Brussels protests 13 / 14 December
Guy Taylor | 23.11.2001 17:43
Things are hotting up for the Brussels demonstrations in December.
On Thursday 13 December there's a major trade union demo called by the Belgium TUC and the European Trade Union Confederation. The CGT in France are threatening to send 10,000 members.
On Friday 14 December an anti-capitalist / anti-war demo is planned. This has the potential to be the first ever European wide anti-war demonstration.
There's loads of options (Brussels is very very close).
Eurostar are doing a £75 offer for a return to Brussels, but better is £100 for two tickets.
Euroline Coaches run to Brussels from London. Don't know prices and times but worth checking out.
RyanAir do very cheap flight deals but the prices rise considerably as seats available get scarcer.
Driving is an option - it's just two and a bit hours from Calais.
And of course, Globalise Resistance is running coaches from Leeds, London, North London, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Glasgow, and more places to be confirmed. Seats are generally priced at £45 (£55 for Glasgow).
For your info, this is what the organisers have put out. If your group, union, party or organisation would like to add it's name to the list, e-mail
Declaration by the network: "Another Europe for Another World"
Neo-liberal globalisation, of which Europe is a powerful motor, has had disastrous effects on many aspects of human existence and the environment such as the feminisation and increase in levels of poverty, North-South inequalities, and the destruction and the privatisation of ecological resources. Likewise, the violation of human rights, the dismantling of social services, the privatisation of public services, attacks on democratic freedoms, war, criminality and financial crises, and, more generally, the "marketisation" of all human activities. All these require a large-scale response. The network as a whole also takes this opportunity to categorically condemn the actions of the world powers in Afghanistan.
It is for this reason that we, the signatory organisations, are mobilising in Brussels, from the 7th to the 15th of December 2001. We find ourselves at the heart of the "Another Europe for Another World" network and vigorously support principles set out in this declaration.
Pluralism and diversity are the foundations of our network. Each signatory organisation joins the network with their own identity and exigencies.
Our unity is found in our common enthusiasm to arrange activities and popular demonstrations that are non-violent, unified, and organised in open communication. We do this in order to advance the construction of another Europe and another globalisation. With this aim, we call on all of those who oppose a neo-liberal Europe to participate in the NGO Forum (7th-8th December), the Trade Union's Euro-demonstration (13th December), the Demonstration towards Laeken and Alternative Forum (14th December). Throughout the week there will many different events, such as the Assembly of Unemployed Workers (11th & 12th of December, European Parliament Building) and the activities of the 15th of December: for all other activities go to the network's Web site: .
This week of Mobilisation of the whole "Another Europe for Another World" network will be last European activity before the second World Social Forum in Porto Alegre (31st January/5th February). It is therefore a vital staging point in the mobilisation for another World.
Signatory Organisations on the 22nd of November 2001:
11.11.11 - Koepel van de Vlaamse Noor-Zuidbeweging,
AGALEV Nationaal,
Amis du monde diplomatique – Belgique,
Animo – de spirit van jong links,
APEIS (Association pour l'Emploi, l'Information et la Solidarité),
Associazione Internazionale di Amicizia e Solidarietà con i Popoli,
ATTAC Belgique,
ATTAC France,
Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen v.z.w. (BBL)
BRAL (Brusselse Voor Het Leefmilieu),
Centre National de Coopération au développement (CNCD),
Christenen voor het Socialisme,
Comité de Solidarité avec le peuple basque,
Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (CADTM),
Coordination Belge Pour la Colombie,
Coordination D 14,
Coordination Nationale pour la Paix et la Démocratie (CNAPD),
Démocratie 2000,
Démocratie plus,
Democrazia Popolare (Italia)
Droits Devant,
Entraide et fraternité/Action Vivre ensemble,
Fondation Joseph Jacquemotte,
Foodfirst Information & Action Network (FIAN-Belgium)
FOS – Socialistische Solidariteit
Global Action (Greece),
Globalise Resistance (UK),
Internationaal Verzet,
Internationale Socialisten (Nederland),
Izquierda Unida,
Jeunes Gardes Socialistes (JGS),
Jong AGALEV – Nationaal,
Kommunistiche Partij,
Kommunistische Partij Vlaanderen,
Kon-Kurd, fédération des associations kurdes en Europe,
Le Monde Selon les Femmes,
LICR (Ligue pour une Internationale Communiste Révolutionnaire),
Ligue Anti-Impérialiste (LAI),
Ligue des Droits de l'Homme,
Linkse Socialistiche Partij,
Magasins du Monde – OXFAM,
Marches européennes contre le Chômage, la Précarité et les Exclusions (France-Europe),
Marches européennes contre le Chômage, la Précarité et les Exclusions (collectif belge),
Médecine Pour le Tiers-Monde,
Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix (MCP),
Mouvement des jeunes Socialistes,
Mouvement pour une Alternative Socialiste,
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie Brussel 19,
Oxfam – Solidarité,
Oxfam – Wereldwinkels,
Parti Ouvrier Socialiste (POS-SAP),
Pax Christi Wallonie/Bruxelles,
Place au Soleil,
Service Civil International,
Socialisme Sans Frontières,
Solidarité Socialiste,
SUD PTT - Union syndicale G10 SOLIDAIRES (France),
Vrouwen in het zwart – Leuven,
WTM (Werkgroep Theologie en Maatschappij)
On Thursday 13 December there's a major trade union demo called by the Belgium TUC and the European Trade Union Confederation. The CGT in France are threatening to send 10,000 members.
