When will the oil run out?
HBJB | 31.12.2001 21:56
i guess the remainder of the century will deal with wars between countries to determine who gets the remaining oil under the earth's crust.
just read through www.dieoff.org. Sounds like 2010 or so the great oil peak will occur, and then supply will taper off a-la bell curve.
And if Robert Kaplan is to be believed, sierra leone's situation will encompass the world sooner or later due to decentralization of authority due to crime and poverty..
with an aparent end of civilization eminent
anybody know some better info on this?
are these guys wrong or right?
And if Robert Kaplan is to be believed, sierra leone's situation will encompass the world sooner or later due to decentralization of authority due to crime and poverty..
with an aparent end of civilization eminent
anybody know some better info on this?
are these guys wrong or right?
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OIl what about it's side effects
01.01.2002 10:59
Shiv Malik, Leeds University.
e-mail: Shivmalik@hotmail.com
some of dieoff is bollox
01.01.2002 13:06
But the piece on renewables is complete bollocks - the site
simply rambles on with the same myopic & inaccurate arguments that the fossil fuel lobby have been trying to get away with for years - that solar panels consume more energy to make than they produce.
Now that may have been true 20 years ago when they were still in early stages of developments, but it isn't so now, modern panels are extremly efficient. The site also fails to mention
wind/wave/biomass & other sources of renewable energy - for instance the UK could easily provide 3 times it's current
electrical energy needs by wind energy alone - and is very slowly starting to do so (but not at the rate needed to replace fossil fuel power stations)
And if there was even a quarter of the investemnt in renewables research that currently goes into fossil fuel research & exploration...
well, that too
01.01.2002 19:47
i sure hope its bullocks
01.01.2002 23:30
but the current oil fetish by the west, almost all of it seemingly in the USA is going to wreak havoc on the century. I hope this is an overly pessimistic report, but the laws of thermodynamics hold, and the oil will run out, either soon or later. And civilisation as it is now won't be able to handle it.
get the word out!
But you can be sure of Shell...
02.01.2002 01:05
Before 2030, maybe in 2007, the volatility of the international energy market may be problematic to those still stuck in their cars.
Even worse, when it starts to cost more to extract oil 'in pure energy terms' than the value returned in energy, the whole enterprise of global capitalism does an 'argentina' and 'growth' is no longer possible. You are advised not to have a 'pension'.
Get a bike and stay out of those ghastly tin boxes of carbon monoxide and compartmentalized time. Live healthy and laugh at all the busy bikeless people in their lovely cars with their precious risk averse lives. Don't have pointless reasons to want a pointless car, make friends with the neighbours and give up on hypermobility, noise, dirt, fumes and false-gods.
A 'car' cannot ever be seen as a positive choice, just a lazy one for those prepared to compromise 'life' and the 'planet'. 'God' evolved us legs, and brains too, so us 'em. Don't get disabled by carbon addiction.
The more they drive, the less they think...
e-mail: r2d2@starwars.tv