Independent confirmation ???
Luther Blissett | 16.11.2001 13:20
Independent confirmation ???
the term independent confirmation is widely used by the media, CNN and BBC both
use it repeatedly. But what exactly does it mean ?? Who is independent, independent of what , U wot ? .
the term independent confirmation is widely used by the media, CNN and BBC both
use it repeatedly. But what exactly does it mean ?? Who is independent, independent of what , U wot ? .
I have been watching CNN and BBC for the last week, don’t worry I’m not taken in and I’m not likely to OD on their carefully packaged bullshitttttt. But I do like to study the technix they use. One thing that has struck me about this war is how the yankkkee controled media decides what is true and what is false and what is unconfirmed rumour.
I suppose that is normal in war Time .
1) what ever the Taliban say is unconfirmed, by who ?
2) the yankkkees deny everything , like civillian casulties ect .
3) what Rumsfield and the yankeee gestapo says is taken as undisputed fact.
But reporters in afghanistan keep going on about “independent confirmation”,
often using the term repeatedly during a short report, Matthew Chance of CNN
said yesterday that Jalhalabad, was reported to have fallen, but that this had not been independently confirmed, in summing up his report he said that HE could not independently confirm the fall of the city. and i quote, so what the fuck makes him think that he is in a position to independently confirm shit ?
CNN are the Yankeees media channel, BBC is Blairs own personal propaganda channel, as they are reporting on war being waged by Yankkke / brits neither of them can be considered the least bit Independent. As the UN and Nato are all pawns in the U:S chess set, I was wondering if there is anyone out on the scene who is truely Independent ?? some independent bloke and his missus from North wales who were on a cycling holiday up the Khyber pass and just happened to be peddling by and .....
It is also pretty obvious that the media channels toe the line and that what yankkkeee gestapo fuhrer Rumsfield and co says is the official undisputed 7th cavalry version .
I have been watching CNN and BBC for the last week, don’t worry I’m not taken in and I’m not likely to OD on their carefully packaged bullshitttttt. But I do like to study the technix they use. One thing that has struck me about this war is how the yankkkee controled media decides what is true and what is false and what is unconfirmed rumour.
I suppose that is normal in war Time .
1) what ever the Taliban say is unconfirmed, by who ?
2) the yankkkees deny everything , like civillian casulties ect .
3) what Rumsfield and the yankeee gestapo says is taken as undisputed fact.
But reporters in afghanistan keep going on about “independent confirmation”,
often using the term repeatedly during a short report, Matthew Chance of CNN
said yesterday that Jalhalabad, was reported to have fallen, but that this had not been independently confirmed, in summing up his report he said that HE could not independently confirm the fall of the city. and i quote, so what the fuck makes him think that he is in a position to independently confirm shit ?
CNN are the Yankeees media channel, BBC is Blairs own personal propaganda channel, as they are reporting on war being waged by Yankkke / brits neither of them can be considered the least bit Independent. As the UN and Nato are all pawns in the U:S chess set, I was wondering if there is anyone out on the scene who is truely Independent ?? some independent bloke and his missus from North wales who were on a cycling holiday up the Khyber pass and just happened to be peddling by and .....
It is also pretty obvious that the media channels toe the line and that what yankkkeee gestapo fuhrer Rumsfield and co says is the official undisputed 7th cavalry version .
Luther Blissett
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