden had fled across the border into Pakistan.

The foreign ministers of China, Russia and four Central Asian countries are holding talks in Beijing on the situation in Afghanistan and the war on terrorism.

As the world focuses on the new Interim Authority in Kabul and the hunt for Osama bin Laden, the human cost to Afghan civilians is going virtually unnoticed, Amnesty International delegates returned from a mission to Afghan refugees camps on the Afghan - Pakistani border, said today.

For all the focus on Afghanistan, the U.S.-led war on terrorism has quietly picked up pace worldwide, with increasing results even in problem areas ranging from Sudan in Africa and Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula to the Philippines in Southeast Asia, according to U.S. officials.

Four Port Authority police officers working at the wreckage of the World Trade Center have been reassigned after tests showed elevated levels of mercury in their blood, officials said on Saturday.

The FBI has extended its latest warning of possible terrorist threats until March 11, signaling a new strategy in the government's attempt to keep weary Americans on alert, officials said yesterday.

~keep up the spying on your neighbor! ~
$3.5B WTC Insurance Dispute Debated

Suspected Islamic militants arrested in Singapore and accused of links with al-Qaida were planning attacks on the U.S. Embassy and American business interests in the city-state, a government official said Monday. Home Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Ong-Chew Peck Wan said that ``the U.S. Embassy and U.S. commercial entities were the principal targets'' of 15 suspects who were arrested last month.

~hey...they're arab so it must be true~
Hong Kong Financial Secretary Antony Leung will head a special team to Beijing this month for talks on setting up a free trade agreement (FTA) with China, a government spokesman said here.

Some 235 North American animal species such as the Monarch butterfly and northern codfish are threatened by pollution, human encroachment on their natural habitats and aggressive harvesting practices, says an environmental agency set up under the continental free-trade pact.

As I write this from Jerusalem, I still have no idea how he's doing: the 13-year-old-boy from Qalandia who Israeli soldiers shot in the face. Nor do I even know his name. We kneeled, shoulder to shoulder behind a parked car, while windows exploded like water balloons all around us. We had nowhere to go, and the instant he looked through the passenger side window it happened. The blast and his blood splattering on the ground with shards of glass.

The U.S. Supreme Court says a corporation is a person, or at least must be treated like one when it comes to most constitutional protections. These protections include the right to speak and the right to act in the political arena--giving campaign contributions, lobbying, and advocating its agenda.

An extreme rightwing Web page lists progressive, radical and cultural groups in Montreal and Quebec City, calling them “enemies of our people and our race.” The list includes addresses, telephone numbers and, in some cases, specific names. There are also photos of individuals and buildings.

We live in a decisive moment in the history of our species. We have to make profound choices about how we will sustain ourselves into the next century. In most cases, the choices require that we take a close, intense, and introspective look at ourselves and our world. What kind of lives are we living? What sort of world are we fashioning? What legacies will we leave for those who come after? These questions are more than philosophical; indeed, tough and realistic answers to these questions could mean the difference between a healthy world, utter catastrophe, or a slow strangulation of the planet’s biosphere.

Turkey Noam Chomsky, the American linguist and political dissident, has attacked a court's decision to prosecute his Turkish publisher over a book that slams Turkey's human rights record.

The practice of boiling down euthanized dogs and cats for industrial fat and protein causes an uproar in St. Louis.

Men, women and children have been bombed and gunned to death by US forces in Afghanistan and on Saturday 15th of December men women and children from the four corners of Ireland gathered at Shannon airport to protest at the use of that facility as a stop over and refuelling point for US death squads.

A delegation of influential U.S. senators arrived at this former Soviet air base north of Kabul Monday for a meeting with Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai.

A senior European Union official, picking up where a U.S. envoy left off, pursued talks with Israel and the Palestinians Monday in the latest international effort to build on a lull in violence.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Palestinian President Yasser Arafat a bitter enemy Sunday and accused him of ordering the purchase of a weapons cache that Israel seized on a captured ship.

~how dare they not stick to rocks...after all, only ISRAELIS are allowed to be fully armed in this genocide, lest it become a mere conflict~
Rabih Haddad is being held indefinitely without bond at the
Monroe County jail on charges of a technical violation of
his tourist visa, despite the fact that he has an
application pending for permanent resident status through
labor certification and employment sponsorship pursuant to
the Life Act of 2000.

