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More corporate media bullshit

Anarchist Rioter | 29.12.2001 12:29

Yet more self-congratulatory guff from the poor old Grauniad in its review of 2001. Is anti-capitalism dead? You bet it's not.

Yes, it's that time of year again, when the corporate media hacks choose their favourite events of the past year. Topping the bill this year is that old Financial Times canard, the death of anti-capitalism. In an article that may as well have been ghost-written by Alistair Campbell, the editor of the Grauniad, Alan Rusbridger, lays out the now-familiar obituary:

"The protest momentum seemed unstoppable, and more demos had been planned for the autumn. It's hard to think of a more abrupt interruption in a political movement: there have been no demos, no debate since September 11. There is no appetite for it, no interest, and the issues that were all-consuming a few months ago seem irrelevant now."

Erm, Washington D.C? Ottowa? Brussels? Not to mention (in 2002) NYC, Munich, Barcelona?

The corporate media (of which the Grauniad has long been a particularly offensive member, on account of its fake-"left" credentials) is trying to sell the British public a line: Anti-capitalism is history; the world now revolves around the War on Terror; everything else is irrelevant; Let those noted democrats Bush and Blair do their job in peace.

The trouble is, it just doesn't wash with anyone. Alan Rusbridger is an intelligent man - why on earth does he think that anyone will buy this ****? Once again, the Grauniad shows its true colours as an apologist for crimes against humanity and an organ of the very worst Soviet-style manipulation.

Meanwhile, Rusbridger heaps praise on his Dear Leader for that conference speech he made at Brighton while we were all standing out in the rain outside. This speech (according to Rusbridger) was "ambitious" and "important" with "echoes of Francis Fukuyama". (For those of you too young to remember, Fukuyama is an American academic who famously proclaimed the End of History and the Triumph of Corporate Globalisation.)

This Stalin-era ovation aside, Rusbridger then marvels as the Great Leader goes on to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, save the environment, double the grain harvest and etch his name in history as the world's greatest diplomat/peacenik/military genius/lover etc etc. Hell, at least we know who's side he's on . . .

2002 is a fantastic opportunity to prove them all wrong . . . We are the White Overalls, Pink & Silver, the Black Block - THE UNITED COLOURS OF RESISTANCE.


Anarchist Rioter


Hide the following 7 comments


29.12.2001 12:45

And in the words of a famous puppet president; 'You ain't seen nothin' yet."


No Demos!

29.12.2001 13:03

Not to mention 100,000 people protesting in London against the war.

I think these peeps have started to believe their own hype.


Don't believe the hype

29.12.2001 14:00

As Chuck D put it.........DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE


wat beyond hype

29.12.2001 23:51

Most of what has passed for news in the latter part of this year is lies, falsification, negligence (of alternative interpretations) and flying pigs. Rusbridger is a dog-wagging shit. The Mirror has done slightly better than the Guardian

Dwight Heet

Look out!

30.12.2001 01:27

As in 1984 History will be RE_WRITTEN


Alan Rusbridger can lick my twat

30.12.2001 11:30

From Mr Rusbridgers comments, we can clearly see that he has made a common yet mistaken error in "writing off" the ever growing anti-capitalism movement. However unintentionally, he is correct in stating that the "anti-globalisation" movement is dead. Why? Because none of us are or ever have been a part of an anti-globalisation movement; we a part of a pro-democracy movement and a worldwide social justice movement. Anti-globalisation is a misleading, harmful moniker adopted mainly by the corporate media to dismiss our valid concerns. We can't be anti-globalisation when we support economic justice and social justice for all, worldwide. The fact that Indymedia exists at all suggests that none of us are solely interested in campaigning for justice solely in our own backyards. If anything, we're pro-globalisation; the globalisation of true justice and true democracy. So go screw yourself, Alan, and stop trying to screw us...

tricky dicky

Only 4 Months till Mayday........

30.12.2001 18:35

None of my non politically active friends had a clue about Brussels until i told them about it, it wasn't reported in the Corporate Media and non of them where @ Brussels, so how would they know about it?? I would guess that applies to the majority of the population.

We need a big and LOUD turnout on Mayday 2002 to show the people that we are still here post 911 and that what we say is more relevant to their life's than ever.

& to do that its not enough to get 100,000 in London, we have to do it in such as way as to make it IMPOSSIBLE for the mainstream media to ignore (& hopefully in a more imaginative way them smashing a few shop windows).

I also think Tricky Dicky is completly right re. comments on 'anti-globalisation'. i'm not a anti-globaliser, i'm pro globalised social justice & democracy . continually using 'anti' to describe what we are against is allowing the right to depict as a bunch of negative malcontents with no philosphy beyond hating McD's,

so let make Mayday 2002 the british part of the worldwide pro-democracy protests.
