Revelation of the Pyramid of Giza
Gary Larrabee | 29.11.2001 05:46
The great pyramid seems to be an architectural symbol for planet earth. The pyramid's geometry combines all the data into an elegant identification of planet earth, and expresses meaning in how they relate to each other in foretelling past, present, and future events.
The great pyramid of Giza is easily the most massive building ever known to have been erected on earth. There is no building more accurately aligned to the true cardinal points on the compass. The pyramid stones, weighing up to 70 tons each, are finely joined to a degree of 1/50th of an inch; Roughly the thickness of one hair on your head. The base of the building cover 13 acres of land.
Nobody alive today knows for certain how the pyramid was erected, how long it took to build, or how its near perfect alignments were achieved. It is aligned with the earth's four cardinal points, and at the exact center of the geometrical quadrant formed by the Nile Delta. It is located at the exact center of the earth's land surface. The geographical center of the whole land mass including the Americas, and Antarctica.
The measurements of the inner passages and dimensions of various rooms are written in a coded mathematical language giving the dates and times of specific future events. The messianic triangle for example began with the birth of Christ in 2 BC, and his crucifixion in 33 AD opened the grand gallery or the way, the truth, and the life to all people.
The basic unit of measurement is exactly one ten millionth of the earth's mean polar radius. The pyramid's designed square base has a side measuring 365.242 of the same units. A figure identical to the number of days in a solar year.
Other figures give the earth's orbital distance around the sun. The distance from the earth to the sun, and the period of cycle over 25,000 years.
The great pyramid seems to be an architectural symbol for planet earth. The pyramid's geometry combines all the data into an elegant identification of planet earth, and expresses meaning in how they relate to each other in foretelling past, present, and future events.
It appears that the pyramid was built in 2623 BC, and was symbolized by the beginning entry into the pyramid. It is thought by most Bible scholars that the flood occurred about 2400 BC. So the pyramid was probably built before the flood by people whose knowledge was beyond what technology shows us today. People lived approximately ten time longer than the age span of people today, and were able to expand their learning by the same extended period.
It appears that the pyramid is a monument, or witness, carefully planned and premeditated for some future generations after a great deluge, or world catastrophe.
A fragment of early literature came to light through certain manuscripts found in Russia and Serbia, preserved only in the Slavonic language. Within these writings of the secrets of Enoch is an overview of creation and a dramatization of eternity. Included are accounts of the mechanism of the world showing the machinery of the sun and moon in operation.
Enoch, according to these writings was taken to heaven, shown the great secrets of God, and over a 60 day period wrote 366 books. Enoch is then returned to earth for 30 days to give instruction to his sons and his children's children. After 30 days he was taken back to heaven.
It appears that the pyramid may be a record of knowledge Enoch revealed to his sons. The pyramid could be a structure built by Enoch's sons to record for future generations a testimony and monument of the Lord and His secrets.
Inside the pyramid there is a system of rising, descending and horizontal passages linking a number of chambers with various dimensions, angles and slopes recorded in stone.
The message is not in any language, but are expressible in mathematics. The only true universal language. The revealed message is in terms of a mathematical code.
The mathematical code connects to the words of scripture recorded in the 19th and 20th verses of Isaiah 19.
Isaiah 19:19,20
19. In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord.
20. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord.
In the Hebrew language the letter symbols of the language are also the same symbols as numbers. The 30 words of Isaiah 19:19 in Hebrew have a sum total of 5,449. This is the total numerically of Isaiah 19:19. The distance between the north and the south poles boring through the earth divided by 500 million equals 5,449. The number of pyramid inches from the base of the pyramid to the summit platform of the pyramid is 5,449.
The shortest chapter with the least amount written of the Bible is Psalm 117:, and the larges chapter with the most amount written is chapter 119:
Between the smallest chapter of the Bible and the Largest Chapter of the Bible lies the central verse of the Bible. This is located in the center of the Bible, with 594 verses from Genesis 1:1 to Psalms 118:8. There are also 594 verses from Psalms 118:8 to Revelation 22:21.
The 118th Psalm also speaks of the Pyramid of Giza. The Pyramid of Giza also seems to be a code of the whole Bible.
The Pyramid of Giza seems to be the words of all creation and history and prophecy of the earth written in stone.
The Pyramid points to the Bible and the Bible points to the Pyramid.
The 118th Psalm speaks of the Pyramid in speaking about the chief Corner stone. A chief corner stone can only refer to a pyramid and the Pyramid of Giza is the only one located at the central point of the entire land area of the earth. It is also the only pyramid with the chief corner stone missing.