A U.N. police officer has been arrested on suspicion he shot to death an ethnic Albanian woman, U.N. police said Sunday. They refused to discuss what the motive might have been.

The Pentagon is pushing for a substantial increase, in the range of $20 billion or more, for its 2003 budget, confident that the war on terrorism has strengthened Congressional and public support for rebuilding the armed services, senior military officials say.

Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute Professor Hans Moravec has expressed - like Charles Darwin - a dangerous idea that has the potential to radically alter the course of both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human evolution, fulfilling the age-old Faustian promise of reverse engineering divinity. Attempts to transcend the existentialist human condition date back to Egyptian and Grecian theocracies, but his speculations raise startling implications because they may be realisable through future technological innovations.

Senior American military contacts suggest the State of Israel launched a remote air attack on the USS Cole as she entered Aden Harbour in South Yemen. If the detailed information provided is accurate, this would be the second time Israel has attacked an American ship in international waters. The first was a cowardly but ruthless attack on the unarmed American signals intelligence (SIGINT) ship USS Liberty, by Israeli warplanes in 1967. Though the powerful Jewish lobby in Washington managed to suppress all details of the attack at mainstream media level, the cowardly attack is remembered by most members of the American military.

A few weeks ago I received an interesting email from Andrew Hepburn. He is a diligent researcher who has done yeoman's work for, an organization formed for one purpose - to find the truth about who is keeping a lid on the gold price. Andrew and I recently have been sharing information and research on a number of matters, and he brought to my attention an intriguing footnote in a 1997 report called the "Consolidated Financial Statements of the US Government."

The continued bombing puts interim prime minister Hamid Karzai in a
bind, having to balance obeisance to his Washington masters against the need to build a modicum of legitimacy with Afghanistan's people. A Jan. 2 New York Times headline said Karzai "Warily Backs US Bombing." He was quoted saying the US must finish off the "terrorists," but "we must also make sure our civilians do not suffer."

Following months of brutal military operations, thousands of casualties, delegitimization and insults, brainwashing and political and media manipulation that would have toppled many a regime, Arafat, besieged and humiliated, is still holding on, while Sharon and his cronies are the ones who have been pushed into a defensive position; evident in all its absurdity in their frightened rejection of President Moshe Katsav's hudna initiative.

US raid killed 25 children, says UN

Putting together a number of recent stories, one has a clear sense that warlordism is returning to Afghanistan. We are seeing a return of the worst features of the pre-Taliban 1990: unrestricted banditry, looting of food supplies meant for civilians, widespread smuggling of all forms and above all extensive production of opium and heroin.

For almost forty years, the circumstances surrounding the death of President John F. Kennedy have been the subject of controversy. From time to time scholars, witnesses, and commentators have come forth offering some sort of sweeping explanation, as if to settle the controversy once and for all. Rather than offering a final analysis of the assassination, I will endeavor only to show how a particular perspective on the event may be the best starting point in understanding it.

Man, the State and Dope

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Indian leaders on Monday exchanged views on the war against terrorism - a priority for both nations as they fight militant groups accused of deadly attacks on their soil.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee signed a joint declaration here on Sunday, condemning all those who support and finance terrorism.

India and Pakistan exchanged fire along the Line of Control in Kashmir overnight Saturday, but no tangible losses were reported from anywhere in Azad Kashmir.

The federal government has signed an agreement with Nawab Akbar Bugti according to which he would ensure security of oil and gas exploration activities in Balochistan as well as protection to the existing oil and gas installations.

Muslim scholars and clerics from around the world are meeting in Saudi Arabia to work out a definition of terrorism to help ward off "a malicious smear campaign against Islam and Muslims" , a Saudi newspaper reported on Sunday.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Pakistan on Monday to press Pakistan's government to make an unequivocal condemnation of terrorism as a step toward defusing a dangerous showdown with India.

Presence of foreign militants in rural Kashmir and the fear psychosis of a war and suicide attacks have crippled life in the Valley. Following frequent militant attacks on security force pickets, patrolling has gone up a notch.

Prime Minister Tony Blair, on a diplomatic mission to India and Pakistan, is under growing pressure from critics who say the globetrotting premier should be devoting his energies to problems at home.

The Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967, And the 32-Year Cover-up That Has Followed

It was a small incident but a telling one. The Italian journalist
Franco Levi was visiting Israel on a tour this week and was banned
from visiting a Foreign Ministry briefing with the rest of his tour
members. See, Levi has been translating writing coming from Israel,
including this author's, and has reached the conclusion that Peres
was the mastermind of the Rabin assassination. Someone didn't want
him asking embarrassing questions about the Foreign Minister.

