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Build an anti imperialist anti war movement!

Glasgow Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! | 10.12.2001 23:54

No to Labour party warmongers!

The world we live in today is in chaos. The British
and US backed Zionist state unleash unrelenting terror
on the Palestinian people and hardly any one even
flinches. Afghanistan is bombed almost into oblivion
and the media gets fed up reporting it. We must
organise against this war now!

The so-called ‘war on terrorism’ is a war of terror;
terror inflicted by the richest on the poorest, a war
nothing to do with justice and everything to do with
imperialisms interests, a war used as a guise to cover
the economic turmoil of British and US
imperialism. This war on the defenceless gives brutal
political statement to the deep structural crisis
capitalism has faced over the recent period.

We need to build an anti war movement against the
barbarity of the capitalist system. A movement capable
of giving political solidarity and support to all
those who struggle against imperialism. A movement,
which will not compromise with Labour imperialism. A
movement prepared to expose and challenge those who
choose to cover up the crimes of the Labour party,
those who peddle the myth of ‘Bush being the real
enemy’, those who parade Labour bombing MPs on their
platform in their spineless and shameful attempts to
seek some sort of ‘respectability’

A genuine anti war movement has to be an anti
imperialist movement; a movement that breaks with the
Labour party and the corruption and backwardness of
its lackeys. A movement prepared to fight British
imperialism. That is the movement Fight Racism! Fight
Imperialism! is building.

Glasgow Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
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11.12.2001 12:00

a genuine anti-war movement needs no revolutionary communist party involvement, no social workers party involvement, no boring bloody parties at all. sure the individuals from those groups are needed if they don't bring their party line or tactics, but as it is the swp seems to be actively undermining the effectiveness of the stop war coalition by deflecting participants from taking direct action. dunno so much about the rcp these days but they always were a sad old bunch, more exclusively weird maybe but like swp, doing more to turn people off from the politics they claim to espouse than to promote them ...

so here's a call to the individuals involved - what's more important: the party or the world? go on, you know you want to join the rest of us and not be stuck in a support group for boring politicos the rest of your life... there's a world to win, all you have to do is forget the party!

I'll buy a pint for any who do...


ah but you see

11.12.2001 17:40

We can't leave because of the radio-control implants in our brains. Otherwise, of course we'd all come to the same political conclusions as you.

a nonny mouse

This week's essay question

13.12.2001 00:21

"We need to build an anti war movement against the
barbarity of the capitalist system." Discuss.

Is it all wars you're opposing, or just capitalist, imperialist, "Zionist" ones? Sounds like a pretty weak platform for a peace campaign, or is "anti-war" something different? I'm confused. How much are your newspapers?
