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Opposing the inevitability lie

Steve Booth | 04.01.2002 19:15

How can anarchists oppose the 'its inevitable' Euro lie?

As anarchists who are opposed to Europe, one thing that has GOT to be nailed is this pro-euro propaganda thing being pushed to the max at the moment, that its inevitable and there is nothing we can do to stop it. This is one of the most important tasks currently. Does anybody have any thoughts on this one?

'All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.'

Have no doubt that this European Superstate cuts to the very heart of the question over whether we are and remain human beings at all.

Steve Booth,
Green Anarchist, 9 Ash Avenue, Galgate, Lancaster LA2 0NP

Steve Booth
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The more they push it....

04.01.2002 23:40

The more they push this inevitability line, the more they piss people off, which has got to be good in the long run for people who hate the Euro-Reich.


its difficult

04.01.2002 23:40

With the new found confidence of anything goes, the public will believe any old shite if it's held up for a few seconds and then withdrawn, and opposers of the euro are all small-minded nationalist and quite possibly of a mad Thatcher/ids tendency, it's hard.I guess that if there is a referendum on the issue then there would be a need for a pretty clear campaign from a libertarian left/anarchist/green perspective on how oppressive cenralised financial control of nations is. With the expected US dollarisation of Canada, Mexico, and eventually the whole of South America, and further down the line, and I suspect this all occurs at lightning speed, the dollarisation of the euro, power over much of global economic activity is entirely in the hands of central banks and the federal reserve, with all us cattle trying to get goods and services with a smart identity card - credit allowed or disallowed.
I don't know how to wake people up to the complexity of all this - I've been branded fascist on this wire for much lesser attempts at exposing reality

dwight heet

Visibility is the key.

04.01.2002 23:55

We have to oppose it and we have to be visible. Not to be ashamed of opposing the Euro, but be clear on why we are doing this, opposing the Euro for the right reasons.

It's not fascist to want to oppose this centralising pull towards total world domination. Anarchists have just got to do it, but not from any narrow and infantile nationalistic sentiment but because we oppose power - and here is power naked, steamrollering over everybody.

We need simple stickers and posters on billboards everywhere to try to draw together the people who oppose it and make opposition more visible. Visibility is part of the key to it and we are not going to get that from their media, we have to create that for ourselves.

Pee Wee Russell

they managed to get a no vote in ireland

05.01.2002 15:46

which is a very pro-europe country. so if people in the uk are serious about this, it's not far to go to find out how to effectively educate and unify people to oppose the dubiously corporate integration aspect of euro-centralisation....
