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Dr. Do-Little | 26.12.2001 15:16

The question remains unanswered, is Tony Blair following the government guidelines set out for the rest of the population, concerning the controversial MMR vaccine? And will victims of autism receive compensation?

The MMR immunisation was introduced in the UK in 1988 with the first dose aimed at children of 12-15 months, a the second dose at 3-5 years. It is designed to protect against measles, mumps and rubella (German Measles) and works by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies against the viruses without causing harm. It was so well received by both parents and doctors that over 90 per cent of children were being immunised by 1992.

Most children received the vaccine with no obvious serious side-effects, but some became seriously ill within a few weeks. These children began behaving strangely, stopped talking and became socially withdrawn, staring into space for hours on end. Many developed a raging thirst, bizarre eating habits, multiple food allergies, hyperactivity and sleep problems. This was usually accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and bowel disturbances. Some children became incontinent of urine or feces. Their development deteriorated. Thousands of children now fall into this category of abnormal development only after receiving the vaccine.

Professor John O'Leary, Director of Pathology at the Coombe Women's Hospital in Dublin, told the US Congress in April, 2000, that he had produced compelling evidence of an association between autism and the MMR vaccine. Professor O'Leary found the measles virus in the guts of 24 out of 25 children who had developed autism, after an apparently previously healthy infancy.

His research supported the findings of Andrew Wakefield, of the Royal Free Hospital, London, who claimed there was an etiological implication between persistent measles virus infection or measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), mainly on the basis of epidemiological and immunohistochemical findings. Dr. Wakefield identified "autistic enterocolitis", an inflammation of the gut in 150 autistic children who became autistic after receiving the vaccine.

Dr. Aitken, based at Edinburgh University, said, "The substantial increase in cases in the US began about three years after MMR vaccine was introduced and the same thing happened three years after MMR was introduced in Britain. There has been a national increase throughout Britain and I find it very surprising that the change is so tightly linked in time with when triple vaccine was introduced."
On February 28, 1998, Wakefield reported in The Lancet a possible connection among inflammatory bowel disease, autism, and viral infection associated with measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination. The damage from autism is thought to be provoked by an allergic reaction initiated by the body's reaction to the vaccine. This auto-immune response may also reduce levels of the dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-IV enzyme, thereby connecting vaccines to the opioid theory of autism.

Andrew Wakefield did his first colonoscopy on an autistic child, because the anguished mother begged him to find the reason why her son had such terrible gastrointestinal problems. Finding some very specific pathology, Dr. Wakefield proceeded to investigate 11 more autistic children, again finding similar pathology in all children. These children had lost acquired skills, including communication, after a period of apparent normality.
Among eight of the children, the onset of behavioral problems had been linked, either by the parents or the child's physician, with MMR vaccination Five had an early adverse reaction to immunization (rash, fever, delirium, and seizures in 3). The average interval from exposure to first behavioral symptom was 6.3 days (range: 1-14 days).
Among the remaining 4 children, one received monovalent measles vaccine at 15 months, after which his development slowed. A striking deterioration then occurred in his behavior at age 4.5 years, the day after he received an MMR vaccine. A second child received the MMR vaccine at 16 months, developing at 18 months a combination of recurrent, antibiotic resistant, otitis media, along with his first behavioral symptoms (lack of interest in siblings and lack of play). A third child received an MMR at 15 months, experienced recurrent "viral pneumonia" for the next 8 weeks, and developed behavioral symptoms 4 weeks after the MMR ( loss of speech development and deterioration in language skills). The fourth child developed self- injurious behavior 2 month after the MMR.

Urinary methylmalonic acid excretion was significantly raised in all children tested (8 of the 12). Ten of the twelve children showed lymphoid nodular hyperplasia of the terminal ileum on endoscopy. The eleventh child had prominent luteal lymph nodes and the ileum was not reached in the twelfth (who had an ulcer in the rectum along with chronic colitis).

