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Carnival against NATO Info #2

some Carnivalists | 17.12.2001 15:14

New Infos on how we are trying to build up creative resistance against the meeting of the world's war elite in Munich on feb 1./2./3.

Move your body – rock the system!


To all
street reclaimers
queer folk
hippies and goafreaks
friends of peace
radical cheerleaders

Carnival against NATO – what’s that supposed to be?
We are enthusiastic about those ReclaimTheStreets Parties in London, where thousands of people more or less spontaneously and un-co-ordinately occupied the streets, danced or made some music and in this way took back the streets as space to live in for themselves.

At the same time it made us think, that on one hand more than one million youth attend “demos“ such as the “Loveparade“ in Berlin, which are all about having fun, but have no political message, whereas those same young people are nowhere to be seen at important protests of rich political content – be it Anti-Nazi- or peace-actions or others.
Why is that so?
We have the feeling that neither “militant” burning of banks and barricades nor “peaceful“ marching in repeated and never ending demonstrations attracts a great number of young people. Fear of police persecution, which is even being stirred up by numerous anti-repression and legal assistance groups, combined with a feeling of senselessness of our actions and the seeming impossibility to achieve the goals we sacrifice our time and energy for, further promotes this inactivity. Therefore we think that resistance and protest has to be a lot of fun. In order to be so, the atmosphere of the event must be more or less relaxed. Different people express their protest and resistance in different ways, dare to go differently far in what they are ready to do, so there must be enough space for every form of action to be carried out.

We have been inspired by the idea of a pink-silver-bloc such as the one that existed at the protests in Prague or Genoa. The activists of this form of protest used sassiness, creativity, subversion and tactical chaotisation. That was efficient in its outcome and also very sensational, and the participants had a lot of fun.

The base for our „Carnival against NATO“ contends of two facts: The actual carnival season and music & dancing. Since it is carnival season anyway, we want to encourage people, who like to party and dislike the plans of NATO, to take our action as reason for a politically motivated party. Famous examples for such political parties are Notting Hill Carnival in London or the gaylesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney. Both events attract thousands of people every year. Unfortunately both have lost a lot of their political contend and activist relation.
To ensure, that the carnivalists can have a party whilst other people are doing other things, and the atmosphere remains relaxed, but determined and action-friendly, the centre of our gathering will be the music-truck. Like at the “Loveparade“ there will be DJs playing music of it’s own message. What in fact will happen and which actions will be carried out is up to the “spirit of the magic moment“ and depends on the people, you and us, who are present. We don’t want to compel or force anyone to do something, (s)he does not want to do, or get people into situations they are not ready to put up with. We welcome all initiatives for creative and imaginative actions.

Political intervention should be fun for everyone. And it should show an alternative to the ruling model of power, dominance and fighting.
We want to confront the war lords, the planers of torture, starvation, murder and destruction, who will be meeting in the noble hotel “Bayrischer Hof”, with our liveliest, craziest, pulsating life and our most imaginative, creative and danceable resistance.
We cry out to the ministers of war, the military strategists, the generals and in-security specialists, the commanders and secret service agents – and who-knows-else taking part at this meeting of the world’s war elite – we cry out to them : NO!

Their war and state terror we answer with music, creativity, respect, imagination, dance, love and livelihood. We want to show them how beautiful life and the world could be if it wasn’t for THEM. We want everyone to express themselves.

It is carnival season in February, therefore:
It's your show time!
All creative action welcome!
Seattle+Notting Hill=Munich!

some Carnivalists
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