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The Alternative is Struggle!

Radio Resistencia | 28.11.2001 11:01

...unite and strike like a clenched fist of all the forms of mass struggle!

Throughout time those in power have tried to make us believe that the best existing system is the one they created, and that there is no reason to change it. Of course changes can be introduced to perfect it, and what has resulted is what we have now in Neo-liberalism. As always opportunists appear and the revisionists, a variation of opportunists, from apparently leftist positions invite us to make over capitalism, to introduce superficial reforms with no real substance. All this because it has been demonstrated that it is a good system and all else has failed. That is why class stuggle is useless, and worse yet the armed struggle as an expression of class struggle.

There is no lack of examples to demonstrate to us that we are mistaken: "the end of history has come," "we live in a global village," "we live in a post-industrial society," "the proletariat is disappearing," "just look at the fall of the Berlin Wall," "look at what happened in the ex - USSR," "it's impossible to exist alone in a globalized world," etc., etc.

No one with a claim to sanity can deny the amazing worldwide changes in every area in a short period of time. But these changes have not brought well-being to the poor, nor to underdeveloped countries. On the contrary, the gap has widened such that it is no longer salvagable. This is why we will witness new outbursts and revolutions, to return dignity to the people. These same people, forced by hunger, misery and displacement, must awaken from this terrible lethargy we have been submerged into by the apologists for big capital.

Every day they increase our idiotic stupor with their control over the media, presenting their "eternal truths" and Alice's "Wonderland." They twist everything with the clear objective of labeling us as narcos: "the system offers the same possibilities to everyone, but the stupid and lazy have no place," "revolutionary political parties are obsolete, that is why there are civic movements," "NGOs replace the State when the latter is not present," "complete sovereignty does not exist, it must be limited," and on and on with their litany of recommendations. Meanwhile they increase State military power to impose their doctrine and neo-liberal model on us via repression, when their ideological platform fails them. Some adversaries and even friends persist in the search for "a third way" that we don't see anywhere.

What must be increased to the maximum is class struggle, uniting in one single mass the middle strata ruined by neo - liberalism, unite the thousands of unemployed abandonned to their fate, the hopeless displaced, the humiliated intellectual, the worker, the increasingly dispossessed peasant, the woman suffering from brutal discrimination who looks on powerlessly at her unemployed husband and her child dying from starvation.

This is what we have to do: unite and strike like a clenched fist of all the forms of mass struggle. Unlike other countries, Colombia has her Army of the People in the FARC-EP; there is a place for every patriot in the fight, be it in the Bolivarian Movement for the New Colombia, the Bolivarian Militias, the groups for solidarity, the Clandestine Party, or in the Guerrilla itself. Still the people must create their own organizations to confront the decisive battles to come. We do not find fault with the dialogues and a political solution besides war to the social and armed conflict.

The central point of FARC policy is that we must impose change on the enemy with the strength of our people and our arms. We believe that the changes we seek, the changes that will come about with THE GOVERNMENT FOR NATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION AND RECONCILIATION, will be a giant step toward a socialist society.

This is the only truly just and equal society based on Scientific Socialism creatively applied to our Colombian situation, without mimicking anyone. The alternative is struggle. Inertia is death.

Radio Resistencia


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Bolshevism is fascism!!!!!!

28.11.2001 11:23

Fuck off you narco leninist shithead your group does not believe in class struggle carried out by the united workin class,it believes in an elitist military dictatorship dressed up in marxist ideology. To the whims of these self serving commanders the working class must bend itself. It must be prepared to die as colateral damage of the 'class struggle' it is to be ordered and disciplined it does not emancipate itself but will be 'emancipated'by the its leninist rulers.

Neither Capital or State
The emancipation of the working class can only be carried out by the working class themselves.
Viva Anarchiqua
No Pasaran!!!!

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