Back from Bruxxels
Kevolution | 16.12.2001 19:34
Comrades and friends,
The Socialist Youth contingent has now returned to Ireland after participating in the events of D14/15 in Brussels. This is one very tired comrade, so this may not make 100% sense!
After arriving in the early hours of Thursday night/Friday morning, and catching a whole hour's sleep, the Socialist Youth/SP contingent assembled at the 'Little Castle' and marched with our international organisation, the Committee for a Workers International (CWI), along the main route. The atmosphere was electric, with a real revolutionary feeling in the air.
Socialists, Communists, genuine Anarchists and other Lefties put their differences behind them for one day and marched as the international resistance to world capitalism, the system of global greed. Certain of the so-called "Black Bloc" anarchists did their usual nihilistic thing and smashed up a bank, a police office and bizzarrely, six cars belonging to workers of Arab origin. It was obvious that there were Statist elements at work within the BB, acting as agent provocetuers within the group.
The violence carried out by this group ensures that police/state repression can be 'justifiably' brought down on the whole movement. Other reports claim that BB and the State were seen mingling (in collaboration) during the day.
After the marching ended in the Tours & Taxi area, the CWI held a street rally with Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins recieving a fantastic response to his speech.
After the rally, the CWI tried to move out of the T&T area, we found that the police (robocops) had encircled us, creating a mood of fear among the ranks of the protesters.
In order to leave the T&T area, protesters had to be searched by the police. These searches were not necessary, and only served to heighten tensions.
The CWI then held two meetings, one on the Market Economy and the Socialist Alternative, and the other on Bu$h's "War on Terrorism". However, this comrade cannot report on these meetings as he was far too tired to attend. After meeting various international comrades, and an excursion to the underbelly of Bruxxels, the Irish delegation attended the founding conference of the International Socialist Resistance (ISR). ISR is a broad based revolutionary organistaion that will hold counter summits to propose socialism as the only alternative to the crisis of Capitalism and the quagmire it has created in the world, viz. war, poverty, exploitation and terrorism.
Many international comrades spoke at the conference, and all motions were passed by a huge majority. The potential of this organisation cannot be underestimated. This may be the most important development of the so-called anti-Capitalist movement. Further conferences will be held at major anti-Capitalist events. Further info can be found at
The Socialist Youth bus then left Bruxxels behind, and arrived in Ireland at about noon, with some very tired comrades heading off to the safety of the Batch to discuss the revolutionary situation and objective historical circumstances, etc.
This comrade, on behalf of Socialist Youth would like to say a massive thank you to all of our international sections for putting the effort in, especailly the Belgian comrades who made the whole ISR conference possible. Also big shout outs to the Greek posse who had 40 hours travelling to do. This was my first chance to meet the international comrades, and I was very impressed. This has simply reinforced my belief in Internationalism, and I look forward to the next time.
Struggle, Solidarity, Socialism!
C, Dearg
Also, if anyone has photographs of the CWI contingent, could they please email them to
The Socialist Youth contingent has now returned to Ireland after participating in the events of D14/15 in Brussels. This is one very tired comrade, so this may not make 100% sense!
After arriving in the early hours of Thursday night/Friday morning, and catching a whole hour's sleep, the Socialist Youth/SP contingent assembled at the 'Little Castle' and marched with our international organisation, the Committee for a Workers International (CWI), along the main route. The atmosphere was electric, with a real revolutionary feeling in the air.
Socialists, Communists, genuine Anarchists and other Lefties put their differences behind them for one day and marched as the international resistance to world capitalism, the system of global greed. Certain of the so-called "Black Bloc" anarchists did their usual nihilistic thing and smashed up a bank, a police office and bizzarrely, six cars belonging to workers of Arab origin. It was obvious that there were Statist elements at work within the BB, acting as agent provocetuers within the group.
The violence carried out by this group ensures that police/state repression can be 'justifiably' brought down on the whole movement. Other reports claim that BB and the State were seen mingling (in collaboration) during the day.
