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January 12th: Stop the Nazis in the US and UK

Oread Daily | 08.01.2002 21:51

Saturday at noon...


This Saturday anti-fascist activists will target neo-nazis in both the United States and Britain.

In the US, the Aryan Nations, World Church of the Creator, and the Eastern Hammer Skins will be holding a rally in York, Pennsylvania. Anti-Racist Action has called on progressive activists to turn out in opposition. Anti-Racist Action explains their call as follows:

"As many of you may or may not be aware, the white supremacist group, World Church of the Creator and their leader Matt Hale will be coming to the Martin Library in York, Pa on January 12th. (For more info on the WCOTC please visit: The WCOTC is notorious for picking a town with a present or past racial conflict and exploiting the situation to gain new members. This time they are coming to York, Pa because of a race riot that took place in 1969 where a black woman was killed in a hail of gunfire by white youths. The mayor, who at the time was a cop, is being charged with inciting white youths to "kill niggers."

Months before the Sept 11th incident, Anti Fascists across North America had noticed a distinct upswing in fascist organization and activity. After Sept 11th, many fascist groups began exploiting the attack to their own advantage and have actually had a dramatic increase in their ranks. Compared to the same time last year, the National Alliance membership has more than doubled!

Here in Philly and the surrounding areas, we have seen the effects of this growth. National Alliance stickers started appearing in racially mixed, working class neighborhoods in northeast Philly. Philly Anti Racist Action tore down most of the stickers and put up ARA stickers in their place. A bonehead by the name of Keith Carney was arrested in front of a Vietnam war memeorial while he, along with 10 other fascists were putting up National Alliance stickers. Over the summer, Hammer "skins" held a show in Harrisburg, PA with over 100 boneheads in attendance. In recent months, National Alliance affiliated boneheads and Hammer "skins" have been spotted at every major venue, punk show in the city. A table with anti racist literature was kicked over by boneheads at a punk show in Dillsburg, PA. A few months ago, 2 boneheads were arrested in South Jersey for breaking into a black couple's home and beating them with baseball bats while they slept. Attacks have also occurred in Baltimore outside of shows. To put it simply, shit is getting out of hand!

Another alarming fact is that fascists such as the National Alliance have been able to mobilize nearly the same amount of people to their demos as Anti Fascists. In Wallingford, CT, the World Church mobilized not only people from their own ranks but klansmen, hammer "skins", and other fascist groups as well.

This should be a wake up call to Anti Fascists everywhere. The fascists are crawling out of their caves and from under their stones. Matt Hale cannot be allowed to have a platform to spew his racist filth and divide the working class. Keep the fascists on the run and never let them have the streets!
Join us on January 12th!"
Martin Library in York, Pa on January 12th at 12 noon. For information Contact: Philly ARA at: Email: or Phone: 215-727-0882 box #3

In Britain the neo-nazi British National Front will be demonstrating in Bromley, South London. Says the Anti-Nazi League:

"They claim their march is against sex offenders in the local area. The reality is that they are attempting to use this issue to stir up violence. The NF are not interested in local issues. They want to divide our community and cause racial violence on the streets. The NF were responsible for causing the fighting on the streets in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford in last year's riots. Now they want to do this in Bromley. Look at the record of the NF:
David Copeland, who was a member of the British National Party and planted the nailbombs that killed three and injured hundreds of people in London two years ago, took part in NF demonstrations in Dover in 1998.
Terry Blackham, leader of the NF has over twenty criminal convictions for violence. He was sentenced to four and a half years in jail for gun-running. He is organising the demonstration in Bromley.
Stephen Irwin the 'Trick or Treat' killer who shot dead eight people in a pub in Northern Ireland was jailed for life in 1995. He took part in NF demonstrations in London in November 2000.
Local people will unite to ensure the Nazis are kept off the streets of Bromley."
Stop the Nazi National Front march! Saturday 12 January, Bromley, South London; Assemble: 12 noon outside Bromley South rail station
Sources: One Peoples Project, Anti-Nazi League

The Oread Daily provides daily (Monday-Friday) progressive, left, anti-racist, anarchist, commie, activist, environmental, Marxist, revolutionary, etc. news and information from around the US and around the world. The Oread Daily was a mimeographed sheet that came out first in the summer of 1970 in Lawrence, Kansas. It was irreverent, radical, spicy, revolutionary et. al. Now, three decades later it returns. To view the entire Oread Daily, please visit:

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Hide the following 8 comments

do more!

