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Rio Tinto Lecture Sinks!

anarchist606 | 21.11.2001 14:03

A Rio Tinto/University of Bristol/@Bristol talk on bio-diversity went a bit pear shaped.

Rio Tinto Lecture Sinks!

What's up with @Bristol? Nestle not enough controversy?

Things went a little pear-shaped for the final talk in the lecture series on Biodiversity organised by David Hill of the University of Bristol, hosted by @Bristol and sponsored by Rio Tinto. First World Development Movement Bristol wrote to the celebrity chairperson of the meeting Jonathan Dimbleby, asking him to pull out because of the unpleasant ethical and environmental record sponsors. He agreed, and pulled out.

Next as the attendees arrived they were handed flyers produced by Bristol Nestle Resistance pointing out @Bristol's record of Nestle and the new deals with Rio Tinto. Many attendees expressed outrage at the involvement of Rio Tinto, a company who's ethical and environmental record makes sorry reading, with a talk on Bio Diversity.

One activist chatted to one of the organisers, David Hill, and asked him why Rio Tinto. At first he tried the tired old line of 'better to have them inside pissing out, than outside pissing in'. The same type of argument used by Rio Tinto for their involvement with the apartheid regime and by companies doing business in Burma. Once these arguments had been shot down he resorted to some truth, "we need the money."

Eventually the lecture got going. The new chair and @Bristol’s Chief Executive, Doktor John Dovey apologised for the absence of Mr. Dimbleby and said he could not attend due to 'the international situation'. A member of WDM Bristol expressed surprise that they are now classed as an ‘international situation'. Just as the Doktor thanked the sponsors, the fire alarm went off. All the attendees filed outside and the activists (from a variety of groups) who'd been packing up to go, took advantage of the situation to unfurl banners and hand out more flyers.

Finally the lecture got going. Inside there was lively debate on corporate responsibility and the destruction of the planet, though not from the panel who consisted of a self-confessed anti-green, a farmer in favour of shooting wildlife and the former head of Yorkshire Water, almost other people. Thankfully activists were on hand to offer the alternative point of view to the corporate 'environmentalism' offered. The comments one activist made received a round of applause from the assembled crowd and all the Rio Tinto brochures had an additional insert added by activists.

For more on Rio Tinto see:

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nice one!

21.11.2001 17:39

nice one WDM Bristol! Keep up the good work.


Jonathon Dimblbum is really a very nice man

23.11.2001 18:23

Am I really expected to believe that that shit Dimblby didn't know about RTZ??? Even my Granny knows RTZ are a bunch of unutterable shits. No, Dimblby wanted to be there for the money and thought noone would notice.



25.11.2001 16:03

Whoops! An error in the report; Dr. John Durrant is the boss of at Bristol, not John Dovey, who ever he is. Sorry John Dovey!

Bristol Nestle Resistance.


error on article - sorry!

25.11.2001 16:04

Whoops! An error in the report; Dr. John Durrant is the boss of at Bristol, not John Dovey, who ever he is. Sorry John Dovey!

Bristol Nestle Resistance.
