Pat Kincaid | 17.11.2001 04:48
I'm just posting this to say I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. I feel I should come clean
and tell the truth. That is, I'm desperate for attention and I've just discovered this site, I
can get all the attention I want here. I feel pathetic at times, but I can't help but come
back time after time, again and again. I know it seems like I must have nothing better to
do, it's true, I don't.
You see the thing is I'm a pathetic loser, my mom's usually gone to work during the day
so I spend a lot of time on the internet. Sometimes she says "Pat I want you to stay
away from that computer, if I need to call home, I want the line to be free". I still come
on-line cause what else am I supposed to do. It's her fault for leaving me at home
alone, I mean I'm 34 years old I need human contact, she should know the internet is all
I have. My mom is so selfish.
Yesterday I said "Mom, bring me home two double Big Mac meals with king size fries
and a Coke, and some doritoes, Survivor's on and I don't want to get up off the chair".
She said "o.k.".
Then do you know what she does? She came home with only one meal, just when I was
about to complain she says " Patrick Douglas Kincaid I've heard enough shit from
those assholes down at the Phone Sex agency, I don't want to hear another word". I
understood, she works real hard at work.
Actually sometimes when I call her at work to bring me some more cream for my
condition I talk in a funny voice for a while and she sounds actually sounds excited and
happy to talk, that is until she finds out it's me. I really do wish someone else would talk
to me, I visit this site at least 50 times a day to see if maybe, just maybe someone has
replied to my comments.
I leave my e-mail address
stupid comments and juvenile humour are just attempts to gain attention.
Please someone write me Pat Kincaid at
need of attention.
Pat Kincaid
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what was the point of this?
17.11.2001 06:59
problem solved.
Pat Kincaid
17.11.2001 12:12
Pat the Eastender
13.10.2005 02:06