Brazilian cartoonist Latuff refutes allegations of anti-semitism in his cartoons
Latuff | 21.11.2001 10:42
Indymedia Switzerland sent to me and to Frente Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (FZLN) a message titled "caricatura antisemita de latuff" ( anti-semitic caricature by latuff ), with reference to two of my cartoons published on IMC Switzerland web site: "Coming Soon" and "The American Talk Show". I make public their message, as well as my reply.
Original message from IndyMedia Switzerland (in Spanish):
----- Original Message -----
To: ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:57 AM
Subject: caricatura antisemita de latuff
> estimad@s latuff, fzln-webmaster, fzln,
> en indymedia suiza y indymedia austria fue publicado una caricatura de
> -->
> -->
> entre la gente que visita estos dos sitios se desvelò una discusiòn acerca
> de esta caricatura. hay muchas personas que critican que esta caricatura
> antisemita o por lo menos reproduce unas esquemas antisemitas. por ser
> exacto: la caricatura parte de una ideologìa que induce el dominio del
> mundo de parte de personas de la fe judaica. este pensamiento tiene una
> fascista y nosotr@s no podemos explicarnos como una tal caricatura parece
> en el sitio del fzln, que nosotr@s consideramos parte de un movimiento de
> liberaciòn y de lucha contra el racismo.
> de latuff no conocemos màs que las caricaturas que ha publicado y nos
> que tambien tu eres una persona que conoces la realidad que crea el
> diario. entonces porquè una tal caricatura?
> les pedimos de exponernos las razones por esta publicaciòn y de tomar una
> posiciòn acerca de este asunto.
> saludos solidarios
> indymedia suiza
Reply from Latuff:
Dear sirs from Indymedia Switzerland,
Thank you very much for your message and interest.
First of all, it's important to emphasise that I am not a member of FZLN and
not allowed to speak for them.
I am a supporter of FZLN and EZLN since 1997, producing copyright-free
cartoons and photomontages to promote struggle of native people of Chiapas.
The reason why I always post URL of FZLN web site in my messages on IMC
pages is to promote Zapatismo among readers. Since I know, the artworks
shown on FZLN web site are Zapatista related images from "Zapatista Art
Gallery" and Brazilian police brutality related images from "A Policia
URLs mentioned by you refer to "Coming Soon" and "The American Talk Show"
cartoons, both related to Hollywood biased movies. Hollywood cinema has
served to the U.S. foreign policy many times, and now again. George W. Bush
has claimed for patriotic movies, a support to his "War against Terrorism".
It's a fact that many Hollywood producers are Jews and it's a fact too the
mostly of U.S. movies are strongly biased with reference to Latins,
Orientals and Arabs.
Just have a look, for example, in a recent U.S. movie, "Traffic", broaching
drug business in Mexico and United States. Mexican scenario is
yellow-coloured to instil sensation of a sweltering hot weather. Mexican
characters are sweaty, violent and corrupt. However, a smooth blue filter is
applied to U.S. scenarions, suggeting a fresh weather, with skycrapers and
well fited people.
Let´s check another example of biased movies from well-known Jewish cinema
producers, Menahem Golan and Yoran Globus. In their "Delta Force", German
actress Hanna Schygulla plays an air hostess in a hijacked plane. She´s
forced by sweaty beared Arab terrorists to list Jewish passengers. She
refuses to do it, saying more or less this: "I can't do that. Can't you see
I am a German? The Jews, the Holocaust, the six millions...". The Arab
character replies: "Six millions? It should be much more!".
In "Missing in Action" series, where Chuck Norris plays a U.S. veteran who
go back to Vietnam to rescue prisoners, Vietnamese are depicted as brutal
and cruel psychos, what justify killing of many by Norris.
Same propaganda can be seen in "Rambo" series. Special attention to the last
one, where "Mujahideens" from Afganisthan are glorified in this Reagan-era
film. I could do mention of many other movies like these, where different
races than U.S. caucasians are shown in a derogatory way.
I am talking about cinema used as political propaganda of United States
system. Obviously, there are decent directors as Spíke Lee and Woody Allen.
By the way, the few criticism to Jewish system I have seen in U.S. movies
is presented by Woody Allen on movies as "Deconstructing Harry". Average of
Hollywood films are biased with Black People, Latins, Orientals, Arabs and
so, but never with Jews. Main goal of my two cartoons is to discuss such
premise. I don't want ANY KIND of biased movies. The world DON'T NEED ANY
KIND of biased movies.
Unfortunately, any criticism to anything related to Jews is seen as
anti-semitism. We can criticize Japanese for massacres in Korea and China,
Indonesians for mass killings in East Timor, Serbians for their crimes in
Bosnia and Kosovo, but NEVER Israel for gross human rights violations
against Palestinians. It's OK to depict Milosevic, Pinochet, Suharto or the
Roman Catholic Church as criminals (as I did in my former "Trial by Cartoon"
web site), but if I make a cartoon of Barak or Sharon, Jews will remind me
of Nazi-era cartoons and call me anti-semitic. It's always the same
argument. Holocaust seems to be a kind of safe shelter for those Jews
interested in resume a controverse. Anti-semitism is the only way-out for
But I don't care. If they want to see me as a racist, no problem. Go ahead.
I prefer to follow my conscience.
BEFORE to send a message to me and FZLN with such offensive and insulting
topic as "caricatura antisemita de latuff", you in IndyMedia should to
search on Internet for my social related artworks on behalf of Kurds, Iraqi,
Burmese, Tibetans, Palestinians, Mexicans and etc; for ban of land mines;
police brutality and censorship; AIDS prevention; war and globalization;
state sponsored terrorism.
If my art is not suitable or welcomed in IndyMedia Switzerland, please,
inform, and I will no longer to post more images and opinion, but I will NOT
to prevent myself to criticize human rights violations, don't matter if
commited by Jews, Muslims, Christians or whatever.
That's it!
Best regards,
Latuff - Image Maker
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
----- Original Message -----
To: ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:57 AM
Subject: caricatura antisemita de latuff
> estimad@s latuff, fzln-webmaster, fzln,
> en indymedia suiza y indymedia austria fue publicado una caricatura de
> -->

