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G8 - Genova Video by Davide Ferrario

CAT | 05.01.2002 12:02

Video on Carabinieri and Polizia brutalities

Please, send this message to the others IMC in the world.
Sharing the videos on Morpheus, Gnutella etc. with this keywords: (examples) protest - G8 genova; protest - Brussel D14;



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file is too big

05.01.2002 12:44

this file is just too big 351 mb on a 56k modem is just not feasible is it possible someone could zip it up and split it up please as i wish to use the footage for inner city screening project later on this year failing that does anyone know where i can pick up more footage from genoa particularly the diaz school i heard that someone was filming from upstairs when the brutalites were ongoing downstairs
peace and love in 2002!

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The file needs to be ripped...

05.01.2002 20:21


If the file could be ripped into Real or Quicktime format then it would reduce the size considerably (probably to around 35meg) without interferring too much with the quality.

Anybody able to do this?


School Raid video

06.01.2002 17:30

Hi there all,

I videoed the police raid, I think the is a reasonable MPG1 up on San Francisco indymedia, its under audio becomes the video at the time didn’t support the format…

The video has been widely used I think even though I haven’t had much feedback. Was used by the BBC…

Hopeing to put it on the up and coming Undercurrents 11 compilation, look out for screenings in the spring.

Hamish, Undercurrents Oxford


Genoa Libera video

06.01.2002 18:02

There's also a really good 30min video of Genoa protests called Genova Libera available.Made by activists it has footage of all protests, school and interviews. Contact Globalise Resistance on
or TV Choice Productions tel:0207 379 0873 to get hold of copy.

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Genoa video

06.01.2002 18:07

Hi there all,

I videoed the police raid, I think the is a reasonable MPG1 up on San Francisco indymedia, its under audio becomes the video at the time didn’t support the format…

The video has been widely used I think even though I haven’t had much feedback. Was used by the BBC…

Hopeing to put it on the up and coming Undercurrents 11 compilation, look out for screenings in the spring.

Hamish, Undercurrents Oxford


soon.. new HiQuality divx version

06.01.2002 20:42

very soon a new version of th video will be available

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