Bush Daddy Tribe Defined
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q | 06.01.2002 20:26
My Daddy said that my arraignment with counsel before the judge Friday morning was business-as-usual as the judge warned me that Cornell Police had dropped hints that I might be facing more charges for writing about a "gun" in "Warm Gun Fun" Id=101974 etc.. I explained that this gun talk pertains to the Beatle song, "Happiness is a Warm Gun"; plus they should also know that I revealed that I had sold my 20 gauges twenty years ago. I also had to explain to the lawyer that the "gun" was a woman in that song and they sang about pulling her "trigger"; thus there should be no problem finding her "barrel" or her "eyesight". I also reminded the judge that in addition to the probable truth, I also write about possibilities; plus my Daddy is the one saying this. Daddy headed for the hills a long time ago. Daddy is an old man. Just don't be taking a lot of people up there to see him.
All of this hoopla about my writings arises from the ingrained stupidity of Bush Daddy's Tribe, for the Head of the Serpent of Zionism orders the Tail to do things without explanation (Ids=104469 & 109956). They are sworn not to read a word that I write (Is. 29:11-12); thus they are given words out-of-context with false interpretations. Since they will admit that these falsehoods are what someone told them about my writings, the trick is to try to get them to read aloud to the judges what I have written. When they say that they can't read it, the judges can presume that they are illiterate and force them to prove their literacy. What the judges don't understand is that when these imposters are given a typed page and told what it is, they probably get by with pretending to read it. The same probably holds true for the censorious Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, and U-C IMC sites that remove my articles which they obviously haven't read.
I have also tried to verify whether or not kidnapping is a capital crime, punishable by death. What I've discovered is that these are Federal crimes, addressed in Title 18 of the United States Code. There seems to be allowance for a broad interpretation of these crimes so that the chemical-mongering Nicolaitans of Bush Daddy's Tribe and the censors that remove lifesaving information from the internet can be included. This probably also includes the lawless ones who have abducted and/or eliminated people who have complained about the intentional chemical contamination of the environment. Since they probably dumped tons of calcium and brake dust on the streets of Ithaca after the first snow, you can be sure that this lawlessness is going to continue. The "System" (Id=82678) is set up so that these lawless ones can use lethal chemicals to try to goad unsuspecting people into complaining about them, resulting in the probable targetting and eliminating of the complainers. Since no individual can oppose the lawlessness that prevails, I am appealing to another country and/or state to file abduction charges against the Cornell Police. On the other hand, if there is a "Silent Murder Epidemic" Id=24603 or "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 taking place; the average citizen doing the punishing or defending himself or herself is probably the equivalent of a "Citizen's Arrest" without a "calling card" (Id=111857).
In addition to setting traps to catch men with chemicals, gigolos, or contrived stupidity (Jer. 5:26); I have discovered that the lawless ones try to fabricate words and events much like they did the "Bogus Blue Moon" Id=87001 of November 2001 in order to trick and trap people. Since I more or less told the profane commentors on Madison IMC Id=2247 that they were a "pack of schmucks", I have learned that most of the dictionaries define "schmuck" not as "entrails" but as a "stupid or ignorant person". I was under the impression that "schmuck" was a recently listed meatpackers term used to refer to the discarded viscera of butchered animals, and I confirmed that in a large dictionary (Websters International 1980s?) at Olin Library. Although it is probable that "schmuck" is a Yiddish word from Poland, derived from "schmatte"(rag, worthless thing), "szmata" (rag), "schmear" (grease), and "schmutter" (rubbish); there seems to be a conscious effort to make "schmuck" into a profane word by saying it is a "schmucky" (objectionable, obnoxious) Taboo Yiddish word derived from "smok" (penis, fool)(serpent tail - Poland)and "schmo" (fool)(from Slovenian; jerk) meaning clumsy or stupid person. "Smok" and "schmo" don't even sound like "schmuck"! Although these dictionaries listing the "schmuck" as a fool say that the word originated in the late 1800s, they contend that Groucho Marx (1945) saying: "He doesn't even think that I can write, he thinks that I'm a complete schmuck!" is the first reported use of the word. Although this word probably originated with the Polish sausage, it seems like Groucho compelled someone to call the wrong person a "schmuck"; thus there began a campaign to make this into a profane word that can be banned. (391,000 entries for "schmuck" on Google!).
As you should know from the Postscript to "Freeing the Innocent" Id=109956, the moron's I.Q. of 50-75 can propel a moron to the highest offices of the land; thus arises the question: "How stupid is a schmuck?" From the culinary definition it appears that the schmuck is smarter than the turds that it produces. Is the schmuck stupider than the idiot (I.Q. <25) or the imbecile (I.Q. 25-50)? Is the schmuck a special breed of moron? Is Bush Daddy's Tribe full of schmucks? You could ask Bush Daddy, the rogue police, the gigolos, or other members of Bush Daddy's Tribe. Better yet, just talk to them. Stupidity speaks for itself. This word has probably been reserved for this tribe because they didn't want to waste it on the entrails of a dead animal. That's what my Daddy said.
