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New Year - Same Old S**t

NOMANZLAND | 01.01.2002 03:22

What A year 2001 was, what can we expect from 2002.

What A year 2001 was, what can we expect from 2002.

Well, many people will say good riddance to 2001 and welcome in 2002 with a more optimistic mind.....but thats hard when you've got people like Bush, Blair and Bin Laden running the show. And the capitalists are getting ready for the euro....this is a new oppurtunity to rip off people and exploit more and more.
Well, Happy New Year Anyway



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Happy New Euro

01.01.2002 16:33

Eddie Izzard, self-appointed Ambassador for the Euro, says, "it's coming whether we want it or not, so we may as well get on the bus and start driving it." That's what I like about this democracy, "people participation" in major political decisions, like new currency. Vending machines are already being adapted as our system adjusts to the inevitable, by stealth. Get your starter packs now, there will be no referendum, Eddie has spoken.

Reg Varney


01.01.2002 22:54

Not so far from the worldwide eurodollar currency with every transaction carried out with the benefit of a microchip carried in your smartcard or under your skin. Will Big Issue sellers be equipped with readers? Singapore by 2005, I believe.

dwight heet

More chips please

02.01.2002 01:54

The Euro has a big shiny metallic strip on it, looks like the money's chipped're next!


Same sh*t is right

02.01.2002 09:59

Same inane ranting from the far left. Still totally disconnected from the masses.

Bitching about the euro, which will cut into bank's lucrative exchange rate scam. I thought you people didn't like banks. Then again, you can't seem to make your mind up about a fucking thing, so whatever.

Onwards, upwards, into irrelevance.

