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Lesson from history

PB | 20.11.2001 18:38

Franklin D Roosevelt: Pretext for war

From the Hutchinson Encyclopedia 10th ed. 1994 (Franklin Delano Roosevelt): "Public opinion,however, was in favour of staying out of the war, so Roosevelt and the military chiefs deliberately kept back the inteligence reports received from the British and others concerning the imminent Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii."

The American people must now ask their unelected President why he suppressed investigations into known terrorist groups before September 11. They should understand that the pretext for Bush's expansionist neo-colonialism and absolute war only benefits the rich, at the expense and the lives of ordinary Americans.



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Information wanted

21.11.2001 23:40

As Eisenhower can be guilty of colluision + Genocide, is bush the same?
Recently seen on channel 4 TV (approx 2 weeks ago), a report of investigations by the FBI into the busines (sic)intrests of the Bin-laden family, the saudi Royal family and the Bush family. whereby the FBI were prevented and warned off investigating these links by "unamed sources/alledged secret service/CIA" 4 weeks before 911.Did anyone else see this?,comments + further info please post on site.

Tyler Durden