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Warren style commission to Investigate 9/11

Lloyd Hart | 21.12.2001 23:19

With the billions spent on the CIA, NSA, FAA, Air Guard, Air force and NORAD, on September 11, 2001 I found myself immediately questioning how four passenger airliners could have gone off course and not created a veritable storm of response

Warren style commission to Investigate 9/11

By Lloyd Hart

With the announcement of legislation being introduced in the Senate today, of a Warren style commission that would look into the facts surrounding the terrorist attacks on Sept.11, 2001 against the United States, the question that might pop into the minds of IMC readers, I humbly propose is, will the commission come to praise Caesar or to bury him.

With the billions spent on the CIA, NSA, FAA, Air Guard, Air force and NORAD, on September 11, 2001 I found myself immediately questioning how four passenger airliners could have gone off course and not created a veritable storm of response that would have led to the shooting down of any jets that came anywhere near urban areas hundreds and hundreds of miles away from where they were supposed to be.

And then I read the article by Top View that if true reveals the smoking gun for the gut feeling many of us were struck with on 9/11/01, that know a little something about national security.

The following is the excerpt from the Top View article with the most meaningful evidence that the Bush administration may have followed through on those NSA, Joint Chiefs planning sessions (Body of Secrets-Bamford) in the Reagan administration where proposals were finalized that would have had the Reagan administration perpetrate terrorist attacks on domestic American targets in which American citizens would be the primary target. These attacks would then be blamed on any one of many Reagan era governments or groups that they could then, with full public support, bring the full weight of the US military down on.

The Top Quote:

"The Air Force spokesman confirmed that after the alerts and requests for intercepts of the aircraft were received from FAA/ATC, orders from the HIGHEST LEVEL of the executive branch of the federal government were received, demanding that the Air Force stand down and NOT follow through with established scramble/intercept procedures that morning until further notice!"

My hope is that the commission will get to the bottom of this issue and expose the conspirators. But it is my deepest fear that Senators Leiberman and Cain the sponsors of the commission legislation, are simply attempting to head off a hurricane of suspicion that is now swirling around this issue. If this is the case, they will not be heading off anything that could damage the government and the nation more than another Warren commission style cover up

It took twenty-four years for the data to be reviewed and then rejected by the International Symposium on Forensic Medicine when they met in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada in 1987. The International Symposium on Forensic Medicine unanimously voted that the "magic bullet and single gunman theory" proposed by the warren commission was an impossible set of circumstances and that there had to have been more then one gunman.

With the advent of the speed of communication on the Internet, let us not just hope, let us demand that it does not take another twenty-four years to get to the bottom of Caesar’s madness.

Lloyd Hart
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shooting down aircraft

21.12.2001 23:53

Governments don't go around shooting airliners without a good deal of very hard evidence. You may remember Korean Airlines flight 007 shot down over the Kamchatka peninsula in 1987 by the the then Soviet Government. They got it wrong. So you think that the USAF will happily shoot down four airliners unless they are very very sure something is wrong?

And if shot down over inhabited areas, they would creat a similar amount of destruction. Remember Lockerbie?

And finally, there simply wouldn't have been time to arm aircraft. In times of peace, fighters do not sit around on airbases, engines warmed up, pilots in the seat, carrying live munitions.

And no-one has provided a convincing alternative to the Oswald scenario. Even if they had, what is the relevance of an event 38 years ago?


shooting down

22.12.2001 15:41

Shooting down airliners with some hundreds of poeple on board is not an act taken lightly by any Government. Those with longer memories might recall Korean Airlines Flight 007, shot down over the Kamchatka peninsula by the then Soviet Government in 1987.

Secondly, shooting them down over inhabited areas may be counterproductive - you are inviting a Lockerbie type disaster.

Thirdly, this assumes that the targets were known in advance. Clearly this was not possible for the first aircraft.

Fourthly, I think you underestimate how many aircraft there are in the skies at any one moment. Heathrow at its peak handles an aircraft every 90 seconds.

Fifthly, many aircraft are not under direct air traffic control. These include those in transit from one city to another, and many privately owned aircraft.

Sixthly, fighters in peacetime are not routinely armed with live missiles. Nor are they sitting on a runway with engines running. Although these aircraft are credited with high speeds - eg Mach 2 - this is only possible at high altitudes such as 40-50,000 feet. Their margin of speed at low level is surprisingly small.

Any idea that these aircraft could be intercepted is straight out of Tom Clancy.


read this, please

22.12.2001 18:51


10 years

23.12.2001 00:31

I think there's only 10 years left before this comes to fruition - and with the increasing vibration of the earth that's not long at all. And with world 'leaders' no lomger knowing how to tell the truth at all - and with the media so in awe of events that they can't do the simplest thing (eg like check a video Bin Laden against a known Bin Laden and expose the discrepancy except in terms of Arab belief systems - never mind their own belief systems have been buggered) And believe me - there's plenty of apathetic citizens out here knowing they're being fed the shit of flying pigs

dwight heet