Wakefield, concluded that a subset of autistic people may suffer brain inflammation resulting from infections that began in their intestines after they were inoculated with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Theoretically, this condition could occur after naturally-acquired infection as well. The pro-vaccine community would argue, if this is true, that vaccination still reduces the incidence of disease by reducing the number of infections.
Wakefield's studies received enormous press attention in the United Kingdom. The immediate result of Dr.Wakefield's paper was a vitriolic attack from every front. A flood of opposing articles appeared in the same issue of The Lancet, and systematic criticism, nearing persecution, of Dr. Wakefield began, and is still going on. Rates of vaccination against measles fell to about 85 percent last year. Epidemiologists have been predicting a measles epidemic to result. Ireland reported an outbreak of 300 measles cases as of summer, 2000, compared to only 30for all of 1999. Two of the new cases were infants who had to be hospitalized with pneumonia complications.

Distraught parents of affected children have become even more confused, because no one has been able to prove conclusively to them yet, that an MMR vaccine-Autism connection does not really exist.

Dr. Do-Little


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a word of caution

26.12.2001 16:07

behind the obvious 'spinning' and subterfuge, nobody has asked a perhaps deeper question; why are we expecting blair to take a lead in this matter at all ? we should not, i feel, fall into the trap of bestowing upon this man any excess wisdom. rather, if he wants us to stay out of his personal life as he doth protest too much, we should demand that he and his party stays out of the lives of people in general.


And a word about "comparative risks"

26.12.2001 18:31

Nothing in this article substantiates the claim of thousands of children, but without a doubt there would be a significant munber. Thus out of the millions of children being vaccinated, yeah, maybe we're talking thousands. Like with any other vaccine, a certain small percentage will have some severe negative reaction. But does this mean the vaccination is a bad idea? No, because.....

The diseases being vaccinated against are serious. Without vaccine, most children would survive measles, most would not have serious measles complications, life threatening, brain function threatening complications. But some would, and more than are hurt by the vaccine. Hey, I'm a survivor of measles encephalitis myself.

Likewise mumps and rubella aren't trivial diseases. Back before the vaccines, if a boy child doesn't get through mumps while young it was pretty horrible (orchitis is no joke) and if a girl didn't get through rubella before she was got pregnant, bad news for her fetus even if not for her. But even in childhood these diseases could and did kill a certain percentage in the days before the vaccine.

mail e-mail:

MMR & Autism

26.12.2001 19:12

MMR is an effective vaccination against fatal and seriously damaging illnesses from fetal development onwards. We therefore should continue to support its use unless we have very good reasons to the contrary. These "good reasons" does not yet exist.

Unlike some of his supporters, Dr. Wakefield makes very cautious claims for his research. He does not argue that it proves that a link exists between the MMR and autism.

BJ Gibbons

Take the risk - avoid all vaccines

27.12.2001 00:20

Vaccinations assault the immune system of babies and young children by bypassing all immune processes - nasorespiratory systems and so on, and putting noxious substances - viruses killed or unkilled, mercuric oxides, formaldehyde, aliminium salts, potentially BSE prions, direct into the bloodstream. A disease process is laid over the immune reactions, the blood/brain barrier is weakened,(Meningitis,CJD) childhood diseases may be delayed, and eg mumps may become more dangerous when older, or common symptoms may be suppressed resulting in atypical forms of the disease.Diseases become renamed in vaccinated population eg smallpox being rebranded monkey pox or non-specific pox virus. Very commonly the nervous system is suppressed and vaccinated kids lose their 'spark' - useful for the NWO wanting robotic types - see the many youth lost in delusion - vaccines and other repeated allopathic medicines have had a large part to play. Over a period of 25 years I've been responsible for 6 non-vaccinated kids - all very healthy. Reject capitalist drug cartel dominated medicine.

dwight heet

re;A Word of Caution

27.12.2001 19:52

Corvus is dead right of course; however most of society does regard blair & co as some kind of source of leadership and wisdom so maybe things like this can be used to show their hypocrisy. The more we can show their lack of integrity the better.

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