African Liberation Support Campaign Monthly Discussion
African Liberation Support Campaign | 29.11.2001 10:03
Monthly discussion with speakers, this month continuing to discuss the way forward for African liberation
AFRICAN LIBERATION - FIGHTING AGAINST GLOBALISATION TO RECAPTURE THE FOUNTAINHEAD OF PAN AFRICANISM. African Liberation Support Campaign Monthly Discussion. Sunday 30 December, 2pm to 5pm. Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1. Holborn tube on the Central and Picaddilly lines. Speakers: JOSEPHINE APIRA Activist against neo-colonial tyranny in exile from Uganda. KIMANI NEHUSI, African Liberation Support Campaign. MARIA TERESA SANTANA Co-ordinator, All-African Conference of Workers Initiative. All Welcome. Further information 020 8749 7179
African Liberation Support Campaign
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a boss is a boss
29.11.2001 11:35
as long as they capitalism there bosses and workers. most bosses are white but its not the whiteness that the problem its the fact they are bosses. in South africa poor people still get a shit dealand yes most of them are black but the most important thing is that they are poor. In other country in Africa where the govement is black trade unionist and others are treated badly. and finaly there are black in the grovment of the USA that has not made it any less colonial. workers and poor of world unite and smash the bosses (what ever they skin colour)
well said
29.11.2001 14:35
I would give a link for ALISC as is my way but they don't seem to have a website..
Heard of
30.11.2001 07:53
Could be VERY valuable for your discussions!