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hey - the government wants to hear our views on globalisation...

dfid i guess | 22.12.2001 01:57

can it be worth participating in their discussions - or would we just be feeding them new rhetoric?

DFID Development Policy Forums 2002

What do you think about globalisation? Can it bring greater prosperity for us all, even the poorest on our planet? Or is it a threat to our very survival?

The Government is committed to promoting a stronger debate on these issues. In 1998 and 2000 the Department for International Development (DFID) organised Development Policy Forums around the UK to share thinking and ideas on key development issues between different groups in society, including Ministers and civil servants from across UK Government. We are now planning a third series of eleven forums for the first half of 2002.

This time we are focusing on globalisation and its potential to reduce world poverty. In particular, can it help to achieve the International Development Targets, which include halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by 2015? Achieving the targets requires an enormous effort by governments in developed and developing countries. But there is also a crucial role for all of us, whether it is working through NGOs, businesses, local government, education, unions, research, faith groups or as consumers, to help eliminate abject poverty.

During the Forums we will be looking at three key issues all within the context of the changes which globalisation is bringing: environment and development, trade and development, and private sector and development. Participants will have an opportunity to explore these individual issues in depth in working groups, before sharing ideas and putting questions to the Government panel in a final plenary session.

In 2002 the Forums will be held in:

 Belfast 6 February
 Totnes 21 February
 Bristol 4 March
 Leeds 22 March
 Sunderland 10 April
 Edinburgh 7 May
 Manchester 28 May
 Norwich 5 June
 London 20 June
 Birmingham 8 July

We want to encourage representatives from across society to participate in the Forums as we believe the Forums are an exciting opportunity to learn first hand what different groups, including UK Government, are doing on these issues, and to share experience, ideas and concerns. More details can be found on DFID’s website: where on-line registration facilities are available.

dfid i guess
