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Israel does not exist in Palestinian Text Books

Ed Frias | 05.12.2001 03:47

Israel does not exist in Palestinian Text Books

Israel does not exist on Palestinian text books.

The war against Israel goes on

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Staff, 12/2/2001

First of two parts

LAST WEEK retired Marine General Anthony Zinni began a visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the latest in a depressingly long line of US envoys sent to nudge along the Israeli-Arab "peace process." Zinni's mission, it seems safe to say, will achieve what all the missions preceding his have achieved; namely, nothing - or at least nothing resembling progress toward real peace.

On the day Zinni arrived, Palestinian terrorists opened fire at the crowded central bus station in Afula, murdering two Israeli Jews and maiming 10 others. That evening, another terrorist threw grenades at passenger vehicles on the road near Kfar Darom, leaving a mother of four dead and sending three other Israelis - including a baby - to the hospital. Two days later, a Jewish motorist was murdered in a drive-by shooting in Samaria and a suicide bomber killed three Israeli civilians and wounded six when he blew up the No. 823 bus from Nazareth to Tel Aviv.

On Thursday, Zinni remarked that "both sides have suffered far too much in the last months" and urged them to "get back on the track toward peace." He may be new to the Israeli-Arab beat, but already he has mastered the State Department's rhetoric of "evenhandedness," in which no distinction is drawn between terrorism and self-defense - between attacks meant to murder and attacks meant to prevent murder. Yes, there have been many Arab casualties. But none was the victim of an Israeli suicide bomber or an Israeli killer emptying his Kalashnikov in a bus station.

Zinni's peace mission will fail because only one party to this conflict wants peace; the other wants what it has always wanted: victory. Over the past eight years, Israel has made extraordinary concessions - diplomatic, military, financial and territorial - in its quest for peace with the Palestinians. But the most the Israelis can offer is less than the Palestinians will accept. For what the Palestinians crave, what they and much of the Arab world have craved since 1948, is not peaceful coexistence with Israel, but peaceful existence without Israel.

Perhaps Zinni could find time to meet with Andre Marcus, chairman of the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace. At a news conference one week before Zinni's arrival, Marcus released the latest findings in the center's ongoing survey of Israeli and Palestinian textbooks. In the past two years, the Palestinian Authority has introduced 58 new textbooks for Grades 1, 2, 6, 7, and 11. The center analyzed the approach these texts took to matters of "peace, tolerance, recognition, and reconciliation according to criteria set by the international community."

The topic is of more than abstract interest: The Oslo accords expressly obligate the Israelis and Palestinians to ensure that their educational systems promote peace between the two peoples. It is an obligation taken seriously in Israel, where an elaborate peace curriculum has been in place since 1993. In its analysis of Israeli textbooks last year, the center found that "Islam, the Arab culture, and the Arabs' contribution to human civilization are presented in a positive light" and that "many books express the yearning for peace between Israel and the Arab countries."

That is not what it found in the new Palestinian texts. Instead of preparing Arab children for peace with Israel, the center reports, the new books "foster a multi-faceted rejection of its existence." A few excerpts:

"The concept of peace with Israel is not to be found anywhere in the Palestinian schoolbooks. The peace process ... is not mentioned."

"The State of Israel, a member state of the UN since 1949, is not recognized.... Its name does not appear on any map, nor do any towns, villages, and projects created and developed by Israel."

"By contrast, the `State of Palestine' is often referred to and its name appears ... on the cover and front page of many textbooks. Palestine stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and is exclusively Arab. The 5.5 million Jewish inhabitants are not counted."

"Maps that appear in the textbooks ... disregard the existence of the State of Israel. In most cases no names are given at all. In other cases, Israel's place on the map is marked `Palestine.'

"Israel is presented exclusively as inhumane and greedy.... The Palestinian textbooks use terminology that is associated with war and violence and is likely to create prejudice, misunderstanding, and conflict.... The implicit aspiration [is] to replace the State of Israel with the State of Palestine."

(The full report, with maps and illustrations, is on the center's Web site,

Eight years into the Oslo "peace process," Palestinian children are still being taught to hate the Jewish state and work for its eradication. It is a goal constantly reinforced by the Palestinian media and in the slogans and speeches of the Palestinian leadership. The war against Israel continues without letup. We really ought to stop calling it peace.

Ed Frias


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More Zionist propaganda

05.12.2001 09:55

No there is nothing evenhanded about what is laughingly called Israel's "self defence". Self defence which involves the invasion and occupation of Palestinean lands, the use of tanks and helicpoter gunships to sistematically terrorise the population, a restriction of movement which is so severe that economic life is impossible in an attempt to starve the population into submission.

No the Israelis don't use sucide bombers, they don't have to resort to such unsofisticated methods, they use tanks and helicopters instead, firing indiscrinately into Palestinian villages and towns. This is not self defence this is state terrorism.

The fact is the Israelis have made no significant concessions at all in the Peace process, in fact settlement building has actually increased since the peace process began to ensure that any Palestinian state is so weakened and utterly dependant on Israel as to be unacceptable to most Palestinians.

Israel tries to paint itself as the victim in all this. In fact the very opposite is true. Obviuosly the suicide bomings where utterly reactionary and should be condemed, attacking ordinary Israeli's is no solution to the problems in Palestine. Of course Jews and Arabs must live together in harmony, they cannot do so while the state of Israel continues to exist, a state who's very foundations are based on massive oppression of one group by another.

Victory to the intafada


so there is a better way to die ?

05.12.2001 10:04

This is such a terrible situation and the feelings on both sides run so high that anything written on the subject is going to be controversial.

This is obviously a pro Israeli piece, but there are always two sides to an argument, so that's far enough.

But one thing is hard to swallow, it seems to imply that the people who die at the hands of the palestinian terrorists die a worse kind of death than the people that die at the hands of the Israeli army.

has mastered the State Department's rhetoric of "evenhandedness," in which no distinction is drawn between terrorism and self-defense - between attacks meant to murder and attacks meant to prevent murder.

so let's get this straight your claiming shelling schools with high explosives fired from Tanks is "self defense"
I think you'll find it very hard to convince the rest of the world of that and I think it's idiotic to even suggest that this form of aggression is self defence !.

You also omit to mention the UN rulings that Israel continues to ignore. If Israel wanted to win the support of the rest of the world then they would not have reacted to the latest outrage, at that point if the Palestinians carried out one more murder the whole world would turn on them, they would become isolated and lose what little support they have now.
Political pressure could be applied and they would be forced to accept a peace deal.

But it seems that the Israeli government has a different agenda, they will pound the Palestinians, with high tech american weapons, and make them pay ten fold, and next month the palestinians will carry out an even bigger attack, so it goes on.

It's human nature to support the under dog, the palestinians
don't have F 16's,they don't even have aeroplanes full stop, as far I know Arafat no longer has a helicopter.
While the Israeli's have access to the latest technology the palestinians throw stones and blow themselves up in suicide attacks with home made bombs, don't you see that you are the modern day Goliath and they are the David ?, it's a no win situation. The Israeli's like to protray themselves as the victims but the Palestinians death toll is ten times higher.

Do you think that the Israeli gunner who carefully takes aim on a civillan target such as an infants school, from the comfort and safety of his 30 ton tank, with 12in of armour plate protecting him, and then watches as the high explosive hits the flimsy walls of the target, is any less a terrorist than a man who straps a few kilo's of explosives to his body and blows himself and who ever happens to be in the vicinty to smithereens ?
The palestinian is certainly more courageous, but both are cold blooded murderers and the victims are 100% innocent.


Terzilio Quinterelli