Ralph Nader:
The Federal Reserve wields enormous power over the national
economy. Its decisions have a major impact on every citizen.
Jobs, shelter, and the quality of life are greatly affected by
what the Federal Reserve decides on monetary policy.

As new mayor Michael Bloomberg was sworn into office in New York on January 1, the city was facing its deepest social and economic crisis in more than a quarter of a century.

Monsanto - World's Most Unethical and Harmful Investment

The problem began in 1958, with the formation of the United Arab Republic by Egypt and Syria. To protect Israel, the CIA armed Iraq's Kurds and encouraged them to revolt and attack Syria, which was considered a Soviet pawn. In response, Colonel Abdul Karim el-Kassem overthrew Iraq's King Faisal and restored relations with the Soviets. The coup d'etat incited nationalists in Lebanon's Arab community and in May 1958, armed revolt erupted in Beirut. The U.S. Information Agency building was burned and sacked and the ARAMCO pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Tripoli was severed. To placate King Hussein, America began selling arms to Jordan and mounting covert operations against Iraq, including an MKULTRA operation in which the infamous CIA officer, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb sent, from India, a handkerchief laced with poison to Colonel Kassem.

Israeli Company Cydoor Plants Spyware in American Computers

Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. A town of 5,400 people that harbored the airport for one of the busiest drug smuggling in operations in the world. When a C-123K military cargo plane crashed in Nicaragua on October 5, 1986 with weapons and CIA employees on board, it was discovered that the plane and its contents came from the Mena airport.

Meeting in the fourth floor conference room of a quaint red brick office building in a quiet section of Alexandria, Virginia, a group of retired generals discussed military support for a U.S. ally. The topic of the day: how to train and equip a shadowy guerrilla group accused by the State Department of being a terrorist organization.

Asserting its right to a leading role in Central Asia, a
six-nation group led by China and Russia said Monday it wants
Afghanistan free of foreign influence.

Many if not most of Kissinger's partners in politics, from Greece to Chile to Argentina to Indonesia, are now in jail or awaiting trial. His own lonely impunity is rank; it smells to heaven. If it is allowed to persist then we shall shamefully vindicate the ancient philosopher Anacharsis, who maintained that laws were like cobwebs--strong enough to detain only the weak and too weak to hold the strong. In the name of innumerable victims known and unknown, it is time for justice to take a hand.

Some times small actions tell a larger story. On his last day in office while going from tribute to tribute to his compassionate greatness, Rudy Giuliani found the time to fire 3,500 former welfare mothers who were part of his workfare program.

United Airlines' mechanics filed suit Monday to block an
emergency panel established by President Bush that delayed the union
from striking last month.

It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing -- a somewhat unfamilar conception for the average mind.

Now, even Russia welcomes FBI which means that Russia is busy plotting the demise of dissidents. The Hanssen spy case here reflects the incompetence of the FBI, concerning foreign intelligence operations, but more importantly the case reflects the sinister plot yet unknown to the world to seize control of the former Soviet Block countries by a quiet coup in which Hanssen played the role of a pawn. The public ignorantly accepts the Hanssen conviction . In fact I suspect that Hanssen is innocent, but was targeted to make the Russian people (and the world) believe that the U.S. is still at odds with Russia. Hanssen was blackmailed into a confession after he was drugged and terrified by threats that his wife and children would be on the streets and penniless. Today, Hanssen's family are receiving full government benefits earned by Hanssen; that was the deal he struck with the FBI when he pleaded guilty to absurd charges.

A jailed Seminole County man who had served time in a British prison with three suspected associates of Osama bin Laden claims the FBI ignored his warnings in August that terrorist attacks on New York City would occur "very soon."

A Phoenix Program for Afghanistan?

~as i have said before, the same folks that trained gritz's boys trained the mujahideen...the connections between gritz and the phoenix program are strong...poppies are grown in gritz's area [idaho] and the mujahideen area [afghanistan]~
According to fresh reports received from Kandahar, three US soldiers on a routine survey mission in the Kabul Shopping Center of Kandahar, have disappeared. According to reliable sources, these Marines disappeared two days ago and US Forces have searched every street of Kandahar but they have failed to recover their companions. As this news goes to press, there is no news on their whereabouts.

