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American Hardcore Sex

American | 22.11.2001 14:27

I do not find images of nude adults, engaging in sexual acts, or other sexual materials to be offensive or objectionable. I am at least 18 years
of age and have the legal right to process adult material in my community.

American Hardcore Sex
American Hardcore Sex

I will not redistribute the material from this site to anyone. I will not permit any minor to view any material from this site, nor will I allow
this material to be viewed by any person who might find such material offensive.
If I have minors in my home, I have taken steps to prevent them from accessing adult materials on the Internet. I understand the standards and laws of the community, site and computer to which I am transporting this material, and I am solely responsible for my actions. If I use the services in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and/or federal laws and I am solely responsible for my actions. By logging on, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners and creators
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I have read the above and I agree to the terms and conditions set forth therein.

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dear editor, please leave this up !!!

22.11.2001 16:00

join the fight against censorship !!! another art gallery, "PROUD" in Pimlico, London, has been raided for showing nudity. Terrible state of affairs.

Antoine Roquentin


22.11.2001 16:05

is there a point to this that l'm missing??

not amused


22.11.2001 16:17

There is kind of a free spech arguement here, but i really dont see why indymedia should have links to for-profit sites at all, unless it is for research or evidence. so i suggest leave this post, up to disarm the free speech/porn arguement and hope we have the free speech/wiretapping debate instead,which is frankly much more interesting.
if I want porn i will look for porn, if i go to a independent media site i expect a little intellegent converation.


another quality american export

22.11.2001 16:25

The Americans have given us so much already, commercial Tv, Mc Donalds, starbucks, Saddam Hussain, The WTO , Osama Bin Laden, a new war,I just dont think i can accept any more of their genorous gifts. (ps I know the Americans have also given the world lots of good stuff too, but that doesnt mean we have to accept all the shit that crosses the atlantic)


What bullshit

22.11.2001 17:04

What the fuck is this doing here?
I don't agree with censorship and I believe freedom of speech is absolute but this is bullshit man. It's just a fucking advert for a shit porno site.
Don't be fooled by the writing it's just a facade to get people to go there. At least take off the link and picture. Otherwise where are you gonna draw the line at people advertising their own sites? If all they need do is add some liberalist text and then it's ok. Next it'll be the BNP or $hell.
Peace out
