US complicity in murdering 15.000 in argentina!
x | 07.01.2002 13:38
U.S. complicity in murder of 15,000 people in Argentina (english)
by Producer 5:21am Mon Jan 7 '02
Kissinger Had a Hand in 'Dirty War' - Insight Magazine, Jan 7, 2002
By: Martin Edwin Andersen and John Dinges **
Newly released U.S. documents obtained by Insight show that in 1976
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a key role in assuring
Argentina's military rulers that their antiterrorist campaign involving
the disappearance, torture and assassination of at least 15,000 people -
many of whom were not combatants - would not be criticized by the United
States on human-rights grounds.
The documents, which cover events between June and October of that year
- the period of some of the most intense repression in Argentina - show
that the military regime was "convinced that there was no real problem
with the United States over the issue." The Argentine foreign minister,
Adm. Cesar Guzzetti, drew that conclusion after meetings in October 1976
with Kissinger, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and other top State
Department officials, according to a U.S. Embassy cable.
The new documents provide a detailed look at the bitter dispute about
U.S. support for a military dictatorship and include a rare example of
an ambassador daring directly to oppose Kissinger, one of the most
powerful figures in postwar U.S. history.
U.S. Ambassador Robert Hill described Guzzetti as "euphoric" and "almost
ecstatic" and "in a state of jubilation" after returning from Washington
to report on the meetings to Argentine President Jorge R. Videla.
According to Hill, who since has died, "[Guzzetti] said the vice
president urged him to advise President Videla to 'finish the terrorist
problem quickly.' "
Hill, in contrast, showed barely concealed outrage that his superiors in
Washington were undercutting his efforts to encourage human-rights
improvements. His three-page cable, dated Oct. 19, 1976, had the effect
of putting "bitter criticism" of Kissinger's handling of the meetings
with Guzzetti on the record, according to a memo by another U.S.
official who recommended an immediate response.
Hill quoted Guzzetti as saying Kissinger "had assured him that the
United States 'wants to help Argentina.' " Kissinger told Guzzetti "that
if the terrorist problem was over by December or January, he [the
secretary] believed serious problems could be avoided in the United
States," according to Hill's cable. A reply to Hill from Kissinger's
chief Latin American officer claimed Guzzetti "heard only what he wanted
to hear" and had arrived at his interpretation "perhaps [because of] his
poor grasp of English."
Hill, in a carefully phrased "comment" ending the cable to Washington,
veils his criticism of Kissinger by speaking only in terms of Guzzetti's
impressions of the meetings. But, significantly, Hill seems to stress
that Guzzetti received the same message from a total of five top U.S.
officials in four separate meetings, and Hill does not raise the
possibility that Guzzetti misinterpreted what he heard in those
Guzzetti's meetings in Washington, coming just six months after the coup
against the constitutional left-wing government of Isabel Peron, took
place at a critical time in Argentina. Before Guzzetti traveled to the
United States, Hill forcefully told him that the continuing atrocities
could not be defended. In the view of the United States, Hill recalled
in a subsequent cable to the State Department, dated Sept. 20, 1976,
having told Guzzetti that "murdering priests and dumping 47 bodies in
the street in one day could not be seen in context of defeating the
terrorists quickly; on the contrary, such acts were probably
counterproductive. What the USG [U.S. government] hoped was that the GOA
[government of Argentina] could soon defeat terrorists, yes, but do so
as nearly as possible within the law."
Guzzetti went to the United States "fully expecting to hear some strong,
firm, direct warnings on his government's human-rights practices," Hill
wrote after meeting with the Argentine leader upon the latter's return
to Buenos Aires. "Rather than that, he has returned in a state of
jubilation, convinced that there is no real problem with the United
States over this issue. Based on what Guzzetti is doubtless reporting to
the GOA, it must now believe that if it has any problems with the U.S.
over human rights, they are confined to certain elements of Congress and
what it regards as biased and/or uninformed minor segments of public
Hill ended the cable on a pessimistic note: "While this conviction
exists, it will be unrealistic and ineffective for this Embassy to press
representations to the GOA over human-rights violations."