The true goal is to further traumatize and brutalize the American people. This has in fact been a primary goal of the state for quite some time, dating back at least to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
The strategy is now (as it was then) to inflict blunt force trauma on all of American society, and by doing so to destroy any remaining sense of community and instill in the people deep feelings of fear and distrust, of hopelessness and despair, of isolation and powerlessness. And the results have been, it should be stated, rather spectacular.

The Saudi government as well as Western diplomatic sources have confirmed reports of massive riots by fundamentalists who attacked foreigners and Saudi families.

If true, this document reveals a law that would have revolutionized banking forever. It would have lessened the chains of corporate slavery, and made life a little easier for everyone.
Too good to be true, or a hint at why 911 HAD to take place? I don't have any answers, but this sure makes me ask a lot of questions!

A handful of North Texas peace advocates have united to raise money for the Iraq Water Project.

The fear of tainted mail has set off a wave of innovations by companies trying to fill a niche created by the fight to stamp out bioterrorism.

Bush's Carlyle Management Group/Anthrax/Bin Laden connection

The pilot of a light plane that crashed Friday night on Sonoma Mountain was the subject of a criminal investigation, authorities said Saturday.

When nation-states engage in covert actions, such as assassinations, bombings and CBW attacks, do they use free-lance terrorists groups to camouflage their participation? If so, are there instructive examples of disguised state-sponsored terrorism?

Before fuel cells take on the internal-combustion engine, they’ll offer clean electricity to offices and homes.

On the streets of Buenos Aires, the relics of unraveled lives are stacked high on tables in trading markets, where the unemployed go to barter their memories for food. What remains is anger, and questioning of the capitalist policies of past administrations.

It is time for Americans to think what has been done to our country, its people and government--in the name of oil, war and drug profiteering. Then we must also think what the same forces have done to other countries, nations, governments, and peoples of the world in the name of the same.

Argentina collapsed last week and nobody seemed to give a damn. Twenty-seven people were killed in economic riots in the streets of Buenos Aires, triggered by 20 percent unemployment and the frustration and hunger that represents. Is this a glimpse of what may happen to the United States in years to come?

Over the past several days I have received many emails congratulating me on my "exclusive" articles reporting the suspicious death of Anna Marie Cavazos Magers. Many of these emails have come from residents in Marin and Sonoma counties. I would like to take full credit for my "scoop" but I cannot do that. To be totally fair, I have to give credit where credit is due. There have been several walls of silence erected to totally insulate Leo Magers from the consequences of his many violent acts.