After the marching ended in the Tours & Taxi area, the CWI held a street rally with Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins recieving a fantastic response to his speech.
After the rally, the CWI tried to move out of the T&T area, we found that the police (robocops) had encircled us, creating a mood of fear among the ranks of the protesters.
In order to leave the T&T area, protesters had to be searched by the police. These searches were not necessary, and only served to heighten tensions.
The CWI then held two meetings, one on the Market Economy and the Socialist Alternative, and the other on Bu$h's "War on Terrorism". However, this comrade cannot report on these meetings as he was far too tired to attend. After meeting various international comrades, and an excursion to the underbelly of Bruxxels, the Irish delegation attended the founding conference of the International Socialist Resistance (ISR). ISR is a broad based revolutionary organistaion that will hold counter summits to propose socialism as the only alternative to the crisis of Capitalism and the quagmire it has created in the world, viz. war, poverty, exploitation and terrorism.
Many international comrades spoke at the conference, and all motions were passed by a huge majority. The potential of this organisation cannot be underestimated. This may be the most important development of the so-called anti-Capitalist movement. Further conferences will be held at major anti-Capitalist events. Further info can be found at
The Socialist Youth bus then left Bruxxels behind, and arrived in Ireland at about noon, with some very tired comrades heading off to the safety of the Batch to discuss the revolutionary situation and objective historical circumstances, etc.
This comrade, on behalf of Socialist Youth would like to say a massive thank you to all of our international sections for putting the effort in, especailly the Belgian comrades who made the whole ISR conference possible. Also big shout outs to the Greek posse who had 40 hours travelling to do. This was my first chance to meet the international comrades, and I was very impressed. This has simply reinforced my belief in Internationalism, and I look forward to the next time.
Struggle, Solidarity, Socialism!
C, Dearg
Also, if anyone has photographs of the CWI contingent, could they please email them to

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Exclusive Photos of Brussels Coming Soon!
16.12.2001 20:24
(I won't include the one of Kevolution in that dodgy bar on Friday night!)
Finghín Kelly - Socialist Youth UCD
17.12.2001 02:12
I personally don't use the black block tactic when I demonstrate (I prefer partying with a samba band!) but it pisses me off when people start trying to make out that those who do are all either idiots or police. It's total bollocks - they're on our side, they're symbolically attacking the institutions that oppress us and whether or not you entirely agree with their tactics I don't see how you can possibly justify coming over all self-righteous regarding a bit of broken glass when our common enemy is murdering and enslaving billions all over the world. It's far more important that we all stick together, and I would much rather share a demonstration with black blockers than with the writer of the self-serving, devisive article above.
RESPECT to the Black Bloc
17.12.2001 16:20
How much longer do you propose we wait for a revolution? Until the Party is big enough? How big does it have to be? And when it gets big, what form is the revolution going to take? Marching around in circles with placards and megaphones? The Black Bloc are destroying the actual face of capitalism. They are actually finished talking about the revolution and are doing EXACTLY what we all want to do, but dont have the balls to, or have been educated to think that private property is so important (especially in Ireland) and cant be fucked with.
I relish a day in Dublin when there's some protest when there's a Black Bloc active and we can smash the shit out of AIB, BofI, Ibec's office, the Store St. Garda station (revenge for Critical Mass/Car Free Day - you robbed our bikes, we burn your cars), BT2, McDs, BK, and a variety of other scum shops that fuck people over for profit. Hit them where it hurts.
More direct action. Reclaim your life. Respect to the Bloc.
the path
17.12.2001 17:23
Fuck em. Real change comes with action, not a poncy march through town. Destroying capitalism means either dissolving ownership of the symbols, machines and buildings of the capitalists, or smashing them up and ultimitely making them unusable. Banks are legitimate targets for direct action, sorry if the CWI/SP/SGPG (and all the other cults I've missed out)want banks once you have your socialist 'state capitalist' revolution.
