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is this the 'calm' before the storm?

asdf | 02.12.2001 21:47


The media blackout in the usa is now very noticeable, 1 cia agent dead after a week or more of american ground troops. Iraq becoming more and more a target for attack. Russian troops in Northern afghanistan now, with a clear indication that they intend to get afghanistan. Now a new terrorist attack on isreal that has killed 25. Put this in the context of a loose coalition of middle east countries and european countries with support that all but remains........
what next?
Is something big going to happen? Any ideas as to what might happen? Im afraid that a multi-million death war is going to occur soon, which might involve many nations, led on by the USA.
what do you guys think?



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02.12.2001 23:46

Obviously the situation is somewhat volatile, and many people are worried.

But I don't have a crystal ball.

It seems inappropriate to post this as 'news'.


the personal and the political are an entity

03.12.2001 00:01

It's news if an individual has an anxiety, a query, a comment. News doesn't have to be a happening event out there. That's the big delusion put out by spectacular society. im is as valid as a chat line as it is a posting space from the establishment press. All kinds of stuff has newsworthiness.
And yes - we're waiting for the next big one. And this is the event that will surprise us - because we're still in a control zone where events are sprung on us from the controlling elite - prediction - beyond saying something like Iraq will be attacked - current US open intention - is useless

dwight heet


03.12.2001 04:08

Feelings and educated guesses is all we have to go on. And, yes, we must respect our comrades' feelings as the most important news.

I bicycled out into the country on a cold Canadian winter day.

I won't give all the details to protect my anonymity.
I had a wonderful conversation with an old Latvian-born farmer, who started off the conversation by saying that his world ended at his property line and he was "done" with the crazy world beyond. But it soon became apparent that this old gent (older than me, that is)took a considerable interest in the crisis unfolding around us.

As I was riding past the storm-swollen rivers and fallow fields I could'nt help wondering if these peaceful lands could ever be soaked in blood. My interlocutor, however, had seen such things in his youth, experienced the horror of war and the fear of totalitarianism.

As a glass of wine relaxed the conversation, I asked where he thought George Bush, Rumsfeld et. al. were taking the world. His piercing blue eyes locked on mine. "Somewhere we don't ever want to go," he said with a kind of fatalism, I felt, born not of pessimism but of wisdom.

As we shared our stories the old man made it clear that he had no fondness for "the socialists" -- he'd seen that ideology fail in a miserable fashion on the ground.
But he has now the greatest fear that the cult now in charge of the most fearful arsenal in history is completely psychotic. We talked about the sickening hypocrisy of the Western crusade for "democracy" and the war against terror by terror.

I've lived next door to this bloody place for long enough to concur, as well. Let me warn you, inhabitants of the island of my birth (whoops! there goes more of my cover), the psycho killers of Washington have tasted blood. They're going for the banquet.
There is no place of rest, no more Shangri-La anywhere on this benighted planet. Here the stench of rabid yanks, over there the smell of Blairite skunks.
The whole world is in peril. And no-one will speak the unspeakable truth. . . .


cup of tea an a chat, community spirit !!

03.12.2001 17:02

why not, afterall we are all lost souls, and none of of us really know shit about what is really going on.
Publicly the americans are brokering a middle east peace deal, they are israels no 1 Ally and the Israelis seem to have a different agenda, quite possibly endorsed by the americans in private. Is this past of the master plan ?
China seems to have disappeared from the scene, as if they
are hibernating or something.
The information highway is supposed to make information accessable to everyone. In reallity the situation is proabably not much different from the 1930's and we might as well all be sitting round listening to the propaganda on the wireless. It's good to hear from someone who as just another
person,doesn't pretend to have all the ansa's and has the courage to ask other peoples opinion.
Up until three weeks ago even the NWO morons were talking about a long winter campaign and then a big assualt on Kabul in the spring, when all of a sudden the Taleban just legged it. They were going through a tough period with the press and support for the war was waning. But it just shows that they didn't know, perhaps they believe their own proganda machine which had made the taleban out to be total fanatix who would fight to the death, the taleban didn't get the message

although I feel rather helpless and in a minority, it's quite possible that we the anti war lobby are the majority, but we'll never know because even if one million marched through
the streets of london the BBC, would report the official government figures and with two taps on a computer key board
90% off, knowing the true figures and that the BBC had lied
just makes it worse.. perhaps it's better to be part of the majority who couldn't give toss, and sleep well on it..

there must have benn people who knew what was coming before
WW2, and the same applis now, but what can we do about it ?
Dodge the draft ?? head of to NZ or just dig a big hole in the back garden and hope it will blow over ..


my ps2 helps

03.12.2001 17:53

thanks for the comments guys and/or gals
Im here in the usa, almost pulling for the taliban, pretty crazy i guess but they're the underdogs and i like underdogs so its sad in a way to see everything transpire.
I guess sooner than later they remainders will surrender or flee back home or get killed by the rambos. Of course there will be plenty of dead women men and children to make up some statistical numbers that'll get ignored or blamed on the taliban when the fighting ends.
as for bin laden i dunno, i don't think he plans to live so it'll probably be some anti-climax bomb that does him in.
as for the rest of it, who knows what my leaders will plan. They're definitely on a high, after figuring out that their citizens are just as bloodthirsty as they are...
I figure i'll just keep my bitter mouth shut when the topic comes up, listen to some george carlin and play a lot of video games. by the way grand theft auto 3 and metal gear solid 2 rules!


