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World Parliament

World political party | 19.11.2001 19:18

The case for a world parliament is global civilisation working together constructively in the way an idealistic scientist views progress rather than at cross-purposes in tribal zero-sum games.

World Parliament
World Parliament

We believe a world parliament would bring regulation of multi-national companies back to elected representatives, in an open public forum. This would provide a simpler uniform set of laws for corporations to follow worldwide and ensure they provide healthcare, training, safe working conditions and fair salaries to their employees. We would prefer to see 60,000 members of the world parliament (MWPs), rather than the 1000 proposed on The average MP's constituency in the UK has a population of 100,000 people. This allows personal contact between the MP and his constituents, and prevents success in elections relying too heavily on a candidate's media image. For 1000 MWPs to each represent 6 million people would unhealthily inflate an MWP's ego & unfairly ration an MWP's personal contact with constituents and would punish candidates who are genuine, hard-working & likeable people but unskillful with the media or incorruptible by its owners. In negotiating the creation of a world parliament, influential constituencies could bargain for greater voting power, though the average would be 1 vote. The World party is developing a computer system that 60,000 MWPs each representing 100,000 people could use on a peer to peer network of laptop computers to securely but openly debate and reach decisions on world government policy, without requiring any MWPs to leave their constituencies. "World" seeks to encourage many people to consider themselves world citizens and work or donate towards the party objective of a worldwide participatory democracy. We registered with the UK Electoral Commission on May 11th 2001. This allows us under UK electoral law, to put forward candidates to stand in general and local elections, everywhere in the UK. Ultimately we aim to pass a law in each country that legitimates a world parliament and declares its decisions to be binding. Providing the concept of world parliament gains majority support, this will have credibility.

World political party
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A really Bad Idea

19.11.2001 19:48

In my opinion, this would be a really bad idea. We want to get away from this terrible centralization of authority. Starting a world parliament, though in this case I believe is a well intentioned idea, would make it much easier to centralise authority and concentrate power in the hands of the few. We already see the consequences of this in the ongoing war / global crusade.

We desperately need to devolve power outwards from the centre, so that local people have complete power to decide things over their own lives. We need to take away powers of taxation from large government units, and keep wealth in the local area.

We need to go the other direction from a world government.
Stephen Booth

Stephen Booth
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No thanks

19.11.2001 20:04

Be it 60,000 or 100,000 people in a world government can you imagine that represents the voices of 5 and a half Billion people. I believe we should localise and relate and link globally but dissolve power as power is a very bad trait in humans. If you set up a central power base it would be that much easier one day for the Global nutcase to get hold of the strings and start pulling

Act local think global

world parliamentary democratic dictatorship

19.11.2001 21:57

That's what this war and its triggers are all about isn't it? The drive to create a world parliamentary dictatorship in the shortest time possible. And the members of this parliament would have exactly the same powers of debate and accountability for the ongoing processes as those members of the Commons do now. None whatsoever.Ditch this stupid idea. It only encourages them in their strivings for global nazism.

dwight heet

a dog returns to his vomit

20.11.2001 00:09

And how do we interpret eudaimonics - 'good demons' - I should cocoa!

dwight heet

world government

20.11.2001 11:31

The government that governs least governs best. World government is a crap idea.

I think that Eudaemons are from Plato (I also think that I have the correct spelling). He believed that our inspirations are given to us by spirits (deamons) Eudeamons being the benevolent and cacodaemons being malevolent. Seem to remember the name being used by a bunch of hackers who were ripping off casinos in the seventies by using miniature computers in their shoes to calculate the outcome of roulette games whilst the ball was in motion.



Yes and no

20.11.2001 18:00

The world that we live in is globalising at an astonishing rate, and this could be a positive thing (how else but on a global level can we tackle global warming?)
however currently the agents of globalisation are multinational companies assisted by the WTO, who are clearly acting only in their own (short term) intrests.
This type of globalisation serves to only increase exploitation, and the concentration of power in the West/North.
Even without these unpleasant influences however humanity will always have to resolve the conflicts that inevitably arise though living. and so some kind of effective (armed) international peacekeeping force would seem to be desirable. To enforce (perversely) a strong global human rights act, which values the sanctity of life and freedom above all else. however before we can begin such discussions we have to smash capitalism. and for the first time in history put the rights of the poor on an equal footing with those of the rich.