Unless noted, referenced articles are on www.indymedia.org.. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS: There have been lots of Messiah sightings up here. Remember it's not: "Jesus Christ! That's Messiah "X"!" but rather: "That's Jesus Christ Messiah "X"!" (Ids=43985 & 46236). I also want you to understand that a lot of the notices that IMC is overloaded and that you should wait five minutes before trying again are probably contrived interference with bogus notices. This also pertains to the "fatal error" notices and stuff like that that I have witnessed on IMC. In order to access the sites and the articles that you want, be ready to try it via multiple windows and by repeatedly hitting the "stop", "back", and "reload" buttons before you give up.
All of this hoopla about my writings arises from the ingrained stupidity of Bush Daddy's Tribe, for the Head of the Serpent of Zionism orders the Tail to do things without explanation (Ids=104469 & 109956). They are sworn not to read a word that I write (Is. 29:11-12); thus they are given words out-of-context with false interpretations. Since they will admit that these falsehoods are what someone told them about my writings, the trick is to try to get them to read aloud to the judges what I have written. When they say that they can't read it, the judges can presume that they are illiterate and force them to prove their literacy. What the judges don't understand is that when these imposters are given a typed page and told what it is, they probably get by with pretending to read it. The same probably holds true for the censorious Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, and U-C IMC sites that remove my articles which they obviously haven't read.
I have also tried to verify whether or not kidnapping is a capital crime, punishable by death. What I've discovered is that these are Federal crimes, addressed in Title 18 of the United States Code. There seems to be allowance for a broad interpretation of these crimes so that the chemical-mongering Nicolaitans of Bush Daddy's Tribe and the censors that remove lifesaving information from the internet can be included. This probably also includes the lawless ones who have abducted and/or eliminated people who have complained about the intentional chemical contamination of the environment. Since they probably dumped tons of calcium and brake dust on the streets of Ithaca after the first snow, you can be sure that this lawlessness is going to continue. The "System" (Id=82678) is set up so that these lawless ones can use lethal chemicals to try to goad unsuspecting people into complaining about them, resulting in the probable targetting and eliminating of the complainers. Since no individual can oppose the lawlessness that prevails, I am appealing to another country and/or state to file abduction charges against the Cornell Police. On the other hand, if there is a "Silent Murder Epidemic" Id=24603 or "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 taking place; the average citizen doing the punishing or defending himself or herself is probably the equivalent of a "Citizen's Arrest" without a "calling card" (Id=111857).
In addition to setting traps to catch men with chemicals, gigolos, or contrived stupidity (Jer. 5:26); I have discovered that the lawless ones try to fabricate words and events much like they did the "Bogus Blue Moon" Id=87001 of November 2001 in order to trick and trap people. Since I more or less told the profane commentors on Madison IMC Id=2247 that they were a "pack of schmucks", I have learned that most of the dictionaries define "schmuck" not as "entrails" but as a "stupid or ignorant person". I was under the impression that "schmuck" was a recently listed meatpackers term used to refer to the discarded viscera of butchered animals, and I confirmed that in a large dictionary (Websters International 1980s?) at Olin Library. Although it is probable that "schmuck" is a Yiddish word from Poland, derived from "schmatte"(rag, worthless thing), "szmata" (rag), "schmear" (grease), and "schmutter" (rubbish); there seems to be a conscious effort to make "schmuck" into a profane word by saying it is a "schmucky" (objectionable, obnoxious) Taboo Yiddish word derived from "smok" (penis, fool)(serpent tail - Poland)and "schmo" (fool)(from Slovenian; jerk) meaning clumsy or stupid person. "Smok" and "schmo" don't even sound like "schmuck"! Although these dictionaries listing the "schmuck" as a fool say that the word originated in the late 1800s, they contend that Groucho Marx (1945) saying: "He doesn't even think that I can write, he thinks that I'm a complete schmuck!" is the first reported use of the word. Although this word probably originated with the Polish sausage, it seems like Groucho compelled someone to call the wrong person a "schmuck"; thus there began a campaign to make this into a profane word that can be banned. (391,000 entries for "schmuck" on Google!).
As you should know from the Postscript to "Freeing the Innocent" Id=109956, the moron's I.Q. of 50-75 can propel a moron to the highest offices of the land; thus arises the question: "How stupid is a schmuck?" From the culinary definition it appears that the schmuck is smarter than the turds that it produces. Is the schmuck stupider than the idiot (I.Q. <25) or the imbecile (I.Q. 25-50)? Is the schmuck a special breed of moron? Is Bush Daddy's Tribe full of schmucks? You could ask Bush Daddy, the rogue police, the gigolos, or other members of Bush Daddy's Tribe. Better yet, just talk to them. Stupidity speaks for itself. This word has probably been reserved for this tribe because they didn't want to waste it on the entrails of a dead animal. That's what my Daddy said.
Unless noted, referenced articles are on www.indymedia.org.. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS: There have been lots of Messiah sightings up here. Remember it's not: "Jesus Christ! That's Messiah "X"!" but rather: "That's Jesus Christ Messiah "X"!" (Ids=43985 & 46236). I also want you to understand that a lot of the notices that IMC is overloaded and that you should wait five minutes before trying again are probably contrived interference with bogus notices. This also pertains to the "fatal error" notices and stuff like that that I have witnessed on IMC. In order to access the sites and the articles that you want, be ready to try it via multiple windows and by repeatedly hitting the "stop", "back", and "reload" buttons before you give up.
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q