No compromise. Big up to the Black Block!
Pink Silver
Self-defense at the EU demonstrations
17.12.2001 18:31
On the demonstrations held on the 14 & 15 December various groups of individuals heroically defended the crowd from the attempts of the police to break up the demonstrations. Whilst the Trots would have us believe that the sight of masked individuals holding rocks, batons and molotov cocktails shows us police provocateurs at work , to most people on the demonstrations it was blindingly obvious that the tactics employed by those groups of individuals who I refer to (i.e.,the 'Black Bloc') were utilised extremely effectively to defend the right of militant anti-capitalists to march whereever we wished and express our opposition to capitalism and imperialism in a militant fashion.
To give one example; on the anarchist march on the 15 Dec at one point the riot police attempted to split the crowd by
charging at us across a bridge adjacent to the main street where we were marching. At this point a number of individuals armed with molotov cocktails threw these weapons
to create a wall of fire thus preventing the police from proceeding to split the crowd. Such disciplined action by a few individuals armed only with primitive weapons helped maintain the unity of the crowd and prevent the state from dividing us and thus weakening the impact of our dissent. Now if the Trots had their way we would all have meakly marched towards a 'heroic' beating; the police dividing the crowd and thus crushing radical dissent. The tactics of self-defense I have outlined above should be a standard element of all protests conducted by revolutionaries. Such tactics are employed by radicals in Europe far more than in the UK; I believe that we have much to learn from the experience of the recent protests in Brussels.
Solidarity with the Black Bloc!
Oh yes very sectarian aren't I?
17.12.2001 19:01
Yes, yes a self promoting article on indymedia. My god how terrible. The report was of the Socialist Youth and the CWI's involvement in the Brussels demo!!!!!!! Why? Because I am a member of the CWI, who marched with the CWI and hung around with the CWI. It is a report about the CWI! For your information, we were actually near the back of the march. The BBer's were at the front, we know because we passed the bank and the cars that were smashed up. I know the cars belonged to Moroccan workers because I asked a local man who said that we were in a working class area of moroccan ethic minority.
As for the BB's 'direct action' and nihilism. A) If you don't believe the state are involved, then you are very niave. You probably believe that the INLA weren't overrun by the state aswell.
b) You say that they are 'confronting the face of capitalism' by smashing up banks etc. That may be true, but what does it achieve? It makes the whole movement look like a bunch of violent loonies, which has adverse effects on how working class people view the movement, because remember ONLY mass WORKING CLASS action can change this world. No idealistic rich kids with a vendetta against McDonalds can do that. Genuine Anarchists (such as WSM) can see this, but those who call themselves BB obvilulsy can't. If you aske one of them their opinions on how to change the world, i'm sure s/he would have no coherent program. Smashing a bank does not smash capitalism, no matter how you look at it.
c) the actions of the BB as I said, justify state repression on the whole movement. They endanger those who are peaceful protesters, the vast majority of us out there who are genuine in our beliefs. They achieve nothing except some form of self-congratulatory shite in the pub afterwards. They do not organise the working class, they DO NOT CHANGE THE WORLD!!! Do you remember the Reichstag fire? Hitler used this incident to take over Germany. The BB are the modern day equivilant. ONLY WORKERS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! ooooh, kevolution, that's very a narrow way of viewing it. Is it? Well, I am a SOCIALIST, who believes in this thing called SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM, otherwise known as MARXISM.
Organise! Marxism! Baaa baaa!
17.12.2001 21:26
In the IMMEDIATE future, what are you going to do? Are you going to have more conferences and more paper selling and more recruitment drives, or are you actually going to act in revolutionary ways instead of just hoping that its just around the corner? (dream on in this country anyway).
