Brussles, D14: Route changes / police negotiations
redzone | 08.12.2001 10:37
The first rouote itinerary was asked by D14 coordination group ending up in Parc Stuyvenberg (inside red security zone)
After police refused the first proposal, because it was ending straight in the middle of the red zone, D14 proposed another itinerary going a bit along the palace parc (red zone) walls. This was refused aswell.
Then the authorities make "an alternative proposal" to D14/Another Europe Network (*): a demonstration route in the middle of industrial estates, far from the Royal Palace!
This was totally refused by D14 coordination/etc, and they begun a campaign for democratic rights, also noting that a route into obscurity away from the meeting would cause confrontation as people would want to protest nearer etc...
Finaly a new itenerary have been given by the authorities Thursday 6th, which is a compromise between the last two, and which does just skirt the red zone.
The D14 coordination statement about that itinerary is this:
-The authorities had to move back because of the pressures we've done, that's positive,
-Still, this itinerary is imposed and anti-democratic,
-We'll go that way, but everybody have to feel free to make actions to claim this itinerary is anti-democratic.
[i think that's it, if someone want to correct me > "add your comment"]
(*) Network "another Europe for another world" is a network created after the October 19th's demonstration in Ghent, when ATTAC (International) and a couple of big NGOs (NGO forum) decided to demonstrate the 14th, with the D14 coordination.
The network is united around a statement (declaration):

For map of all these negotiations see:
