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Guildford WOMBLES

Gfd W@ | 20.11.2001 21:40

Guildford WOMBLES now up and running...

There is now a Guildford WOMBLES group up and running. We are planning a meeting for sometime in the future, but is anybody interested? We've carried out two actions in Guildford already but we need more people! Interested in anti-capitalism? Don't like authority? Contact us! We're organising an action in solidarity with the anti-capitalist demonstrations in Brussels for December 15th and we need people to help, are you interested? If you are please contact us on our temporary secure e-mail address:

Gfd W@

Gfd W@
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how secure?

21.11.2001 16:57

I have read other reports on indymedia that hushmail is pretty compliant with any kind of state authority who would like to look at their log's, plus the fact that anyone who wants encrypted mail is automatically going to intrest the authorities in fact it is exactly the type of organisation that the FBI etc would like to enter into partnership with, this is all pretty speculative does anyone have any hard facts about encrypted mail?
