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Talkin' bout a revolution; incessantly!

Julie Burchill | 28.11.2001 23:01

Sorry if you're bored on this tack, folks, but I still think there's more to be said.

A fair bit's been said on this since my last posting, a lot of it constructive. But I still think that what's been left unsaid- especially in view of my old buddy Mustermann's refusal to addess anything I actually wrote. And, by the way, congratulations for knowing another language. Me too; naroj karrin.

What's particularly galling is that you attack me for dealing in stereotypes, but are perfectly happy to speak about "people who have been brought up not to care about anything other than football, soaps, shoes, holidays and what Jennifer Lopez is wearing". You're also happy enough to blithely equate economic disadvantage with child abuse.

It's actually important, for reasons other than it makes you sound like a twat (well, reasons connected with that, anyway). Because when you condescend to people like that, you alienate them, and that works DIRECTLY AGAINST the "cross-class programmes" you and others advocate.

So, in response; no, you don't have to acquire rickets or whatever to be in my "gang", whatever that is (and it cartainly isn't the SWP, you cheeky bastard.) But what you might need to do is actually LISTEN to people, engage with their arguments, and possibly wonder what *meaning* people give to things like decent clothes, shoes and J-Lo's arse, rather than working from the assumption that anyone who could find amusement in such things must be an inert, brain-dead automaton.


Julie Burchill


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28.11.2001 23:59

I am flattered that you saw fit to start a new thread dedicated to my lovely self. Unfortunately, I am not interested in your insults.

BTW your interpretation of what I meant by people who only care about football etc is YOURS and if you notice had nothing to do with anything I actually wrote. In fact, you may notice I never even expressed an opinion of whether those things were at all good o bad.

You are boring!


P.S. A wee tip for you.

go there find a channel; any channel; become an op and THEN start winding people up... frankly dear, I don't give a damn.. who said being an anarchist means I have to wet nurse bigots???


ooh, that smarts

29.11.2001 01:03

None so blind as those who won't see, I s'pose. Yeah, I'm boring, yeah, I'm insulting; whatever. But I still think it's kind of funny that an "anti-authoritarian" person like yourself believes it's somehow the "duty" of people just like you to shake the masses out of their false consciousness. Comrade Lenin would be proud. But if that actually ISN'T what you meant, the misunderstanding is obviously entirely my fault, ignorant stereotyping bigot that I am.

Can't wait to meet you at one of the cross-class discussion forums you're looking forward to!

Chivsa nonna.

Julie Burchill

Julie rocks!

29.11.2001 01:14

I think we can all see the bigot here.


.. are doomed to repeat them

29.11.2001 01:29

My another newsworthy item from Julie... stop press! Mustermann has an opinion an he won't apolgise for it! Shock horror!

I just love the way tabloid hacks like yourself like to insert subtle little adjectives and adverbs into other people's utterances that weren't there to start with...

You inferences again have nothing to do with what I meant. If you were at all interested you would have engagaed me on those points; like Luther did.

It is my duty to say what I feel! I can - du-uh! _ simultaneously be a critique and have no desire to take my critique any further than my armchair. I am no crusade to make everyone think like myself. I also do not see myself as having a duty to represent anyone else excpet myself. I see no-one as an authority, in its traditional sense.

I don't know if you are such the bigot; you are certainly egocentric- I never indicated that it was you I was referrring to as a bigot.

Ah, I get it. I refuse to see the emporor's new clothes? Pfff!

I think I'd rather go to a Skrewdriver gig than be trapped in a room with yourself... and that is saying something.

Apart from that, you won't catch me at any meeting under the heading "cross-class"; the title alone presumes too many things I disagree with...

Now, I am sure there are far more important things people want to read about than how much we dislike each other?

Now, run along and buy your blue hair dye and stop knocking more relvant posts off the newswire with this irrelevance!



strange bedfellows

29.11.2001 05:38

you two sound like a bickering couple!
get hitched!
altho Julie would probably drive you mad...


nowt as queer as folk

29.11.2001 11:12

Hehehe, maybe I'm into that sort of thing!?



Look if you want to join the PFJ

29.11.2001 16:38

You have to REALLY hate the capitalists


this is what IMC really needs!

29.11.2001 17:02

For weeks now the working class have been coming up to me (shaking the coal dust from their flat caps) and demanded to know why we keep banging on about wars and privatisation, when what really intrigues them (as they tuck into greasy chips in their hovels) is which IMC contributor is the toughest and most street-credible.

Hey, how about a WWF-style hardcore no limits match? My money's on Julie..

a nonny mouse

fiat lux!

29.11.2001 21:04

lol ad infintum @ a nonny mouse

"Wake me up before you gogo!" @ all the rest!

Now, where are my brown cords and loafers???



A revolutionary suicide

29.11.2001 21:20

Mea culpa. People, I'm sorry; I was trying to get some kind of debate going about communication, assumptions, language, vanguardism- important stuff. Instead, me and M***term**n have indeed managed to turn ourselves into a postmodern Sharon & Grant Mitchell.

I've made the mistake of trying to ascribe some significance or coherence to Mussy's statements, when there isn't any. Now, apparently, I'm NOT a bigot, he doesn't think it's a shame that more people aren't like middle-class activists, and no-one would catch him at a meeting labelled "cross-class" (the last particularly intriguing, given that he claimed it was the best idea he'd heard in ages as long ago as, ooh, yesterday.)

Again, sorry so much space has been wasted trying to get a debate going with someone too busy arguing with himself to stoop so low as to engage with anyone else's viewpoint.

I'm out.

PS- but ,yeah, the last writer's definitley right. I'd fucking BATTER him! ;-)

Julie Burchill


29.11.2001 22:24

Wow violence is very persuasive. Rember that BNP tip?

BTW I'm 6 foor 4 and not slight of build...



Time, gentlemen, please!

29.11.2001 22:32

Come on, darling. It really IS time we got our coats.

Julie Burchill

Am I driving AGAIN????

29.11.2001 22:41

Okay dear!


cannon fodder

30.11.2001 10:52

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