This is referring to Jesus Christ in the 118th Psalm the chief corner stone that the builders rejected. The Pyramid of Giza is the structure speaking the same message in stone.
The point of beginning in the descending passage is marked by two straight lines perpendicular to the floor of the descending passage. Recent astronomical research has revealed that these lines were aligned with the Star Alcyone of the Pleades, in the constellation of Taurus the bull, at noon of the spring equinox. Or noon on March 21, 2141 BC.
This is the start of the prophecy and the messianic blue print that starts coming from 2141 BC.
Measuring from the starting point of 2141 BC and moving forward 688 pyramid inches or 688 years we come to an ascending passage. The passage date is 1453 BC. The date of the beginning of the Exodus out of Egypt led by Moses. The entry of the ascending passage is blocked by three granite plugs. These granite plugs symbolize the super natural. The pass-over, parting of the Red Sea, and giving of the Ten Commandments. The exact date is March 30, 1453 BC. The red granite of these plugs is only identical to the granite found on Mount Horeb.
From the entry of the ascending to the floor of the queens chamber, or what is called the messianic triangle, is equal to April 1, 2 BC. The birth of Christ, measuring from the Exodus on March 30, 1453 BC. 1485 pyramid inches, or 1485 years comes to the top of the messianic triangle, April 1, 33 AD.
The ascending passage increases by 77" on April 1, 33 AD into the grand gallery.
Traveling up the ascending passage there are three limestone girdle stones which appear to be obstacles. Each girdle stone is proceeded by markers. Two on the west wall and one on the east wall. They seem to signify that the first and the third obstacle are separated from the middle obstacle as east is separated from west. The apparent dates are 7th century BC for the first Girdle and the 3rd century BC for the third girdle. The middle or second girdle marked on the east wall is the 5th century BC.
The events of this historical time recorded in scripture are:
1. The first girdle = 722 BC. The ten northern tribes of Israel are taken captive into Assyria for a 390 year siege.
2. The second girdle = 586 BC. Judah, Benjamin and Levi, the southern tribes are taken into Babylon. They returned home in 536 BC and some with Ezra in 458 BC to their home land.
3. The third girdle = 722 BC. The end of the 390 year siege of the ten northern tribes by Alexander the Great when he over took the Persian Empire.
The end of the ascending passage expands into the grand gallery on the first of April 33, AD. The date that our Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross. Marking back down the ascending passage the floor of the queen's chamber and the floor of the descending passage meet on the 27th of September 2 BC signifying the birth of Christ.
Because of the angle of the ascending passage, meeting with a horizontal passage at 2 BC, the date of 33 BC forms a triangle by drawing a line from the ascending passage to the floor of the queen's chamber. A line drawn from the floor of the messianic triangle points directly to the city of Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born.
The ascending passage roof level expands on April 1, 33, AD by 286.1 pyramid inches. The 286.1 pyramid inches figure is the measurement of eight things. Possibly the sign of new beginnings.
1. The offset distance from the center of the north wall to enter the descending passage to the east.
2. This is also the distance by which the axis of the passage system lies to the east of the axis of the pyramid itself.
3. This is the same exact measurement that the ascending passage increases in the grand gallery of enlightenment.
4. This is the exact measurement of an open and empty coffin in the king's chamber.
5. This is the exact measurement of the missing headstone.
6. This is the exact measurement that Moses gave for the construction of the Ark of the covenant.
7. The exact measurement from the messianic triangle to the wall shaft that leads to the subterranean chamber is exactly 1/8 of the 286.1. This well shaft is the sign of Christ descending into hell to free the old testament saints while His body spent three days in the rich man's tomb.
8. This is the exact measurement of the distance from the horizontal passage to the subterranean chamber; back up the descending passage to the well shaft or way of escape to the grand gallery.
Every place where the figure of 286.1 is measured in the pyramid it seems to lead to a sign of enlightenment, resurrection and life.
The pyramid inch is slightly different from the British inch; it's about the thickness of one half of a single hair. this is the measurement used in building the Ark of the covenant, the tabernacle in the wilderness, Solomon's Temple and the Temple that Ezekiel describes in chapters 40 through 46 in his book.
This message of the pyramid is written in stone. The pyramid message is a universal message of enlightenment without labels, traditions, or doctrines.
This article is a chapter taken from the Book Thy Kingdom Come! This is a 332 book by Gary Larrabee explaining what has been revealed in God’s Prophetic plan for this generation. Price $19.95. Phone 1-800-862-4811 to Purchase.
Gary Larrabee

Gary Larrabee
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