Michael Riconosciuto on Encryption

Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying

The two men headed to the Hilton Hotel in Sherman Oaks, California in the late Spring of 1986 were on their way to meet representatives of the mujahadeen, the Afghan fighters resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
One of the two, Ted Gunderson, had had a distinguished career in the FBI, serving as some sort of supervisor over Special Agents in the early 60s, as head of the Dallas field office from 1973-75, and as head of the Los Angeles field office from 1977-1979. He retired to become an investigator for, among others, well-known attorney F. Lee Bailey. And all along the way, Gunderson, whether or not actually a CIA contract agent, had been around to provide services to various CIA and National Security Council operations, as he was doing now.
In more recent years Gunderson was to become controversial for his investigations into child prostitution rings, after he became convinced of the innocence of an Army medical doctor named Jeffrey McDonald, who had been convicted of the murder of his wife and three young children in the 1970s. This has led to various attempts by the patrons and operators of the child prostitution industry to smear Gunderson's reputation.
Michael Riconosciuto was there to discuss assisting the mujahadeen with MANPADs—Man Portable Air Defense Systems. Stinger missiles were one possibility. If the U.S. would permit their export, Riconosciuto could modify the Stinger's electronics, so the guided missile would still be effective against Soviet aircraft, but would not be a threat to U.S. or NATO forces.
But Riconosciuto had another idea. Through his connections with the Chinese industrial and military group Norinco, he could obtain the basic components for the unassembled Chinese 107 MM rocket system. These could be reconfigured into a man-portable, shoulder-fired, anti-aircraft guided missile sytem, and produced in Pakistan at a facility called the Pakistan Ordinance Works. The mujahadeen would then have a lethal weapon against Soviet helicopter, observation, and transport aircraft.
Riconosciuto was more than just an expert on missile electronics; he was also an expert on electronic computers and associated subjects such as cryptology (see my "Michael Riconosciuto on Encryption").
Riconosciuto was a prodigy who had grown up in the spook community. The Riconosciuto family had once run Hercules, California, as a company town. In the early days (1861) a company called California Powder Works had been established in Santa Cruz, CA. It later purchased land on San Pablo Bay, and in 1881 started producing dynamite, locating buildings in gullies and ravines for safety purposes. A particularly potent type of black powder was named "Hercules Powder", which gave the name to the town of Hercules, formally incorporated in 1900. In World War I, Hercules became the largest producer of TNT in the U.S. Hercules, however, had gotten out of the explosives business by 1940 when an anhydrous ammonia plant was constructed. In 1959 Hercules began a new manufacturing facility to produce methanol, formaldehyde, and urea formaldehyde. In 1966 the plant was sold to Valley Nitrogen Producers. Labor problems led to a plant closure in 1977. In 1979 the plant and site was purchased by a group of investors calling themselves Hercules Properties, Ltd.
However, Michael and his father Marshall Riconosciuto, a friend of Richard Nixon, continued to run the Hercules Research Corporation. In the early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of Coral Gables, Florida, and the Cabazon Band of Indians in Indio, California. Riconosciuto's talents were much in demand. He had created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro-Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I've spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA."
Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily minaturized. You could have a suitcase a-neutronic bomb, or a briefcase a-neutronic bomb, or simply a lady's purse a-neutronic bomb. Or just pull out your wallet for identification and —. The Meridian Arms Corporation, as well as the Universities of California and Chicago owned a piece of the technology.
But there was more than explosives in the portfolios of the CIA agents who surrounded Riconosciuto like moths around a candle. Both Robert Booth Nichols, the shady head of Meridian Arms Corporation (with both CIA and organized crime conections), and Dr. John Phillip Nichols, the manager of the Cabazon reservation, were involved in bio-warfare work—the first in trying to sell bio-warfare products to the army through Wackenhut, the second in giving tribal permission for research to take place at Cabazon. According to Riconosciuto, the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was in charge of the classified contracts for biological warfare research. Riconosciuto would later testify under oath that Stormont Laboratories was involved in the DARPA-Wackenhut-Cabazon project. Jonathan Littman, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle would relate: "Cabazons and Wackenhut appeared to be acting as middlemen between the Pentagon's DARPA and Stormont Laboratories, a small facility in Woodland near Sacramento."

Whether a threat comes from pilot error or enemy aggression, scientists are finding that multisensor mapping and analysis of the brain lead to systems with human-machine interfaces that can correct human error, aid counterintelligence work and guard against attacks.

It isn't gold, but a nine-inch-tall ivory statuette of a man and a lion may have once been part of the throne of King Midas, according to a new analysis.

US think-tanks have been simulating a new India-Pakistan conflict for years. In almost nine out of ten cases, the outcome is nuclear.

State law enforcement agencies will soon be called upon to take over some of the criminal investigations traditionally done by the FBI as that agency undergoes the most fundamental reorganization in its history to focus on counterterrorism, federal officials in Utah say.

Freelance writer and book author Vanessa Leggett was released from federal custody in Houston on Jan. 4, after serving 168 days in jail for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury and turn over her research materials.

The Southwest's mightiest river once roared past this desert village, but no longer. By the time the Colorado makes it this far south, the river is literally tapped out -- drained by cities, farms and dams until no fresh water is left. And the consequences for this thirsty region are huge.

Federal nuclear regulators are withholding two important public reports on a proposed nuclear-waste facility in Tooele County in order to black out portions they believe might be of use to terrorists.

Three years after then 17-year-old Londonderry High School student Joseph Heirtzler was charged with drug possession and distribution after being questioned and searched by school officials, the New Hampshire Supreme Court gave Heirtzler and legions of New Hampshire students to come a constitutional Christmas present. On December 24, the court ruled that his interrogation and search was unconstitutional because school officials were acting as agents of the police, but failed to afford Heirtzler the constitutional protections (e.g. a Miranda warning) police must grant criminal suspects.

Bloody evidence of US blunder

Over three decades ago on December 21, 1971, Richard Nixon approved the first major cover-up of his administration. He did so reluctantly at the behest of his closest political advisers, Attorney General John Mitchell, Domestic Counselor John Ehrlichman, and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman. The public remains ignorant of this seminal event in Nixon's first term and journalists and historians have largely ignored it. The question is why? A recently released Nixon tape transcribed from an enhanced CD produced by the Nixon Era Center provides the clearest answer to this thirty-year-old Nixon secret.

