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banner drop - war my arse

who? | 23.11.2001 13:21

This banner was dropped over Westminster Bridge by an autonomous group of activists.

banner drop - war my arse
banner drop - war my arse



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Well done!

23.11.2001 14:18

Very nice peeps, and very amusing. We need more inventive activism like that :)


not what Mr Royle would say

23.11.2001 16:06

I thought a more accurate comment for a banner which would address the "yankee lies" that surround the current conflict would be:

' War on Terrorism my arse '.

My family watch the Royle family, so I intend to drop this phrase over Xmas to see what kind of reaction it gets.

'War my arse' is succinct, but it suggests the message is that this is not a war! A moot point, but hardly a pressing one. Bombs are dropping, guns are firing, people are dying.

Not that i don't approve of the action, you understand. Good on you, say i.


Down with tourism!

23.11.2001 17:09

Why not just 'arse'? It's an appropriate word to go with a picture of parliament.

Anyway, I must have misunderstood Dubya's accent.

I thought he had 'sworn to capture tourists' and 'our great nation shall not be threatened by tourism'.

Down with tourism! Arse!

Daniel Brett
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23.11.2001 17:23

targeted affinity group actions are a brilliant way to go at the moment when police surveilence and oppression is so intense.
big up y'all. hopefully this kinda stuff (and the action in camden on saturday) will encourage more people (including myself) to do more.


Seat of Power

24.11.2001 01:01

Magnificent panorama of the House of Conmen.

my arse

political statements

26.11.2001 17:09

Yeah originally we wanted to do "War on Terror my arse", but it had too many letters in it...

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