The documents are part of thousands of pages of secret archives on
U.S.-Argentine diplomacy that were declassified following a visit by
then-secretary of state Madeleine Albright to Buenos Aires in 2000,
during which she promised their release. The cables cited in this
article were obtained by Insight in anticipation of their public
Just days after returning from his two-week stay in the United States,
Foreign Minister Guzzetti told Hill that the clear impression he had
received - in contrast to what he was being told by the embassy - was
that the primary concern of the U.S. government was not human rights
but, rather, that the Argentine regime get the terrorist problem solved
According to the documents, Assistant Secretary Harry Shlaudeman, a key
Kissinger aide, said he agreed that more representations by Hill "would
not be useful at this point."
The recently declassified documents provide for the first time a
complete record of the apparent double message the Argentine military
received from U.S. policymakers. They also are the first contemporaneous
confirmation of the exchange between Kissinger and Guzzetti, which in
the past was the motive for dispute and denial by the former secretary
and his associates. Furthermore, they shed light on the confidential
actions of the conservative Hill, who the documents show tried
unsuccessfully to halt the massacre, both by means of multiple private
representations to the Argentine military and in a series of cables to
Kissinger and his aides in Washington.
Ironically, left-wing Argentine journalists and historians have tried to
paint Hill in a sinister light by attempting to compare what happened in
Buenos Aires in 1976 with what is known to have happened three years
earlier in neighboring Chile, where a CIA-backed coup overthrew the
elected Marxist president Salvador Allende. However, to date there is no
evidence whatsoever that the United States either directed or promoted
the coup against Peron's government, generally considered on all sides
to have been incompetent and corrupt.
Hill, a businessman-diplomat, had been appointed by President Richard
Nixon as envoy to Buenos Aires in 1973. He had married into the
politically conservative W.R. Grace family, which had extensive business
interests in Latin America. He had served as ambassador in Costa Rica
during the time of the 1954 CIA-sponsored coup in Guatemala as well as
in subsequent posts in Mexico, El Salvador and Spain.
"Hill's biography reads like a satirical left-wing caricature of a
'yanqui imperialist,' noted the muckracking newsletter Latin America.
"He has long-standing connection with the United States security and
intelligence establishment."
In private Kissinger, too, lampooned portrayals of Hill as a
human-rights campaigner. "The notion of Hill as a passionate
human-rights advocate is news to all his former associates," Kissinger
wrote in 1988 in a private letter obtained by Insight. Kissinger's
rendition of Hill runs counter to the testimony of several U.S.
diplomats and law-enforcement personnel who served with him in Buenos
Aires, and to that of Juan de Onis, the New York Times correspondent in
Argentina in 1976, all of whom attest to the conservative envoy's rights
activism. And Hill's policy received strong support from U.S. Sen. Jesse
Helms (R.-S.C.), another Kissinger foe who met with the ambassador and
Videla in Buenos Aires in July 1976, Capitol Hill sources tell Insight.
An early version of the conversations in which Kissinger is shown to
have given a green light to the repression in Argentina was published in
October 1987 by The Nation, a magazine on the political left. The
principal source for that article was a memorandum from Patricia
Derian, then assistant secretary of state for human rights, in which a
conversation she had in early 1977 with Hill was outlined. Derian's
memorandum spoke of a first meeting between Kissinger and Guzzetti in
June 1976 following the annual meeting of the Organization of American
States in Santiago, Chile.
"The Argentines were very worried that Kissinger would lecture to them
on human rights," according to the Derian memorandum. "Guzzetti and
Kissinger had a very long breakfast, but the secretary did not raise the
subject. Finally, Guzzetti did. Kissinger asked how long it would take
... to clean up the problem. Guzzetti replied that it would be done by
the end of the year. Kissinger approved. In other words, Ambassador Hill
explained, Kissinger gave the Argentines the green light.... Later ...
the ambassador discussed the matter personally with Kissinger [who] ...
confirmed the conversation."
In The Nation article Kissinger's spokeswoman denied Hill's claims.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs William D. Rogers,
who attended the Santiago meeting with Kissinger and Guzzetti, said that
he did "not specifically remember" a meeting with Guzzetti, but added
that Kissinger would have told his Argentine peer that the military
should carry out the fight against terrorism "without abandoning the
rule of law."
Shlaudeman rebutted Hill's criticisms in a memorandum the Kissinger aide
sent to the high-flying diplomat the day after receiving Hill's critical
cable in October 1976. The views of Shlaudeman, who later served as U.S.
envoy to Buenos Aires during the military governments of Roberto Viola
and Leopoldo Galtieri, were expressed in an "action memorandum" titled
"Ambassador Hill and Human Rights in Argentina." The exchange shows the
intensity of the dispute between Hill and Kissinger.