Could the anthrax scare have been intended as a diversion? Could bio-terror have been unleashed on the American people to divert their attention from seeking a coherent explanation for the holes, discrepancies, and unanswered questions that the FBI shows absolutely no interest in clearing up?

Firefighters slam WTC "investigation" (3 articles)

New Yorkers who believe they saw American Airlines Flight 587 explode in flames before its tail sheared off have accused crash investigators of ignoring their eyewitness accounts and prematurely ruling out a terrorist attack.

Through a complex combination of coercion and ideological control, a tiny minority are able to live off the backs of the immense useful majority in society. From their ownership of the means of production (factories, offices, transport systems, etc.) they are able to gain political and legislative control, not to mention their power over education and the mass media. This tiny minority are the capitalist class — the ruling élite in society.

The Australian Defence Force today assumed command of international ships enforcing sanctions on Iraq in the north Arabian Gulf.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein lashed out at Israel on
Monday, saying its seizure of an arms ship was "criminal piracy" in
breach of international laws, the official Iraqi News Agency reported.

Eighteen people have been killed in separate incidents of violence in Kashmir, the UNI reported on Monday. Five Pakistani soldiers were killed in an exchange of fire between troops on the Line of Control in Poonch on Monday, the UNI reported.

Our man in Kabul ("Abdul," not Geraldo) reports the latest news from Afghanistan. The US troops are still trying to integrate with the Afghani peasantry, and even though the CNN-Department of Defense has reported that only one twelve hundred pound crate of food has landed on a hut, killing the people inside, it's not true. There have, in fact, been many incidents like this.

A California bill to place MDMA (Ecstasy) in Schedule I and to impose 90-day mandatory minimum for using or being under the influence of MDMA.

"I fail to understand how the repression of the Palestinian
resistance to Israel by means of state terror--more cruel and of wider scale even than the counter terror which it provokes--serves the society that I am part of. How does the activity of the state, implemented through the army, benefit me and those I care for? The 'sterile' Jewish space created by the State of Israel is a ghetto for its Jewish residents as well. It prevents them from integrating into the Middle East. Nobody is safe in this space--neither Jews nor Arabs."

A delegation of U.S. senators on Sunday thanked Uzbekistan's president for his support in the U.S.-led war against terrorists, and said economic and political contacts would likely increase between the two nations.

The former Soviet republic of Turkmenistan has refused a German request to base warplanes on its soil to help the international
military campaign in neighbouring Afghanistan, an official newspaper
said on Tuesday.

Stalinist North Korea said Tuesday it could become the next
target of the US-led war against terrorism but warned that Washington risked its own "destruction" instead.

.....a proven master in the art of the cover-up has been placed by President George W. Bush in the position of greatest responsibility for solving the 9-11 crime. The new head of the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice is the New Jersey lawyer, Michael Chertoff. Chertoff was minority counsel in the first Senate
investigation related to the death of Vincent Foster and majority special counsel in the second such Senate investigation.

This analysis piece, written for the Washington Peace Letter, does not reflect my deeper analysis of events, but it does reflect my ideas about what must be our response to them, and their broader context. If now now, when? If not us, who? This is, I think, democracy's last and best chance. Time to change or enter the nightmare forever. We are not alone, either. People all over the country are responding to these events with questions and calls for a reasoned response.

Twelve years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former
communists of East Germany are returning to power in the capital -- as the local coalition partner of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD).

You may be willing to believe there is one or more conspiracy and you may have done some research. How does the conspiracy remain hidden and what does it do with the vast sums of money it has? Are there real world examples of secret activities – and does there exist professionals and structures and systems to enable any conspiracy? One only needs to look at the global financial system and especially Offshore Banking/Financial Havens. There are billions in unreported, untraced, and unaccounted for funds, admitted by the authorities. Following the money is key to unraveling conspiracy activity whether it is actors such as Organized Crime or if it is something else, like governments, intelligence agencies, rebels or drug dealers.

AngloGold [JSE:ANG] chief executive Bobby Godsell launched a no-holds barred attack on a rival bid for Australia's Normandy Mining today, in the run-up to the scheduled close of its own offer for the company, which closes on Friday. He said the narrow (5c) gap between its own offer and a competing bid by North American gold producer Newmont Mining was "no basis for making a long-term investment decision."

