Attacks by paramilitaries on coca growers.
Miriam Colque | 06.12.2001 22:28
By Miriam Colque
By Miriam Colque
According to recent reports, the coca growers (cocaleros) in "El Chapare" zone (Cochabamba), have not only been attacked by police and military forces, but also by paramilitaries financed by the USA as part of the so called ëwar against drugsí and with the support of the Bolivian government.
The same happened to the peasant comrades of the "Landless Movement" (Movimiento sin Tierra) in Panandi, near Yacuiba. On 9th Nov. 01, comrade Angel Durán, main leader of this Movement, reported to the authorities the danger they underwent from paramilitaries who were travelling around in trucks and who provoked the massacre which left some six peasants killed and more than twenty severely wounded. It is obvious the so-called ìauthoritiesî did nothing to stop this massacre. In El Chapare those murdered were comrades Abel Orozco, Máximo Rojas, Claudio Quiroga Herrera and nearly a hundred were wounded. It has also been reported that combined military forces in the Shinahota region have raped more than thirty women and tortured many peasants.
While ex-presidents, who are also big businessmen, are receiving pensions for life amounting to nearly $US3,000 (20,000 Bolivianos) and the government is squandering enormous sums of money on the pretext of "eradicating the coca leaf" and trafficking with our natural resources, these sectors together with their families are fighting for their survival, defending our ancestral roots, and fighting for peasant and indigenous peopleís rights.
In Bolivia the coca leaf is as much a food as fish and chips is in Britain or pizza in Italy, as well as a medicine to cure altitude sickness, stave off hunger and to celebrate our traditional customs. The cultivation of alternative products was a complete failure. Our comrades peasants tried producing bananas, pineapples, etc for more than ten years but the "alternative development" produced nothing. The peasants were unable to export, or sell their products inside Bolivia because the government gives priority to big business enterprises. And our peasant comrades of the "Landless Movement" are fighting for a fair redistribution of land, so they can work on it and feed their families; in a word they want to be recognised as human beings.
However, in the 21st century in Bolivia we still have big powerful landlords (terratenientes), a privileged caste, which holds 87% of land. On top of this they have the freedom to hire mercenaries to massacre our peasant brothers and sisters. The intention of the present government along with that of the USA is to use these massacres to destroy our traditions and culture, and subject the "have-nots" to extreme hunger and poverty.
Furthermore, they are seeking to chuck out of Parliament Evo Morales Ayma MP, the cocalero leader and MAS member (Movimiento al Socialismo) for having led the struggle against the governmentís dictatorial methods. Along with this, writs of restraint have been issued by the Interior Minister against various trade union leaders.
All this shows that right now there is a frontal assault on the whole Bolivian people, their trade union leaders and a generalised attack on human rights.
-A thorough investigation and punishment of those responsible for these crimes to put and end to these abuses.
-Stop seeking the removal from Parliament of Evo Morales Ayma MP, the cocalero leader and MAS representative (Movimiento al Socialismo)
-Remove all threats against the Trade Unions and their legal rights.
-Meet the needs of Bolivian people.
-Drive out the paramilitaries from Bolivia.
Tel. 07960 624169
LONDON, 23 November 2001
Brothers and sisters, please send your protest to the Bolivian Government by letter, fax or e-mail and send us a copy.
Lic.Jorge Quiroga Ramirez
President of Bolivia
Palacio de Gobierno
La Paz, Bolivia
Luis Vasquez Villamor
Presidente Cámara de Diputados
La Paz, Bolivia
Cámara de Diputados
Fax number: (591-2) 2201921 or 2202932
Cámara de Senadores
Fax Number: (591-2) 2204028
Ministerio de Gobierno
Fax number: (591-2) 2442474
Thank you!
The same happened to the peasant comrades of the "Landless Movement" (Movimiento sin Tierra) in Panandi, near Yacuiba. On 9th Nov. 01, comrade Angel Durán, main leader of this Movement, reported to the authorities the danger they underwent from paramilitaries who were travelling around in trucks and who provoked the massacre which left some six peasants killed and more than twenty severely wounded. It is obvious the so-called ìauthoritiesî did nothing to stop this massacre. In El Chapare those murdered were comrades Abel Orozco, Máximo Rojas, Claudio Quiroga Herrera and nearly a hundred were wounded. It has also been reported that combined military forces in the Shinahota region have raped more than thirty women and tortured many peasants.
While ex-presidents, who are also big businessmen, are receiving pensions for life amounting to nearly $US3,000 (20,000 Bolivianos) and the government is squandering enormous sums of money on the pretext of "eradicating the coca leaf" and trafficking with our natural resources, these sectors together with their families are fighting for their survival, defending our ancestral roots, and fighting for peasant and indigenous peopleís rights.
In Bolivia the coca leaf is as much a food as fish and chips is in Britain or pizza in Italy, as well as a medicine to cure altitude sickness, stave off hunger and to celebrate our traditional customs. The cultivation of alternative products was a complete failure. Our comrades peasants tried producing bananas, pineapples, etc for more than ten years but the "alternative development" produced nothing. The peasants were unable to export, or sell their products inside Bolivia because the government gives priority to big business enterprises. And our peasant comrades of the "Landless Movement" are fighting for a fair redistribution of land, so they can work on it and feed their families; in a word they want to be recognised as human beings.
However, in the 21st century in Bolivia we still have big powerful landlords (terratenientes), a privileged caste, which holds 87% of land. On top of this they have the freedom to hire mercenaries to massacre our peasant brothers and sisters. The intention of the present government along with that of the USA is to use these massacres to destroy our traditions and culture, and subject the "have-nots" to extreme hunger and poverty.
Furthermore, they are seeking to chuck out of Parliament Evo Morales Ayma MP, the cocalero leader and MAS member (Movimiento al Socialismo) for having led the struggle against the governmentís dictatorial methods. Along with this, writs of restraint have been issued by the Interior Minister against various trade union leaders.
All this shows that right now there is a frontal assault on the whole Bolivian people, their trade union leaders and a generalised attack on human rights.
-A thorough investigation and punishment of those responsible for these crimes to put and end to these abuses.
-Stop seeking the removal from Parliament of Evo Morales Ayma MP, the cocalero leader and MAS representative (Movimiento al Socialismo)
-Remove all threats against the Trade Unions and their legal rights.
-Meet the needs of Bolivian people.
-Drive out the paramilitaries from Bolivia.
Tel. 07960 624169
LONDON, 23 November 2001
Brothers and sisters, please send your protest to the Bolivian Government by letter, fax or e-mail and send us a copy.
Lic.Jorge Quiroga Ramirez
President of Bolivia
Palacio de Gobierno
La Paz, Bolivia
Luis Vasquez Villamor
Presidente Cámara de Diputados
La Paz, Bolivia
Cámara de Diputados
Fax number: (591-2) 2201921 or 2202932
Cámara de Senadores
Fax Number: (591-2) 2204028
Ministerio de Gobierno
Fax number: (591-2) 2442474
Thank you!
Miriam Colque