RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
thessaloniki indymedia | 01.12.2001 21:22
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
RECLAIM THE MEDIA opening indymedia in THESSALONIKI - Greece
What is Indymedia?
The Indymedia are a global network of independent information centres . It began in Seattle in 1999 as an effort for a different and active covering of the demonstrations against the world trade organization . In the meanwhile the Indymedia expanded in various cities and countries . At this moment there are more than 60 such centres on the planet and more preparing to function .
The first idea was the promotion and covering of critical action against globalization . The Indymedia has coped with broadcasting local or global events , events that are usually hidden or changed by the corporate media . This broadcasting has helped in organizing and promoting these events . The Indymedia has absorbed the state opression , with examples the police attacks to the Seattle and Genoa Indymedia centres .
We begin the functioning of Indymedia in Thessaloniki as an effort of independent information about current or not , social and political events that take place in Thessaloniki , in the wider area of Balkans and on the globe .
Indymedia in Athens
These days the IMC in Athens begins as well . The creation of two centres in Greece is agreed by the IMC groups of Thessaloniki and Athens so as local action , decentralization and the autonomy of the two groups to be promoted . Our will is the beginning of a coworking with the IMC Athens in order to promote independent information and active participation to the action and the events .
The characteristics of Indymedia
Indymedia is an open , non hierarchical and horizontally organized network which , in contrast to the corporate media , doesn't have anything to do with profit . We don't want to substitute the corporate media or to fill their gaps . We don't want any relation with them . There is no copyright to the information we publish , in the contrary we promote their free use .
A basic characteristic of Indymedia is the free acces and participation ( by sending texts , photos etc ) to the site . There's no kind of censorship , in the contrary we want free and independent expression . The Indymedia call everybody to participate not only in the thinking and informating process , but also to direct action in the real space . We don't want to reproduce the roles of the journalist and the viewer that's why we promote independent information and critical action .
Why we use the Internet
We know that the choice of the internet creates difficulties to the ones that don't have access to it . However we use the internet because it's easy to use , it's global , it allowes participation to everybody and it gives the opportunity of dialogue .
The goals of Thessaloniki Indymedia
Our will is to make Indymedia Thessaloniki a centre of exchanging and promoting ideas , information and communication among individuals or group from Balkan and the whole world . Our goal is the social and political participation of the people . Participation to critical and direct action against the global capitalism , against the opression of the people , against the destruction of nature , against racism and nationalism . We promote self-organization , solidarity , non hierarchical and creative action with highest goal the social liberation .
thessaloniki indymedia
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Well Done - briiliant to see it
02.12.2001 11:05
I recognise a few faces on those photos. Well done. Inspirational to see the Indymedia networks spreading - We all must be Taking up our own media - internet, radio and TV to counteract the poison.
Seize the time
Dazza (Liverpool People Not Profit)
Dazza ( people Not profit)