To the extent the tape is an accurate translation, it is certainly a disgusting display of ethical depravity. But really now, did we need grainy VHS footage to demonstrate that Osama bin Laden was a thug? Or was its dissemination primarily for the purpose of re-inflaming the American public?

China's Role in WTC Attack on America?

The American government suspends the funding of the Iraqi opposition, the Washington Post reported. The funding has been suspended because the opposition failed to properly explain, where was the money, assigned for the struggle against Hussein’s regime. It was very good money, by the way.

When a corrupt government is in power, those who typically feel loyal to their nation face a dilemma – is it more patriotic to stand by their government do or die, or is there a higher form of loyalty to something more fundamental to the nation than the state. It was a question debated by Adolf Hitler (taking the part of the government) and Otto Strasser (taking the part of the ideal) before Strasser’s highly publicized break with the Nazi Party in 1933. According to Strasser’s account of the conversation, from his 1940 book Hitler and I: [Strasser] said, “… The Idea is divine in origin, while men are only its vehicles, the body in which the Word is made flesh. The Leader is made to serve the Idea, and it is to the Idea alone that we owe absolute allegiance. The Leader is human, and it is human to err.”


The following passage is taken from a treatise written in the early 12th century by the Cistercian abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, on behalf of the fledgling Knights Templar. It might be viewed as a combination of exhortation to the Knights, and advertisement to the population in general. Officially it is an answer to a letter written to Bernard by his friend Hugh de Payens, one of the founders of the Templars.

President Bush more than doubled the limit on the speed of supercomputers that US companies can sell to such countries as China, Pakistan and India, a move some critics said endangers US security. Under the new guidelines, US producers of supercomputers can export hardware capable of running at 190,000 millions of theoretical operations per second without notifying the federal government. The current cap is 85,000 MTOPS.

Contrary to media projections, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf did not have double standards in dealing with terrorism to the west and east of his country.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres ended his visit to India by solidly supporting India in its war against terror. Drawing constant parallels between the concerns of India and Israel, Peres said Israel would continue to support India.

A three-member suicide squad of militants on Tuesday made an abortive bid to storm the Army's Brigade Headquarters at Kupwara in north Kashmir triggering an exchange of fire that left two ultras and an army personnel killed, a defence spokesman said.

Evidently unhappy with Islamabad’s dissembling and hairsplitting over the issue and its insistence on describing the violence in Kashmir as a freedom struggle, President Bush has once again asked military ruler Pervez Musharraf "to make a clear statement to the world that he intends to crack down on terror."

President Bush dropped one of his trademark clangers on Monday, referring to Pakistanis as "Pakis", a term that is considered an ethnic slur, especially in Britain.

The print version of Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? stars MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor—a newspaper dream date with a big mouth, endless ambitions, and wired gazillions. The Washington Post, for one, hasn't played coy: Oh yes, Michael, tell us about your fabulous Oscar party and your 50-acre front yard. Bring on those aphorisms about how the miracle of "data mining" will set us free while collecting our most private information. And while you're at it, explain how the velocity of digital business outstrips the capacities of common accounting principles.

INDIA boasted yesterday that it would survive a first strike by a Pakistani atomic weapon, but that its neighbor would be wiped out in a swift nuclear counter-attack.

Bush's buddies at Enron plead ignorance but not poverty after mysterious collapse

It is sad to reflect on how the people of Pakistan are being taken advantage of; millions of Americans number Pakistani immigrants to this country among their friends and acquaintances. But by any definition of "terrorism," one of its most consistent sponsors in our time is Pakistan.

WTC Tower Collapse Investigators Blow Whistle on Constrained Non-Investigation

The Jewish and Zionist lobbies in the United States have succeeded basically because they served the interest of the American ruling elite. I don't believe that those lobbies could have succeeded if support of Israel conflicted with American interests. It is important here to remember that the holocaust industry burst out after the June War of 1967 when Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States. Before June 1967 there was hardly any mention of the holocaust in American Jewish life, not to mention American life in general. As soon as Israel became a "strategic reserve" for the United States the holocaust established that it was an excellent weapon for silencing criticism directed at Israel. Later, American Jews used the holocaust to silence any criticism directed against them, and they became more conservative in the political sense.

President George W. Bush said US federal budget deficits may be the
price to pay to battle global terrorism, ensure homeland security and pull the US economy out of recession.

China backs the euro at dollar's expense

compiled by eric stewart
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