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National Stop The War/CND march provisionally planned

Letism | 02.01.2002 16:11

Advance notice of the national Stop The War/CND march in January. Date is PROVISIONAL ONLY.

The provisional date for the Stop The War/CND march in London is: January 26, 2002.

I wanted to post this info here so people can start preparing and mobilising and making plans. This date is subject to change.

Details and confirmation will follow shortly.



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Difficult to plan for

02.01.2002 23:34

It's so difficult to know what the theme should be. Is it 'this was a vicious and unecessary war and pockets of civilians are still being slaughtered by US action' or would it be 'this was a vicious onslaught which came nowhere near achieving its objective - the capture or killing of UBL -and the best defense of it we could make was a crap video which featured someone who didnt even look like him' or ' this stuff is going to go on and on, maybe Iraq or somewhere next' - or will it be Israel-Palestine or India -Pakistan? Or will it be rampant denial of civil rights globally and anything-goes-remember-9-11? Or will something else have happened by then - either a further attack on some 'homeland' state or something happening in some far flung land. Blair mediating in India? A frightening thought.

dwight heet

Yes Dwight: All Those Things And More!!

03.01.2002 00:08

People are starting to sense a connection between all those various things you mention, and much much more.

That's the whole point imo.

Let's hope there's 200,000 people out next time, with the same feeling that all these things that are wrong are connected by some very simple truth.

Let's protest that this truth is not being recognised by the media that feeds us.

Let's all come together from all our different angles, and recognise that there's a space to meet in the middle.

Don't try and label things so much - maybe the thing we're all demonstrating for is not able to be pigeonholed.


The Simple Truth

03.01.2002 10:37

Apparently David Icke is going to be the main speaker.

check his revelation of the "simplr truth" of which you speak:-



03.01.2002 16:37

If we need a 'theme' to protest against global injustice and genocide for oil, let it be simply....NO MORE WAR!! And while we are at it, bring all the warmongers to justice!!


needs to be kept credible...

04.01.2002 03:56

I'm concerned that David Icke may be keynote speaker - IMHO that would be a big blow to the credibility of the anti-war/pro-peace movement.



04.01.2002 12:44

David Icke aint gonna be a key-note speaker. Insider, that greatest of counter-revolutionaries, is, as usual, talking out of the hole in his clit.
I doubt the majority of moronic lefties attending the 'anti-war' rallies would be ready for even the most basic of Icke's ideas.
anyone for snooker!


check your sources

04.01.2002 14:58

Rather than rely on rumour, why not check the Stop the War Coalition website:

- Homepage:

Actually the insider came up with a good idea

05.01.2002 01:37

All those Monbiots, Tariq Alis,George Galloways,New York trade unionists and so on do work off the same ideology - that UBL is somehow responsible. We know now that that's crap. Let's put up an Ickean speaker. So much nearer the truth!

dwight heet