What about some long term objectives??

03.12.2001 18:12

2 things of long term importance that I was thinking about the other day.

Firstly Climate change will probably flood most of the Islands that are used by the powers to do their military dirty work. They have been of massive stratigic importance in the past and will need to be replaced. This will cause some sort of conflict???

Secondly as ol reserves run out in certain places and other places are found they will need to be gaurenteed esp. by Europe and the U.S. who consume massive quantities of oil but most dangerously of all by the U.S. whose whole Global military strategy is geared up to protecting energy supplies.

A student of International HIstory and POlitics.

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My prediciton

04.12.2001 12:02

Is if all this keeps up china one of these days is going to come out of the bushes and jump us here in the USA
And if that occurs im going right to Canada ;)
It surely wouldnt surprise me if one day someus in the US are woken to being refugees. This is a pandoras box we should have never opened. But it should be fairly obvious to most the world that the people of America got cheated in our last election. And to peoples surprise our main positions were mainly taken by people who are not just or fair people. And in fact our government long ago planned this very thing. Somehow now either getting the perfect opportunity or creating it so they could begin. But sadly materialism still reigns. And people do nothing. Other than the few that choose to educate themselves about all this it seems as though we are all still too in shock and denial to come to terms with what has happened in our country and government.
One day we will wake up by the masses (as I believe is now happening) and I think if Bush doesnt get kicked out next election that he will end up being overthrown. I do know the people of america will only put up with so much.
These are my thoughts.
I hope people see that if we do not stop the US government that for generations if not thousands of years we may end up in a battle with deaths such as now is happening in Palestine/Israel.



04.12.2001 13:58

I have a had a dream a few times now that the chinese had invaded europe and taken over they were everywhere.
I wonder if i should start learning chinese ???
Perhaps they might find chinese speakers usefull and not
misteak me for a potential organ donor, although if the U.S
was on it's knees maybe the market for stolen organs would have dried up by then ??????????????????????

we just don't know

Tiddly Wink

response to bhang

04.12.2001 16:46

I dont feel that we have seen the last of al-queda, let's not forget that the Taliban are bit part players in this, They have only got dragged in because they were sheltering Osama. No one (even US govt) has made a direct link between the Taliban and Sept 11th. As for al-queda (the target remember) who knows?(not US intellegence certainly) but they may potentially have 1000's of members dispersed thoughout the globe, poised to do all kinds of nasty damage. Bombing the shit out of afganistan/Iraq or any other state, will make nil impact on their ability to do so if they are holed up in the US,UK,France,Germany. -Which is why, given time, and if we do not organise and oppose infringements of civil liberties, Indymedia (for example) will become a threat to national secuity and shut down, and then we shall all be scuppered sir

a nother

Attacking Iraq

04.12.2001 17:47

People keep asking whether we should declare war on Iraq. We have been at war with Iraq for the last 10 years with bombings and sanctions.

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the future is bright, too bloody bright

04.12.2001 21:13

I think a big war is on the cards here, I'll carry a stretcher, but we are all missing the point here, this planet has a finite life, not least of all the durability of the sun.
Our only aim, as a global community, is to ensure the ultimate continuation of the species after that.
Period. ( very American phrase).
Petty sqabbles about land and religion are irrelivent.
You cannot own land, did you buy it of god? Or did you ancestors steal it?
If your god would not like his creation to preserve his work, you wanna consider going out a bit more.
This leads me to conclude that anyone involved in this war is potentualy condeming our future generations to non-existence and a complete bounder. Poor form.
Up to you people, reach for the stars. Learn from our mistakes. Be happy about it + piss about a bit more.



04.12.2001 23:04

The next episode, 'what happens next', happened next in Israel and the occupied territories, when the butcher Sharon and his Saudi-sponsored opposition, Hamas, came in to the kind of endgame that is needed to draw the whole world into conflict. Add the Rumsfield-led attack on so many nations - and yes China is in there somewhere, as is compulsory vaccination of the whole US population, part of the aim of reducing the the population by 50% - and add a little more of the vicious attacks we've seen in Afghanistan - to so many countries - and how do we expose what's going on?

dwight heet