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Afghanistan, the unfolding catastrophy

anarcho-marxist | 23.11.2001 20:22

A report by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, taken from the Znet site.

Info From a FAIR Report
Jim Jennings, President of Conscience International, a humanitarian aid organization, said on November 21: "The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is far from over -- millions still face starvation and disease. The sudden expansion of Northern Alliance territories, although opening the possibility of deliveries from the north, actually stopped the food convoys from Pakistan and Iran for several days because truck drivers are reluctant to travel into a militarily volatile situation.... Meanwhile, the humanitarian effort is losing precious days, a critical factor because of the onset of winter. For every day lost now, some people will die down the line."
Sarah Zaidi is research director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights, and currently in Pakistan. She said Nov 21: "The biggest obstacle to the relief effort is now posed by U.S. partners. Northern Alliance warlords have sabotaged supply routes inside Afghanistan, while Pakistan and other neighboring countries continue to seal their borders and prevent desperate people from reaching food and safety. Rather than seeking to score PR points, the U.S. military should pressure its allies to allow free movement to Afghans and to UN and private relief agencies. Ensuring that thousands of Afghans do not starve to death this winter is both a moral imperative and a human rights obligation for all parties who have contributed to the crisis -- including the United States."
The same center’s executive director Normand said Nov 21: "The Geneva Conventions and Red Cross regulations mandate that relief aid be neutral, impartial and motivated solely by humanitarian concerns. But so far the U.S. military has viewed the food crisis in Afghanistan -- which our bombing helped create -- as a domestic PR opportunity. Independent relief agencies have condemned our military policy of dropping food into heavily-mined areas as not only ineffective and dangerous, but also a distraction from the unglamorous but crucial work of distributing the huge amounts of staple goods necessary to feed millions of hungry people."
Erwin Vant Land, Spokesperson for Doctors Without Borders (which has 30 international aid workers inside Afghanistan), said from Islamabad on Nov 21: "Humanitarian work should be carried out by civilian agencies and should be completely independent of military considerations.... The situation deteriorated during the past two months of bombing, as large parts of the Afghan population dependent on international aid for survival did not receive it."
Spokesperson for Christian Aid, John Davison recently arrived in London from Afghanistan. He said Nov 21: "The main routes we had managed to establish were coming in through Pakistan and lately virtually nothing is getting in -- I believe only a single convoy got in yesterday.... Soon it will get to the point that the trucks won't go out at all because of fears of getting stuck in the snow.... Everyone is glad that the Taliban have mostly lost power but the recent developments have demonstrated the lifesaving importance of the pause in the bombing that we and six other major international aid agencies had called for -- our call went unheeded and now we face this crisis. In the Western and Central Highlands where we carry out most of our work, about 80 percent of the population is very vulnerable.... Food is very short and people are trying desperately to get out and they have no means of transportation. That's hundreds of thousands of people facing starvation."

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Hide the following 7 comments

What do they produce for the New World Order

23.11.2001 23:28

What advantage for the world under its new state of being, the new world order, do these useless eaters produce?

Henry Kissinger

Let 'em die

23.11.2001 23:35

Yeah, Henry! Let'em die and lets fuck Iraq over again. That should bring the whole fuckin world into conflict You're my main man

Donald Rumsfield

Let's get the food and other aid through

23.11.2001 23:57

For Christ's sake, I've aide and abetted Tony's war. Let's now get some ground troops in to solve the crisis.

Clare Short

Battling Warlords

24.11.2001 00:01

Fuck off foreigners, we got our own work to do.

Unitd Front formerly known as Northern Allia

Lets get some order in here

24.11.2001 00:13

Now lets get some (New World) order in here. Now if I can take over Europe and keep a link to George, then we can start to achieve our objectives. Which is a better world for democracy. What you say Jack? Excuse me - I think Mandelson's calling

Tony Blair

Lets do it

24.11.2001 00:19

Bomb them fuck them screw them
Bomb them fuck them screw them
Bomb them fuck them screw them
And so it goes on....

Peter Mandelson

Bomb them again!

24.11.2001 13:47

The best thing to do with 'these people' is to ask them if they play cricket. A simple yes or no will not do. They must have a grasp of the L.B.W. law. Anyone who does not play cricket, our brave American allies excepted, of course, should have the living shit bombed out of them. That's what a real leader like Margaret or Winston would have done.

Norman Tebbit.