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Future of the Movement: a Suggestion (repost)

KT | 22.11.2001 23:28

A suggestion for a way of spreading the ideas of the anti-capitalist movement to a wider public.

This is the text of a leaflet I handed out at the Anarchist Bookfair and talked about at the May Day meeting there. It’s basically a suggestion for something we could do to communicate the ideas of the anti-capitalist movement to the general population, and to improve our understanding of other people’s lives and views at the same time. I’m posting it here to see what people think. I’m also going to put it forward as a suggestion for part of a week of May Day activities at the May Day organising meeting, which is on Sunday (2pm Fieldgate Resource Centre, corner of Fieldgate St/Parfett St, London E2).

In the last few years we’ve seen the anti-capitalist movement in Europe and North America grow at an incredible rate. (Huge movements with similar aims have been around for much longer in other parts of the world, but that’s another story.) It seems to me that it’s taken existing activists by surprise. Suddenly there are tens of thousands of us running around the streets, amazed by the power our numbers have given us, yet at the same time hardly knowing what to do with it. Personally, as the time comes around to invent another May Day’s misrule, I feel a sense of frustration. Yes, these things are fun and empowering and can make good political points, but we could be doing so much more.

Clearly this is a movement whose time has come. We haven’t done anything particularly clever to draw this number of people towards us, though the Reclaim The Streets parties were certainly a fine idea and took hold accordingly. This is getting so big because the effects of neo-liberalism are so dramatic. Globalisation, privatisation, the breathtaking power of multinationals: at every turn, things we assumed to belong to us, the people, are being taken away, be it public transport, secure jobs or the genetic make-up of the world around us. That ever hungry monster, capitalism, is trying to feed in places we never imagined possible. It is a political shift which has surely not been matched since the Acts of Enclosure threw the populace off land which until then had always been common property.

These changes have the potential to be seen as deeply wrong by the majority of the population. They offend our ideas of ‘natural justice’ and they are having terrible effects on people’s lives, through lost and casualised jobs, environmental destruction, the ruin of public services and education, you name it. But as a movement we aren’t responding to this potential. Compared to movements in Latin America, for instance, we are still running around like children. We have an incredibly strong message: we need to communicate it. We need to tell people why we’re dressing up in padded white suits and breaking windows every May Day, because the mainstream media sure as hell aren’t going to.

I read recently that the Zapatistas once conducted what they called a ‘consulta’, in which thousands of them travelled all over Mexico in small groups explaining what the Zapatistas were fighting for and asking ordinary people what they thought of it. What I want to suggest is that we could do something similar: a kind of Discussion Day. Three times a year, for instance, we (i.e. anyone who sees themselves as part of the anti-capitalist movement, by which I mean genuine anti-authoritarians, not Trotskyists trying to build their party) could set up in little groups on street corners or outside supermarkets or anywhere we feel appropriate and tell people what it is we’re on about, discussing whatever is appropriate for the time and place. It would be about spreading information, not a party line. It would be a two-way process, learning what’s going on with other people as we talk to them. It would need organisation, but it needn’t be hierarchical or stifling. And we would need to inform ourselves, possibly meeting up at something like the excellent conference a couple of years ago, but that’s what any mature political movement does: it educates itself.

Given the information, I believe more and more people could share our ideas. Over time we could create a movement with the strength to achieve changes we can scarcely imagine now. We could forget the pointless debates the media try to impose on us about ‘violence’. (Violent protest has always existed, often for good reason, and probably always will.) This will be far more threatening to the powers that be: the spreading of illicit information, people communicating without state permission, a powerful anti-capitalist movement taking root among all those who have something to gain from it.

Part of the problem is that at the moment there is no real forum for such discussions. I’m going to suggest it as part of a range of pre-May Day activities at the May Day organising meetings. Meanwhile if anyone has any comments, positive or critical (or both), maybe they could write to Year Zero. Ultimately, I think that if this idea is right and if we have the movement to do it, it will happen. And if it spreads, like the RTS street parties did, maybe these Discussion Days could start to happen all over the world. Where will it end? We can only dream.

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23.11.2001 03:47

dear hildegaard

the idea of a "consulta" or process of communication within the movements and society in general has been around for a while already. After the InterContinentalCaravan in 1999 (check out, during the evaluation people already concluded that it was necessary to have tools and processes of communication within our existing structures in order to know more about ourselves, what we do, what we want and how we can improve coordinated articulation of our activities. At that time the european/global networks were still in crystalising process , now things look a bit different !

In the Spanish State there has been a very inspiring experience in 2000 too. There was a consulta which managed to involve 20.000 active people in more than 500 cities and implicating more than 1 mio people ! It was done around the issue of "abolition of the external debt". People were invited to do it on the day of the State election and was therefore declared illegal, which gave it publicity at the same time. (Check out The political spaces created through this consulta was an important impetus in giving birth to several dynamics from the Spanish State which converged in the protest against the IMF/WB (Prague 2000). The MRG (Movement for Global Resistance in the Spanish State was created around that).

