The official Biography Claudio Scajola Minister of Public Security
THE ITALIAN GOVERMENT | 11.12.2001 22:07
The official Biography Claudio Scajola The Italian Minister of Public Security, this is a good insight into the type of people who are running things in Italy. Check it out and you will think that it's a prank someone is pukking your plonker, but it' genuine, it was on the governments own web site, luckily the Repubblica newspaper copied it before they Berlusconi's cronies could take down.
Claudio Scajola was in charge of G8 Genova
Claudio Scajola was in charge of G8 Genova

The official Biography Claudio Scajola Minister of Public Security Le biografie inglesi di Palazzo Chigi
Claudio Scajola
The history of the Scajola family, and that one of the public life of Imperia in the post-war period is interlaced closely. The father, Ferdinand, much legacy to De Gasperi and Mons. Tardini, future Secretary of State of Giovanni XXIII, was the founder to Imperia of the Christian Democratic Party in the post-war period, for a decade Provincial Secretary of the Party, and mayor of Imperia; the greater brother, Alexander, parliamentarian for two legislature and mayor anch' he. Of Claudius Scajola, it can be said that politics have been symbolically in its destiny end from birth: to tenerlo between the arms in the day of the Baptism she was Maria Roman De Gasperi, daughter of Trentino statesman to which Italy must the post-war rebirth. Sure politics were for he one the most premature vocation: while compiva the studies to the Grammar school Classic De Amicis, in spite of the premature loss of the father, and also perhaps moved just from the will of seguirne the example, to single 14 years founded with some companions of school the " Student Group ", of moderated catholic inspiration. Scajola, that it would then have supported in the Juvenile Movement of the DC, reaching to make part of the National Direction, in years ' 60 will be one of the protagonists of the juvenile political life to Imperia, in hard contrast to the left. Managing of INADEL (today INPDAP), to Imperia the own experience of public administrator began young. In 1975 it was called to preside the regional Hospital of Costarainera, where it brought to light its dowries of concretezza and organizational efficiency: a Hospital in conditions of serious degradation transformed in little years in one sanitary structure to the vanguard in Liguria. From to the Presidency of the neocostituita USL Imperiese the step short and it was discounted here. History Teresa Verda, teaching of the art, daughter of an important had married itself in the meantime with Maria lawyer of Imperia, and had become father of two sons, Pier Carl and Lucia, today both university ones. To the moglie and the sons, like however to the mother, mrs. Maria Victoria Truini, than he has always grown it, he will remain legatissimo. In 1980, to 32 years, the income in communal Council to Imperia; he will be mayor of the city in 1982-83, and then a second time from 1990 to 1995. Such period is contraddistinto between other from a strong tourist and sport support to the comparto of the city: in those years in fact it comes realized the polifunzionale swimming pool, considered beautifulst of the Liguria, and come recovered from the sea wide spaces that today constitute the indispensable presupposed ones for the realization of a great tourist port. They go remembered also the adoption of the Flat Regolator, the reorganization of finances, the inventory, I use it, in the faster and concrete shapes of the appropriations of law in order to proceed to structural participations; water supplying; the urbano:interventi requalification of the furnishings aimed above all to improve the quality of the life of Imperia, in the things that every day the citizens interest: the average publics, the roads, the lighting system, the parks and the garden (to which dedicated particular attention: they are also one its personal passion). And still, he all over the world must to its personal engagement the development of the prestigious gathering of the " Sails of age ", famous, and the consequent gemellaggio with Newport, " capital " of the sail in the United States, and historical center of the regattas of the America Goblet. In 1995 succeeding the civic list guided with " To train Imperia ", than the communal ones it reached a step from the Victoria, against the left (than godeva also of the support of exponents of the center-right then). Endured after, Silvio Berlusconi the churches to enter in Italy Force, affidandogli the assignment of coordinator of the Province of Imperia. After little months, the first Victoria, in which in little they had believed, to the communal elections of Sanremo. In 1996, elect deputy in the list of the Pole for the Freedoms in the uninominale college Liguria 2 with 35,443 ballots (44.7% comes). From 8 May 1996 Berlusconi entrusts it the national responsibility of the Organization of Italy Force. Italy force was a movement of opinion, collected around to the figure of the Leader and its carisma, but unavoidablly little defined in the structure, lacking in endowed organs directives of precise competences, vague in its borders (did not exist a tesseramento), little taken root on the territory. Scajola is put endured to the job. It re-unites a square with which she begins to work in order to prepare charter and regulations, after to have carefully studied the models of the Italian and foreign parties. The charter, approved of in January 1997, delineates a light, undamaged party from the defects of old partitocrazia, but the organized one, with of the rules, an inner democracy that entrust to the base, to the enrolled one and to the constituents, choice direct and without mediations of the apexes to all the levels. With the charter the adhesions, organized become possible in a shape that guarantees the maximum of opening to all: immediate they have happened, an always increasing one, from 130.000 the enrolled one of 1997 to the 350.000 today, although the cost of the ticket is highest in absolute between the Italian parties. Between the autumn of 1997 and the spring of 1998, the provincial conferences are carried out, through which the local leaders of the party come elect. Contextually, the various electoral successes in returned the administrative ones begin to leave from 1998. From then today it is more than doubled, the number of the Mayors pertaining to Italy Force passing from 409 to 868; that one of the Presidents of Province has grown from 7 to 23. Finally from the 16 to 18 April of 1998, to Milan, 3000 delegated gather in 1° the National Conference of Italy Force. The happened one is clamorous, and plugs the mouth to the adversaries and the skeptics. The " light party ", the " party of people " thought and intentional from Silvio Berlusconi is by now an organized truth, working, taken root on territorio:una the constituted structure they give beyond 9,000 leaders, and pictures of party, all volunteers, that it expresses approximately 8000 local administrators to all the levels. Claudius Scajola has carried out the task that gives to two years before the President had entrusted to it. Endured after the conference Berlusconi the nomination National Coordinator of Italy Force. Italy force is by now one agile, efficient instrument, taken root on the territory, respected from allied and opposing, able to choose credible candidates to propose the constituents. This has been one of the fundamental elements that have competition to the clamorous victories of European 1999, of Regional the 2000 and the political of the slid May. Elect in May 2001 to the House of reprensentative in the circoscrizione X (LIGURIA) College 2 - Imperia.
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