> -->

> entre la gente que visita estos dos sitios se desvelò una discusiòn acerca
> de esta caricatura. hay muchas personas que critican que esta caricatura
> antisemita o por lo menos reproduce unas esquemas antisemitas. por ser
> exacto: la caricatura parte de una ideologìa que induce el dominio del
> mundo de parte de personas de la fe judaica. este pensamiento tiene una
> fascista y nosotr@s no podemos explicarnos como una tal caricatura parece
> en el sitio del fzln, que nosotr@s consideramos parte de un movimiento de
> liberaciòn y de lucha contra el racismo.
> de latuff no conocemos màs que las caricaturas que ha publicado y nos
> que tambien tu eres una persona que conoces la realidad que crea el
> diario. entonces porquè una tal caricatura?
> les pedimos de exponernos las razones por esta publicaciòn y de tomar una
> posiciòn acerca de este asunto.
> saludos solidarios
> indymedia suiza

Reply from Latuff:
Dear sirs from Indymedia Switzerland,
Thank you very much for your message and interest.
First of all, it's important to emphasise that I am not a member of FZLN and
not allowed to speak for them.
I am a supporter of FZLN and EZLN since 1997, producing copyright-free
cartoons and photomontages to promote struggle of native people of Chiapas.
The reason why I always post URL of FZLN web site in my messages on IMC
pages is to promote Zapatismo among readers. Since I know, the artworks
shown on FZLN web site are Zapatista related images from "Zapatista Art
Gallery" and Brazilian police brutality related images from "A Policia
URLs mentioned by you refer to "Coming Soon" and "The American Talk Show"
cartoons, both related to Hollywood biased movies. Hollywood cinema has
served to the U.S. foreign policy many times, and now again. George W. Bush
has claimed for patriotic movies, a support to his "War against Terrorism".
It's a fact that many Hollywood producers are Jews and it's a fact too the
mostly of U.S. movies are strongly biased with reference to Latins,
Orientals and Arabs.
Just have a look, for example, in a recent U.S. movie, "Traffic", broaching
drug business in Mexico and United States. Mexican scenario is
yellow-coloured to instil sensation of a sweltering hot weather. Mexican
characters are sweaty, violent and corrupt. However, a smooth blue filter is
applied to U.S. scenarions, suggeting a fresh weather, with skycrapers and
well fited people.
Let´s check another example of biased movies from well-known Jewish cinema
producers, Menahem Golan and Yoran Globus. In their "Delta Force", German
actress Hanna Schygulla plays an air hostess in a hijacked plane. She´s
forced by sweaty beared Arab terrorists to list Jewish passengers. She
refuses to do it, saying more or less this: "I can't do that. Can't you see
I am a German? The Jews, the Holocaust, the six millions...". The Arab
character replies: "Six millions? It should be much more!".
In "Missing in Action" series, where Chuck Norris plays a U.S. veteran who
go back to Vietnam to rescue prisoners, Vietnamese are depicted as brutal
and cruel psychos, what justify killing of many by Norris.
Same propaganda can be seen in "Rambo" series. Special attention to the last
one, where "Mujahideens" from Afganisthan are glorified in this Reagan-era
film. I could do mention of many other movies like these, where different
races than U.S. caucasians are shown in a derogatory way.
I am talking about cinema used as political propaganda of United States
system. Obviously, there are decent directors as Spíke Lee and Woody Allen.
By the way, the few criticism to Jewish system I have seen in U.S. movies
is presented by Woody Allen on movies as "Deconstructing Harry". Average of
Hollywood films are biased with Black People, Latins, Orientals, Arabs and
so, but never with Jews. Main goal of my two cartoons is to discuss such
premise. I don't want ANY KIND of biased movies. The world DON'T NEED ANY
KIND of biased movies.
Unfortunately, any criticism to anything related to Jews is seen as
anti-semitism. We can criticize Japanese for massacres in Korea and China,
Indonesians for mass killings in East Timor, Serbians for their crimes in
Bosnia and Kosovo, but NEVER Israel for gross human rights violations
against Palestinians. It's OK to depict Milosevic, Pinochet, Suharto or the
Roman Catholic Church as criminals (as I did in my former "Trial by Cartoon"
web site), but if I make a cartoon of Barak or Sharon, Jews will remind me
of Nazi-era cartoons and call me anti-semitic. It's always the same
argument. Holocaust seems to be a kind of safe shelter for those Jews
interested in resume a controverse. Anti-semitism is the only way-out for
But I don't care. If they want to see me as a racist, no problem. Go ahead.
I prefer to follow my conscience.
BEFORE to send a message to me and FZLN with such offensive and insulting
topic as "caricatura antisemita de latuff", you in IndyMedia should to
search on Internet for my social related artworks on behalf of Kurds, Iraqi,
Burmese, Tibetans, Palestinians, Mexicans and etc; for ban of land mines;
police brutality and censorship; AIDS prevention; war and globalization;
state sponsored terrorism.
If my art is not suitable or welcomed in IndyMedia Switzerland, please,
inform, and I will no longer to post more images and opinion, but I will NOT
to prevent myself to criticize human rights violations, don't matter if
commited by Jews, Muslims, Christians or whatever.
That's it!
Best regards,
Latuff - Image Maker
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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