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A Plea from the United States.

Barbara Bush | 12.12.2001 18:08

A Plea from the United States.

As an U.S. citizen who has been involved for years in the various anti-war movements, protesting U.S. foreign policy, anti-death penalty movement, and other social justice issues I am asking others with similar concerns for help. It seems the only message the U.S.A. understands is a message affecting their bank accounts. I urge concerned people all over the world to boycott the U.S.A. Don’t come here as tourists! Take your money elsewhere. If you oppose the U.S.A. on the death penalty issue, Boycott the U.S.A.! If you oppose this atrocious war and it’s imminent extension, BOYCOTT the U.S.A. I’m hoping that a concerted boycotting of the U.S.A. will put pressure for the U.S. to change it’s policies. The world community put pressure on South Africa to change and eventually Apartheid collapsed as official policy. Please help! Thank you for reading this posting.

Barbara Bush


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America must Die

13.12.2001 23:08

It isn't enough to boycott America, though this is a start. America is disgusting, with CIA torturers and the bombing of Afghanistan. It renegs on all the treaties, the ABM, biological warfare convention, Kyoto global warming treaty. Somebody crashes a couple of airliners into some skyscrapers and they go apeshit. America is just a big bully and needs to be taken down a peg or two. American tourists in the UK need to be politely but firmly told what their country is and that they are not welcome here. American symbols like the stars and stripes used in advertising everywhere need to be removed. There should be a big anti-US campaign throughout to purge these symbols of oppression.