08.01.2002 22:43

or if you're interested in doing more than buying newspapers and holding placards, nazis have threatened to attack the anarchist youth meeting which is assembling outside holborn tube station, also on saturday and also at noon (NF march doesn't start till 1 and they are usually several hours late anyway, trots just want as much time as they can get to sell you papers!) come along and stop nazis attacking political opponents!

s@g aloo
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

SAG-Pulling the wool once more.

09.01.2002 00:12

The nazis have never threatened to attack your meeting, you got their meeting point wrong and created all the hysteria for yourselves. Why don't you go to Bromley? No, didn't think you would. Your original e-mails attempted to entice youngsters to Holborn to fight the fash, but you did not even know where the NF were marching. It is also hardly likely they would attack you before getting back to Bromley for one o'clock. This is their own demo, so they will be arriving at the place EARLY. Your little knowledge on the subject of how these organisations (and more worryingly the size of London,) is quite worrying. Let's just make this clear for all: If you want to go to a Anarchist "Yoof" conference, be at Holborn. If you want to help the ANL give the NF some publicity, go to Bromley. Do not be conned by either side, make your decision yourselves, I thought that was what Anarchism was all about. Seems though just lately, there's been a lot of bullshit. I suppose when the NF do not turn up at Holborn, you can claim they "bottled it" and attack a couple of innocents as well SAG?

- Homepage:


09.01.2002 10:25


Or, alternatively, if you don't want to see your community marched through at will by facists. I am not a member of the ANL, I don't think they are particularly effective, but I live in Bromley and I will be there. Drop your sectarianism for a moment, please, and think about people who live in Bromley who are not going to let the NF do whatever they want in our community.

Matt S

oh my days!

09.01.2002 11:42

"The nazis have never threatened to attack your meeting, you got their meeting point wrong and created all the hysteria for yourselves." - they have threatened to attack our meeting but then i suppose you know this already as you have such good info, and i think you'll find that we originally planned to meet in holborn regardless of what anybody else was doing but knowing that the NF might be doing something that day.

"It is also hardly likely they would attack you before getting back to Bromley for one o'clock. This is their own demo, so they will be arriving at the place EARLY." - i'm pretty certain they are not a big group of people tied together with string and that they are capable of getting different people to do different things at the same time, but i suppose that isn't something red action can understand.

"Your original e-mails attempted to entice youngsters to Holborn to fight the fash" - we are youngsters.

but we've been threatened by nazis and even if they turn up or not we're not going to cancel anything etc. and unlike other groups we don't want everyone to be beaten up. oh and there's a "argentine solidarity demo" outside the world bank offices as well incase anyone is interested. plz how about all these posters from "red action" do a little bit of research before they start slagging matches (which are counter-productive anyway).

s@g aloo

Noel's gettin a slap!

09.01.2002 13:30

So if you're such a fuckin expert noel, y'fuckin prick, why not lend some support and constructive advice to the young comrades instead of being the usual knob that you're. and yes, i do know you actually and i think you're a twat! i tell you what, next time i see you, i'm gonna give you a clip, y'tosser!

Noel's mamma

Come and have a go.......

09.01.2002 23:11

You want to have a go at me? More than willing. Don't even know who the fuck you are, but I'm ready.


time to take action instead in whinging

09.01.2002 23:11

Instead of sitting around on your fucking computers moaning about the Nf and Nat front, meeting here and there and everywhere why don't we just get a group together that actually does something and go down to where they drink and beat the shit out of the fuckers! The ANL are a bunch of SWP wankstains more concerned with getting new members then doing some action.
Its time to take our streets back


that lovely pic

09.01.2002 23:18

Terry thanks for the pic your mums looking quite good despite the cancer!