The Black Bloc are acting immediately. Thats today, tomorrow, next week. THEY ARE NOT WAITING FOR AN UNACHIEVABLE FAIRYTALE ENDING. Smashing a bank may not smash capitalism, but it will certainly hit a bank harder than a fucking petition. Here's something funny actually from the Evil Gerald (satire website)
Cant understand why you would be so against trashing banks. They stand for everything you stand against - or am I wrong here? You ask what will burning a bank achieve: do you need me to answer that? THE BANK IS BURNT DOWN. Rejoice! We have chipped away at the bastards! Our bite IS as bad as our bark! The old dog has teeth!
Respect to the Block! Dont stop. The beauty is in the streets. With regards to socialism, I think the Situationists graffiti put it best, paraphrasing: "My Grandad was a Trade Unionist before my Father. My father was a trade unionist before me. Now I have a fridge and a Volkswagen Bettle BUT I'M STILL MISERABLE." Marx dont have the answers boys.. dont put all your faith in one man..
Think about it!
the path
Why put Che Guevara on your website?
19.12.2001 19:29
Che's beret
Up with the Block
25.12.2001 20:15
I was not in Brussels.Nor have I ever attended any form of protest ever. I have been reading and researching anarchism for about a year.
I saw not a single bit of info on telly about belgium I dunno if this was because the march was so succesful for you lot or what.
What I wanted to say was that as a young 15 year old the sight (when I was watching Genoa)on tv of people destroying banks,fighting policemen on their own terms actually standing up to something until now we have been told is impossible to oppose.Is actually pretty inspiring. Maybe people my age are just violent thugs but the fact is my friends (none of whom have read anything anarchistic in their lives) all agree. For me the Black Bloc is doing something that no amount of propaganda,placard waving,comrding,paper selling,etc etc, etc can do. It shows us that we do still have some say, that we can still stand up and fight, and that wether smashing macdonalds is symbolic and useless or not. Its actually something we can do, something that no matter what those more powerful than us with better weapons than us and more money than us might tell us is bad its still actually possible. It gives us hope. Now when I look at Macdonalds I don’t think of all the offences its owners have commited against the human race as unstoppable. Because I realise that all it takes is one brick to smash it. The more people I see on the streets being visable, the more it inspires me to learn more so that one day I can stand up too and fight back. There’s other people like me too.
I didn’t mean to come off as a violent thug when I wrote this. Because I would never in my life attack another innocent or unarmed person. But when I see people bitching because a starbucks window has been broken and someone that would conduct chemical warefare against members of his own species has been attacked.I get mad. I mainly wanted to show that the Black Bloc are having an affect on teenagers like me and that it is something worth being tear gassed for.
Hope I didn’t come off wrong and sorry for the spelling/punctuation.
More waffling about the Black Bloc
26.12.2001 13:25
People who are in to doing similar stuff on big demos hang out together (this is either pre-planned or just naturally occurs). Those who want to march in the streets chanting (because it shows how many people are opposed to whatever and it allows for a message to be expressed clearly: through slogans, chants, banners etc...) end up doing so together. Those who want to party, dance, play samba (becuase they can show how beautiful, creative, collective etc... human beings and spaces can be in contrast to the dull suits and bland concrete streets of capitalism) do so together. Those who wnat to vent their anger on symbols of domination (becuase they otherwise feel weak, want to have a physical impact or feel the desire to show their reulsion of private property and the state - in the form of the police) do so together.
The black bloc comes together because they share something in common: militancy and the desire not to get caught. The wearing black clothing just serves the purpose of helping individuals in the bloc who engage in militant action to remain unidentified. Wearing the same clothes also helps to show some sort of untiy. This is, largely, a false unity.
Although it is possible to generalise about ideological/theoretical persepectives of those who march (trots, stalinists etc...) those who party (situ-inspired, ecologically influenced street-reclaimer types) and those who riot(anarchists) this is far too much of a generalisation. Plenty of anarchists march and party. Plenty of Situs riot and, for good or bad, trots, stalinists, leninists, maoists etc... take part in black-bloc actions and engage in acts of violence (against people and property). The black bloc has no real political identity.