On Friday 14 December an anti-capitalist / anti-war demo is planned. This has the potential to be the first ever European wide anti-war demonstration.
There's loads of options (Brussels is very very close).
Eurostar are doing a £75 offer for a return to Brussels, but better is £100 for two tickets.
Euroline Coaches run to Brussels from London. Don't know prices and times but worth checking out.
RyanAir do very cheap flight deals but the prices rise considerably as seats available get scarcer.
Driving is an option - it's just two and a bit hours from Calais.
And of course, Globalise Resistance is running coaches from Leeds, London, North London, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Glasgow, and more places to be confirmed. Seats are generally priced at £45 (£55 for Glasgow).
For your info, this is what the organisers have put out. If your group, union, party or organisation would like to add it's name to the list, e-mail

Declaration by the network: "Another Europe for Another World"
Neo-liberal globalisation, of which Europe is a powerful motor, has had disastrous effects on many aspects of human existence and the environment such as the feminisation and increase in levels of poverty, North-South inequalities, and the destruction and the privatisation of ecological resources. Likewise, the violation of human rights, the dismantling of social services, the privatisation of public services, attacks on democratic freedoms, war, criminality and financial crises, and, more generally, the "marketisation" of all human activities. All these require a large-scale response. The network as a whole also takes this opportunity to categorically condemn the actions of the world powers in Afghanistan.
It is for this reason that we, the signatory organisations, are mobilising in Brussels, from the 7th to the 15th of December 2001. We find ourselves at the heart of the "Another Europe for Another World" network and vigorously support principles set out in this declaration.
Pluralism and diversity are the foundations of our network. Each signatory organisation joins the network with their own identity and exigencies.
Our unity is found in our common enthusiasm to arrange activities and popular demonstrations that are non-violent, unified, and organised in open communication. We do this in order to advance the construction of another Europe and another globalisation. With this aim, we call on all of those who oppose a neo-liberal Europe to participate in the NGO Forum (7th-8th December), the Trade Union's Euro-demonstration (13th December), the Demonstration towards Laeken and Alternative Forum (14th December). Throughout the week there will many different events, such as the Assembly of Unemployed Workers (11th & 12th of December, European Parliament Building) and the activities of the 15th of December: for all other activities go to the network's Web site: .
This week of Mobilisation of the whole "Another Europe for Another World" network will be last European activity before the second World Social Forum in Porto Alegre (31st January/5th February). It is therefore a vital staging point in the mobilisation for another World.
Signatory Organisations on the 22nd of November 2001:
11.11.11 - Koepel van de Vlaamse Noor-Zuidbeweging,
AGALEV Nationaal,
Amis du monde diplomatique – Belgique,
Animo – de spirit van jong links,
APEIS (Association pour l'Emploi, l'Information et la Solidarité),
Associazione Internazionale di Amicizia e Solidarietà con i Popoli,
ATTAC Belgique,
ATTAC France,
Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen v.z.w. (BBL)
BRAL (Brusselse Voor Het Leefmilieu),
Centre National de Coopération au développement (CNCD),
Christenen voor het Socialisme,
Comité de Solidarité avec le peuple basque,
Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde (CADTM),
Coordination Belge Pour la Colombie,
Coordination D 14,
Coordination Nationale pour la Paix et la Démocratie (CNAPD),
Démocratie 2000,
Démocratie plus,
Democrazia Popolare (Italia)
Droits Devant,
Entraide et fraternité/Action Vivre ensemble,
Fondation Joseph Jacquemotte,
Foodfirst Information & Action Network (FIAN-Belgium)
FOS – Socialistische Solidariteit
Global Action (Greece),
Globalise Resistance (UK),
Internationaal Verzet,
Internationale Socialisten (Nederland),
Izquierda Unida,
Jeunes Gardes Socialistes (JGS),
Jong AGALEV – Nationaal,
Kommunistiche Partij,
Kommunistische Partij Vlaanderen,
Kon-Kurd, fédération des associations kurdes en Europe,
Le Monde Selon les Femmes,
LICR (Ligue pour une Internationale Communiste Révolutionnaire),
Ligue Anti-Impérialiste (LAI),
Ligue des Droits de l'Homme,
Linkse Socialistiche Partij,
Magasins du Monde – OXFAM,
Marches européennes contre le Chômage, la Précarité et les Exclusions (France-Europe),
Marches européennes contre le Chômage, la Précarité et les Exclusions (collectif belge),
Médecine Pour le Tiers-Monde,
Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix (MCP),
Mouvement des jeunes Socialistes,
Mouvement pour une Alternative Socialiste,
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie Brussel 19,
Oxfam – Solidarité,
Oxfam – Wereldwinkels,
Parti Ouvrier Socialiste (POS-SAP),
Pax Christi Wallonie/Bruxelles,
Place au Soleil,
Service Civil International,
Socialisme Sans Frontières,
Solidarité Socialiste,
SUD PTT - Union syndicale G10 SOLIDAIRES (France),
Vrouwen in het zwart – Leuven,
WTM (Werkgroep Theologie en Maatschappij)
Guy Taylor
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