Why Mr Blair Should Go?
Patrick Cooper-Duffy | 03.01.2002 20:12
The world is perhaps paying a heavy price for the uncompleted 1982 Congressional Iran /Contra enquiry?As the world moves to greater instability I suggest we need greater information and accountability..
The recently released cabinet papers on Afghanistan indicate the low priority given to the region.Given that suggestions included dividing it between Pakistan and Russia.What justification can be found in the 20 years of fighting that followed.Who can doubt that the present American foreign policy is pushing the region to further instability.It is rash and brings little honour to Britain in supporting it.
Could I suggest a little more discussion and debate on the issue?If India and Pakistan do not go to war no doubt Mr Blair will take the credit.If war does break out then I suggest that Mr Blair resigns.
Jet setting enables great spin but at some point domestic concern need attention.
Patrick Cooper-Duffy