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Foreign Office Minister sprayed with fake blood

Richard Monck | 24.11.2001 01:52

Foreign Office minister Ben Bradshaw has been sprayed with fake blood by an anti-war protester at a meeting in his constituency.

Minister sprayed with fake blood

Foreign Office minister Ben Bradshaw has been sprayed with fake blood by an anti-war protester at a meeting in his constituency.

Bradshaw was said to be "shaken" but unhurt by the attack at a public meeting on the Afghan campaign in Exeter.

And he carried on with the meeting after the man was led away by police.

But an organiser said the incident raised questions about the lack of Special Branch police protection given to junior ministers at a time of war.

The South Street Baptist Church meeting had been under way for around 30 minutes when a man sitting just 15ft from the minister stood and challenged him, said organiser Ian Martin.

After shouting at Mr Bradshaw the attacker raised a squeezy bottle and doused him with fake blood, covering his face, hair, shirt and jacket.

A Baptist minister and Quaker leader sitting either side of him were also hit, said Mr Martin.

"He was a little shocked. He looked a little shocked but then carried on," said the Labour activist and Quaker.

Junior ministers are not given Special Branch protection and just two community constables were on hand, Mr Martin said.

"Why, why is someone in such an exposed position not given potection?," he asked. "There was a shocked silence and the comments made to me were: `It could have been a gun'."

Richard Monck
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