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an open letter to all British activists

taia | 15.11.2001 00:36

I want to take this chance to extend my hand to all fellow activists round the globe

I know this is not a news story, and for that I apoligize for taking up space on your indymedia center.Having said that, I just want to take this chance to extend my hand to all fellow activists around the globe. This sis sprked by a story I found by chance on NYC indymedia dated 9/12. The writer was British, The Gist of the story was listing off all of America's crimes aginst others that led to my country hardly being innocent victims of the attacks on 9/11. I belive the author's name was Robert? Anyhow, it sparked a lot of angry responses like "shut up Limey" etc. I want to say two things in response:
1. Robert, I agreed with (almost) everything you had to say
2. I apoligize on behalf of those who flung insults at you. But you have to understand, your tone was a little harsh and tactless to lay on folks of a city that still had body parts laying in the stretts, you know?
Anyhow, I guess I just want to say, please don't paint all of us Yanks with the same brush. MANY of us are in fact enlightened. Many of us are well educated about our country's bloody horrid actions against others, and trying are damndest to speak out and change it. Contrary to what the bullshit corporate media claims, there are many thousands of us who oppose this "War" Give us your support. Practice a true pacifists preaching and give us your love not your hate. If anything pity us. We are having our freedoms yanked left and right, and will one day very soon wake up in an Orwellian society. Hell, under the anti terriorist bill, I'M considered a terriorist, as are all of my friends. So until they drag me off to jail, I will be out there fighting the good fight aginst my country's disgusting materialistic-corporate-war- mongering tendencys. George Bush? Not my president. Killing Afghanis? Not in my name. Peace and love- A yank.



Display the following 3 comments

  1. humanitarian attitude — Gy Forks
  2. Don't paint everyone with the same brush... — David Clements
  3. thank you — taia