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An Agnostic's Perspective on Religion vs. Hypocricy

agnosticman | 06.01.2002 13:41

From the point of view of an "agnostic", current affairs and the apparent hypocrisy being practiced by peoples on ALL sides of the current issues is astounding. From the adherents of one religion, whose very name means Peace, to the adherents of another, whose central figure is known as "The Prince of Peace", actions seem inconsistent with words.

An Agnostic's Perspective on Religion vs. Hypocricy
An Agnostic's Perspective on Religion vs. Hypocricy

From the point of view of an "agnostic", current affairs and the apparent hypocrisy being practiced by peoples on ALL sides of the current issues is astounding. From the adherents of one religion, whose very name means Peace, to the adherents of another, whose central figure is known as "The Prince of Peace", actions seem inconsistent with words.

These actions also speak MUCH louder than words, and tell me more than all the words and "Holy Books" in the world, about the real nature of the individual human beings involved. Claiming to be "a good Christian" and being a "good Christian" seem to be two different things. Same with the claims being made by some Islamic peoples, the very name of their religion means (or so I am told) Peace, yet what are their actions?>/p> How can people believe themselves to be (or at least proclaim so) righteous and "true followers" of a "Faith" and yet act in a manner inconsistent with the basic, fundamental teachings of such "Faith"?

I cannot fathom the answer and am glad that even with my lack of "faith" as an agnostic, I at least try to act in a manner consistent with my "moral values". In my subjective case, these values include a firm commitment to "non-violence", and a deep and abiding love and respect for all life.

One of the many apparent hypocrisies that in my opinion is at the core of the current situation, is what seems to me as a lack of attention being paid to details of religious teachings within both religions so far mentioned which advise the faithful to "avoid the trap of Greed" or something to that effect. The symptoms of Violence and War and Terrorism over what appears to be just a simple case of being "blinded by Greed" are the most obvious hypocrisies being engaged in in the context of current affairs.

This writer wishes to point out that as far as he is subjectively aware, it is only a small percentage of the adherents to any religion that noticeably seem to act in a manner inconsistent with their faith, and the teachings thereof. Therefore, to the larger percentage of such faithful people, I make this plea: Please urge ALL of your fellows who claim to believe in one or another religion to study, understand, and act in a manner more consistent with the teachings of such religion.



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Political, not religious war

06.01.2002 22:28

I can see where you are coming from but wish to add this... The "war on terrorism" is not a religious war between two faiths BUT quite obvioulsy a political war - a war started by America because of the political sanctions it places on such countries such as Afghanistan. This is my personal view and you do not have to agree, however I am a Christian with the images of S11 and the wordwide aftermarth, etched all too vividly on my mind like everyone else and believe God is suffering with us and seeking, in love, to perfect it and rescue us from a dire predicament. Again this is just my opinion. But those persons waging war with others, are not Christians and will be dealth with as such in front of Jesus Christ. They will pay for their actions. But the point of this is, don't be fooled by saying this is a religious matter - this is capitalist politics and nothing more!


hypocracy a hauman failing.

07.01.2002 22:49

Hypocracy is the worst form of lying, lying to oneself! ALL Humans do this at one time or another. The pressence of an external set of rules that can be indepently verified ie the TEN Comandments, only brings this into sharper focus.