And things have kept evolving.
The people from the MRG in Catalunya, which are current convenors of the PGA (peoples' global action see have been giving it further thought and have been making suggestions about a "social consulta" on a European level. (the word "consulta" is being doubted about because it sort of implies a top down approach which we don´t want of course as it's meant to be an anti authoritarian process, but it's the best we´ve found so far). There is a proposal that is being worked on and is still at a process of discussion. A webpage is also been worked on. If you would like to get involved or get more information, contact:
Some draft documents are available and you can get involved in the discussion processes.
The initial proposals have been presented in places like Genoa, and Cochabamba during the last PGA conference.
The proposal of a social consulta will certainly spread in the months to come and its a long term process, which will need to be shaped by as many people as possible.

barna lunatic

consultas info

23.11.2001 10:44

Thanks a lot, Lunie. That’s very interesting news & I’ll check out the sites.


Put off by violence

23.11.2001 13:43

I feel marginalised sometimes due to the amount of violence from both the police and violent-minded people who hijack protests. Don't give me all that crap about agent provocateurs. There may be only a few of them, but the majority of these nutters the press wrongly call 'hard-core anarchists' are just there to get pissed and have a fight with the police. Everyone else gets caught up in it. After J18, N30, MD2K and May Day 2001, I'm really pissed off that I've been hit by bottles, coralled by the police and trapped in the middle of riots. As a result, I don't go to anti-capitalist demonstrations. In its early years, RTS street parties were fun, noisy and made a point but were peaceful. Now it's just an excuse for a few pissheads to go on the rampage. OK, the state might have won, but I tend to come away from these mass protests feeling like I've achieved nothing, having spent hours being bruised and jostled by nutters within the crowd and fascists within the police ranks. I mean, smashing windows isn't going to achieve anything but give the rozzers an excuse to kick the shit out of us. If you really want a broad movement, you've got to get rid of those who want violence. Then perhaps all those who have become politicised over poverty, war and environmental destruction - including church-goers, pensioners groups and NGOs - can feel welcome, without fear of violence.

Only me

Good idea - we need to develop

24.11.2001 00:18

Yes, it has to develop way beyond the present ritualistic and contained pattern.

Reaching out to people is always a good idea. These 'Consultas', sound good, some sort of street theatre, perhaps? or leaflets spread at random through peoples' letter boxes.

It has to be made fun and made more exciting. You could have one big coralled in demo in London on Mayday, or how about five or so smaller demos distributed through the UK? Get away from this London-centred thing.

Steve Booth
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notes for a speech

24.11.2001 16:42

I recently read some really good notes for a speech titled Trade for life (order free on 02075232225), it was distributed by Christian aid and was very clear and included OHP sheets etc as well as a script that could just be read to a group. The advantages of having at least part of participatory disussions scripted is that at least then everyone participating knows some basic facts, which can then be the starting point for disscussion.
could indymedia be used as a central resource for this project? with maybe 5 discussion area's Eg:- the current war, world trade rules, world poverty, environmental degredation etc. Interested indymedia users could then be asked to submit 5-10 minute presentation notes,with OHP documents, cartoons, questions etc . It would then take a bit of organising to set up teach ins around the country on a specific day or weekend. This would allow all of the talks to have a unified starting point, the groups could also be asked to send feedback to indymedia on how the talks went.


Don't kid your selves

24.11.2001 17:54

I believe it's time for the anti globalization movement to come to grips with the fact that Lord Mount Batton ordered and payed for the assasination of Ghandi. The British Government and it's commercial partners in India could tolerate a independent India but not with Ghandi in it.

Ghandi would have worked to prevent continued British exploitation of India's labor and resources and would have succeeded considering his immense power at the time as the father of an independent India.

What is going to happen when the movement grows to twice the size it is today? Do you believe that the right wing military government in the US will allow it to go on. They will send their thugs into our ranks and destablize and in many cases murder or set up our leadership as they have always done in the past.

It is time for everyone to show up regardless of the out come or how violent things get. It is time to come to grips with the fact that ruling class will not give up power to true democracy with out a fight.

If we truly believe in equity for all life on this planet it is time to put aside concern for our personal well being in context to this struggle.

Some of us are going to be hurt, jailed and killed.

It is also important to note that there has been absolutely no reporting of European polling data or of the large street protests throughout Europe over US actions in Afghanistan in the corporate media here in the US. If these facts were reported it would contrast to greatly against the cowed support of European leaders. So if you think having a peaceful show of indignation in the streets matters to these fanatics in the multi national corporations, your wrong.

The only thing that matters to them is numbers. The more people that join us in the streets regardless of the content of the protest is the only thing that will move the ruling class. And of course they will always move to violence first.

Lloyd Hart
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