"Bob Hill has registered for the record his concern for human rights in
a bitter complaint about our purported failure to impress on Foreign
Minister Guzzetti how seriously we view the rightist violence in
Argentina," Shlaudeman wrote to Kissinger. "I propose to respond for the
The declassified documents suggest that Kissinger did not continue to
respond personally to Hill. However, in a cable approved by Kissinger
personally and dated Oct. 20, 1976, Shlaudeman claimed that Guzzetti may
have misunderstood the message he had received because of his "poor
grasp of English." Shlaudeman suggested that, "as in other circumstances
you have undoubtedly encountered in your diplomatic career, Guzzetti
heard only what he wanted to hear.... Guzzetti's interpretation is
strictly his own."
Shlaudeman, referring to the luncheon he had with Guzzetti, wrote: "The
'consensus of the meeting' on our side was that Guzzetti's assurances
that a tranquil and violence-free Argentina is coming soon must prove a
reality if we are to avoid serious problems between us."
However, Shlaudeman did not offer a correction of Guzzetti's
understanding of his meetings with Kissinger and Rockefeller, and he did
not authorize Hill to rectify Guzzetti's interpretations of any of the
meetings as a necessary element for pressuring the military. "With
respect to your closing admonition about the futility of
representations," he told Hill, "we doubt that the GOA has all that many
illusions. ... In the circumstances, I agree that the Argentines will have
to make their own decisions and that further exhortations or generalized
lectures from us would not be useful at this point."
Just as Hill feared, the massive atrocities committed by the military
regime continued far beyond the end of 1976 and, by the time Kissinger's
policy finally was reversed, it was too late to stanch the bloodshed.
**Martin Edwin Andersen is the author of Dossier Secreto: Argentina and
the Myth of the Dirty "War" and a forthcoming book, written in Spanish,
on the history of the Argentine police (1880-1999). He also is the
author of the article mentioned above in The Nation. John Dinges, a
professor of journalism at Columbia University in New York City, is the
author of Assassination on Embassy Row on the Letelier case, and the
forthcoming The Condor Years.
[Source: Martin Edwin Andersen and John Dinges - Insight on the News "Kissinger Had a Hand in 'Dirty War'" Jan. 7,
by Producer 5:21am Mon Jan 7 '02
Kissinger Had a Hand in 'Dirty War' - Insight Magazine, Jan 7, 2002
By: Martin Edwin Andersen and John Dinges **
Newly released U.S. documents obtained by Insight show that in 1976
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a key role in assuring
Argentina's military rulers that their antiterrorist campaign involving
the disappearance, torture and assassination of at least 15,000 people -
many of whom were not combatants - would not be criticized by the United
States on human-rights grounds.
The documents, which cover events between June and October of that year
- the period of some of the most intense repression in Argentina - show
that the military regime was "convinced that there was no real problem
with the United States over the issue." The Argentine foreign minister,
Adm. Cesar Guzzetti, drew that conclusion after meetings in October 1976
with Kissinger, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and other top State
Department officials, according to a U.S. Embassy cable.
The new documents provide a detailed look at the bitter dispute about
U.S. support for a military dictatorship and include a rare example of
an ambassador daring directly to oppose Kissinger, one of the most
powerful figures in postwar U.S. history.
U.S. Ambassador Robert Hill described Guzzetti as "euphoric" and "almost
ecstatic" and "in a state of jubilation" after returning from Washington
to report on the meetings to Argentine President Jorge R. Videla.
According to Hill, who since has died, "[Guzzetti] said the vice
president urged him to advise President Videla to 'finish the terrorist
problem quickly.' "
Hill, in contrast, showed barely concealed outrage that his superiors in
Washington were undercutting his efforts to encourage human-rights
improvements. His three-page cable, dated Oct. 19, 1976, had the effect
of putting "bitter criticism" of Kissinger's handling of the meetings
with Guzzetti on the record, according to a memo by another U.S.
official who recommended an immediate response.
Hill quoted Guzzetti as saying Kissinger "had assured him that the
United States 'wants to help Argentina.' " Kissinger told Guzzetti "that
if the terrorist problem was over by December or January, he [the
secretary] believed serious problems could be avoided in the United
States," according to Hill's cable. A reply to Hill from Kissinger's
chief Latin American officer claimed Guzzetti "heard only what he wanted
to hear" and had arrived at his interpretation "perhaps [because of] his
poor grasp of English."
