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Queen of England - indigenous australian elder says

kevin | 07.12.2001 03:01

violation of natural law - we want our emu and kangaroo back

violation of natural law - we want our emu and kangaroo back

..Queen of England ... . . . . ... 3 DECEMBER, 2001

Prime Minister John Howard ....................Governor General of Australia


I demand that you, the Queen of the Commonwealth, order your representatives in Australia, the Prime Minister John Howard and the Governor General, to remove from further use the sacred images of the kangaroo and the emu used in your coat of arms. Our sacred animals have been displayed publicly in a number of your colonial institutions, and are used in a manner that is both offensive and oppressive to Aboriginal peoples.

In spirit and in law Aboriginal peoples retain sovereignty over the lands of our old people, for we have never consented to your imposed invasion and assumed sovereignty over our lands and our culture and laws.

We have never consented to the theft and use of our sacred emu and kangaroo. Just as you have stolen our lands and violated our sacred laws, you have also stolen our sacred images, to support your colonising enterprise.

Government officials in their capacity as police officers, court officials and parliamentarians, have acted with your official sanction in displaying publicly the emu and kangaroo. These government agencies have worked towards our dispossession and genocide. You have given permission and therefore sanctioned the use of our most sacred cultural beliefs for the purpose of implementing genocidal policies, imprisonment of Aboriginal peoples, and our torture and death whilst detained in police custody.

We demand that you order the removal of our sacred images from further use by your representative colonial agents in Australia immediately. Respect our laws and culture.

CONTACT : ...KEVIN BUZZACOTT ....0401 835 053



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Hear Hear

07.12.2001 09:00

An apology from the Head of the Commonwealth (now Head of NWO) and financial compensation should also be forthcoming, for desecrating sacred lands, indigenous people and animals from the four corners of the Earth for the past 400 years.


How can we help ?

07.12.2001 09:15

Yo Kevin,
I'd like to help and I'm sure a lot of other people are sympathetic to your cause, but how can we help you ?
You need to start a campaign that people that anyone can get on board, like give us a series of E mail addresses / fax numbers, what ever. Put up a JPEG that we can use to support the campaign. At at a time when planet earth is such a bad state and there is no sign that the greedy bastards who are destroying it are going to change tact.
It would really cool if some of the Aboriginal values were adopted.
I love working on the land and as a keen birdwatcher I often think of the your attitude that we are here to look after the place not own in and bleed it dry of all it's resources
sometimes for no logical reason at all .



Luther Blissett