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aunty caapitalist | 26.11.2001 17:27

Irish antiwar movement call for national demonstration.

Hundreds of millions of people across the globe were horrified by events on September 11, TV beamed into our living rooms the horror and destruction caused by the attacks on the twin towers. Now millions more are horrified by something else.
George Bush is inflicting an even greater terror on one of the poorest nations in the world, where one in four babies die before the age of 4, where average life expectancy is a mere 47.
We are urged to relish a vengance costing the lives of people who had nothing to do with terrorist attacks. At home we have seen assaults on civil libertie and rascists targetting muslims. Th establishment claim that all this is justified because one man Bin Laden is living in Afghanistan, for this the blood of a whole population is been shed, a whole nation is suffering.
Even before this war 5 million people were on the brink of starvation after 22 years of war and civil war, reducing the capital Kabul to ruins.
Last week, Mary Harney the Irish Taniste accused the Irish antiwar movement of being "unamerican"-a blatant lie when some of the leading anti-war voices are american. US directer Michael Moore has asked
"Will we ever get to the point when we realise we will be morre secure when the rest of the world isnt living in poverty?"
Dick Cheney has said this war will be extended to 50 other countries. On top of that list is Iraq, a nation where 5000 kids die ever month as a direct result of UN sanctions forced through by the States.
Americans have taken to the street to demand no more violence is perpetuated in their name. In the UK 100,000opponents of Blairs support for this new "crusade" took part in a massive demo. In shannon last saturday hundreds descended on the air port to show their detest for Aherns unconstitutional descision to allow US bombers refuel there. 2,500 joined the last dublin demo against the war and were ignored by the media.
Bush has siad "you are with us or with the terroristS".
We have another option and that is to stand shoulder to shoulder for peace and justice. Join the demo and send a clear message to our Rulers. NO BOMBERS ON IRISH SOIL!!

aunty caapitalist


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Don'y Lidten To Their Lies

26.11.2001 21:50

Don't listen to your 'Leaders'. The War in afghanistan is not over! It is just beginning. OK, so it has at present developed into something of a rout for the Northern Alliance. This does not mean that the war is over, not by a long shot. Already we have factional fighting within the NA, with opposing warlords fighting each other. Who gets caught up in the middle of these bickerings? Why I do believe it is the innocent Afghani people, yet again being asked to shoulder the burden of "Enduring Freedom!" So the Taliban have almost all packed their bags and and are now heading for the hills to wage Guerrilla warfare on the NA and their supporters. US Marines have landed in Southern Afghanistan. Vietnam anyone? They beat the Russians, I'm not saying that they have the resources to beat the most powerful War Machine in the World (i.e. U$A) but they're bound to give a long fight, and remember, these people are NOT AFRAID OF DEATH, because they go to their own special Valhalla (or so they believe). A bit like the National Front/C18. And when a massive factional Civil War does finally erupt (and it will), a war reminiscent of the Civil War that plauged Afghanistan in the early 90's, remember who instigated it. Yes, thats' right our good ole friends in the Bu$h and Blair administrations. ANd Bertie & Co. will have blood on their hands too! This is why it is importnat that as many people as possible turn up for the National Demo on Saturday. Don't believe the hype, the Afghans are still suffering thanks to Imperialism. As one cartoonist pointed out, well now that the Taliban have gone [sic] the Northern Alliance [our terrorists - thank you Bob Fisk!] can carry out the same persecution, only this time they can DO IT TO MUSIC!!!!!!! For fuck's sake, do people not realise the double standards at work here. And one last thing - This war was never about ousting the Taliban (well, officially anyway, but that Oil Pipeline looks like a sure thing now for Bu$hCo.) it was about getting Bin Laden. And exactly where is Bin Laden now?
"Jeez, looks like he got away. Dagnammit. Oh well we may as well search for him in Iraq, they all have beards too, don't they Daddy, I mean you were there protecting freedom and democracy by killing innocent people weren't you Daddy?" -
"That's Right Son, keep up the good ole democractic work. Remember a Bu$h is always right, even when Jeb can't count votes in Florida! And by the way if you see Osama, tell your dear ole Daddy said Thanks!"

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