Hill, in a carefully phrased "comment" ending the cable to Washington,
veils his criticism of Kissinger by speaking only in terms of Guzzetti's
impressions of the meetings. But, significantly, Hill seems to stress
that Guzzetti received the same message from a total of five top U.S.
officials in four separate meetings, and Hill does not raise the
possibility that Guzzetti misinterpreted what he heard in those
Guzzetti's meetings in Washington, coming just six months after the coup
against the constitutional left-wing government of Isabel Peron, took
place at a critical time in Argentina. Before Guzzetti traveled to the
United States, Hill forcefully told him that the continuing atrocities
could not be defended. In the view of the United States, Hill recalled
in a subsequent cable to the State Department, dated Sept. 20, 1976,
having told Guzzetti that "murdering priests and dumping 47 bodies in
the street in one day could not be seen in context of defeating the
terrorists quickly; on the contrary, such acts were probably
counterproductive. What the USG [U.S. government] hoped was that the GOA
[government of Argentina] could soon defeat terrorists, yes, but do so
as nearly as possible within the law."
Guzzetti went to the United States "fully expecting to hear some strong,
firm, direct warnings on his government's human-rights practices," Hill
wrote after meeting with the Argentine leader upon the latter's return
to Buenos Aires. "Rather than that, he has returned in a state of
jubilation, convinced that there is no real problem with the United
States over this issue. Based on what Guzzetti is doubtless reporting to
the GOA, it must now believe that if it has any problems with the U.S.
over human rights, they are confined to certain elements of Congress and
what it regards as biased and/or uninformed minor segments of public
Hill ended the cable on a pessimistic note: "While this conviction
exists, it will be unrealistic and ineffective for this Embassy to press
representations to the GOA over human-rights violations."
The documents are part of thousands of pages of secret archives on
U.S.-Argentine diplomacy that were declassified following a visit by
then-secretary of state Madeleine Albright to Buenos Aires in 2000,
during which she promised their release. The cables cited in this
article were obtained by Insight in anticipation of their public
Just days after returning from his two-week stay in the United States,
Foreign Minister Guzzetti told Hill that the clear impression he had
received - in contrast to what he was being told by the embassy - was
that the primary concern of the U.S. government was not human rights
but, rather, that the Argentine regime get the terrorist problem solved
According to the documents, Assistant Secretary Harry Shlaudeman, a key
Kissinger aide, said he agreed that more representations by Hill "would
not be useful at this point."
The recently declassified documents provide for the first time a
complete record of the apparent double message the Argentine military
received from U.S. policymakers. They also are the first contemporaneous
confirmation of the exchange between Kissinger and Guzzetti, which in
the past was the motive for dispute and denial by the former secretary
and his associates. Furthermore, they shed light on the confidential
actions of the conservative Hill, who the documents show tried
unsuccessfully to halt the massacre, both by means of multiple private
representations to the Argentine military and in a series of cables to
Kissinger and his aides in Washington.
Ironically, left-wing Argentine journalists and historians have tried to
paint Hill in a sinister light by attempting to compare what happened in
Buenos Aires in 1976 with what is known to have happened three years
earlier in neighboring Chile, where a CIA-backed coup overthrew the
elected Marxist president Salvador Allende. However, to date there is no
evidence whatsoever that the United States either directed or promoted
the coup against Peron's government, generally considered on all sides
to have been incompetent and corrupt.
Hill, a businessman-diplomat, had been appointed by President Richard
Nixon as envoy to Buenos Aires in 1973. He had married into the
politically conservative W.R. Grace family, which had extensive business
interests in Latin America. He had served as ambassador in Costa Rica
during the time of the 1954 CIA-sponsored coup in Guatemala as well as
in subsequent posts in Mexico, El Salvador and Spain.
"Hill's biography reads like a satirical left-wing caricature of a
'yanqui imperialist,' noted the muckracking newsletter Latin America.
"He has long-standing connection with the United States security and
intelligence establishment."
In private Kissinger, too, lampooned portrayals of Hill as a
human-rights campaigner. "The notion of Hill as a passionate
human-rights advocate is news to all his former associates," Kissinger
wrote in 1988 in a private letter obtained by Insight. Kissinger's
rendition of Hill runs counter to the testimony of several U.S.
diplomats and law-enforcement personnel who served with him in Buenos
Aires, and to that of Juan de Onis, the New York Times correspondent in
Argentina in 1976, all of whom attest to the conservative envoy's rights
activism. And Hill's policy received strong support from U.S. Sen. Jesse
Helms (R.-S.C.), another Kissinger foe who met with the ambassador and
Videla in Buenos Aires in July 1976, Capitol Hill sources tell Insight.
An early version of the conversations in which Kissinger is shown to
have given a green light to the repression in Argentina was published in
October 1987 by The Nation, a magazine on the political left. The
principal source for that article was a memorandum from Patricia
Derian, then assistant secretary of state for human rights, in which a
conversation she had in early 1977 with Hill was outlined. Derian's
memorandum spoke of a first meeting between Kissinger and Guzzetti in
June 1976 following the annual meeting of the Organization of American
States in Santiago, Chile.
"The Argentines were very worried that Kissinger would lecture to them
on human rights," according to the Derian memorandum. "Guzzetti and
Kissinger had a very long breakfast, but the secretary did not raise the
subject. Finally, Guzzetti did. Kissinger asked how long it would take
... to clean up the problem. Guzzetti replied that it would be done by
the end of the year. Kissinger approved. In other words, Ambassador Hill
explained, Kissinger gave the Argentines the green light.... Later ...
the ambassador discussed the matter personally with Kissinger [who] ...
confirmed the conversation."
In The Nation article Kissinger's spokeswoman denied Hill's claims.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs William D. Rogers,
who attended the Santiago meeting with Kissinger and Guzzetti, said that
he did "not specifically remember" a meeting with Guzzetti, but added
that Kissinger would have told his Argentine peer that the military
should carry out the fight against terrorism "without abandoning the
rule of law."
Shlaudeman rebutted Hill's criticisms in a memorandum the Kissinger aide
sent to the high-flying diplomat the day after receiving Hill's critical
cable in October 1976. The views of Shlaudeman, who later served as U.S.
envoy to Buenos Aires during the military governments of Roberto Viola
and Leopoldo Galtieri, were expressed in an "action memorandum" titled
"Ambassador Hill and Human Rights in Argentina." The exchange shows the
intensity of the dispute between Hill and Kissinger.
"Bob Hill has registered for the record his concern for human rights in
a bitter complaint about our purported failure to impress on Foreign
Minister Guzzetti how seriously we view the rightist violence in
Argentina," Shlaudeman wrote to Kissinger. "I propose to respond for the
The declassified documents suggest that Kissinger did not continue to
respond personally to Hill. However, in a cable approved by Kissinger
personally and dated Oct. 20, 1976, Shlaudeman claimed that Guzzetti may
have misunderstood the message he had received because of his "poor
grasp of English." Shlaudeman suggested that, "as in other circumstances
you have undoubtedly encountered in your diplomatic career, Guzzetti
heard only what he wanted to hear.... Guzzetti's interpretation is
strictly his own."
Shlaudeman, referring to the luncheon he had with Guzzetti, wrote: "The
'consensus of the meeting' on our side was that Guzzetti's assurances
that a tranquil and violence-free Argentina is coming soon must prove a
reality if we are to avoid serious problems between us."
However, Shlaudeman did not offer a correction of Guzzetti's
understanding of his meetings with Kissinger and Rockefeller, and he did
not authorize Hill to rectify Guzzetti's interpretations of any of the
meetings as a necessary element for pressuring the military. "With
respect to your closing admonition about the futility of
representations," he told Hill, "we doubt that the GOA has all that many
illusions. ... In the circumstances, I agree that the Argentines will have
to make their own decisions and that further exhortations or generalized
lectures from us would not be useful at this point."
Just as Hill feared, the massive atrocities committed by the military
regime continued far beyond the end of 1976 and, by the time Kissinger's
policy finally was reversed, it was too late to stanch the bloodshed.
**Martin Edwin Andersen is the author of Dossier Secreto: Argentina and
the Myth of the Dirty "War" and a forthcoming book, written in Spanish,
on the history of the Argentine police (1880-1999). He also is the
author of the article mentioned above in The Nation. John Dinges, a
professor of journalism at Columbia University in New York City, is the
author of Assassination on Embassy Row on the Letelier case, and the
forthcoming The Condor Years.
[Source: Martin Edwin Andersen and John Dinges - Insight on the News
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Argentina Solidarity Campaign launched
08.01.2002 14:55
(Incidentally LabourNet is nothing to do with New Labour!!)