Destroying the roots of terrorism
Forwarded >> | 14.11.2001 12:17
The Fairfield Ledger
Nov 8, 2001
Letters to the Editor
A peaceful way to eliminate terrorism
Imagine you are a medical research scientist and 20 years ago you discovered a cure for cancer - safe, natural, low-cost, with no harmful side-effects. You test it all over the world, with consistent success on cancer victims of every nationality, every age, suffering from every form of cancer. Your patients see results immediately. Your approach corrects the underlying imbalance that gives rise to cancer - so the cancer disappears naturally. Other researchers test your approach, with the same
results, and publish their findings in leading medical journals. Respected scientists endorse your method.
You present your cancer cure to governments around the world. Every government, you think, will immediately support this approach for its people.
To your amazement, government and medical leaders ignore your cure, because it is not conventional. They continue supporting such conventional "treatments" as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. These aggressive treatments, attacking the symptom but not curing the disease, can produce favorable results but can also be debilitating and fatal. You watch as cancer continues to create enormous suffering and claim tens of thousands of lives around the world, knowing this terrible disease could have been ended years ago.
More than 20 years ago, Maharishi [Mahesh Yogi] put forward an approach to end a human affliction more terrible than cancer - crime, terrorism, conflict, and war. This approach is peaceful, non-invasive, and low cost. It has been tested all over the globe, consistently reducing conflict, violence, even open warfare - usually overnight. This approach has been verified in 50 scientific studies published in such leading scientific journals as the
Journal of Conflict Resolution, Social Indicators Research,
Social Science Perspectives Journal, the Journal of Mind and
Behaviour, the Journal of Crime and Justice, and Psychology,
Crime, and Law. It has won the support of respected
international scientists, scholars, and military leaders.
This approach to creating peace has been presented to
governments world-wide. With its amazing track record and
overwhelming scientific support, you'd think that governments would immediately adopt it.
In fact, government leaders have ignored this approach. Instead, they continue with the traditional political and military "solutions." These costly, aggressive measures may overturn a government, topple a despot, capture terrorists. But like the side-effects of radiation or chemotherapy, this approach creates enormous destruction and kills innocent people at the same time.
President Bush's stated goal is not simply to capture of Osama bin Laden - he wants to eliminate terrorism. Yet we hear experts say that if bin Laden is captured and killed, more bin Ladens will spring up - like a tumour growing back after being surgically removed. Why? Because the basis of terrorism has not been defused. Terrorism is not a group of people you can capture and kill. It's a mindset, a hatred, and it's widespread. To eliminate terrorism, we need to defuse the hatred at its basis.
The current military approach, moreover, places the U.S. at
enormous risk. Our own leaders warned us that our attacks on Afghanistan would bring counterattacks on our country. We're seeing it now: anthrax being delivered by mail, warnings of smallpox attacks, alerts from the FBI to expect more bombings at any moment - but no information as to when or where or who. We face the impossible challenge of having to defend everything everywhere all the time. Asked last week how long the nation would have to remain on high alert, Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge replied: "Indefinitely."
And the stakes are higher than ever. We're told that if bin
Laden had nuclear weapons, he'd use them.
We're told how easy it is to make such weapons, to bring into the country. We're told about the catastrophe that would result if any of our country's 80 nuclear reactors were sabotaged.
This is no way to live. Maharishi offers a practical, proven, low cost way out of this endless vicious cycle of attack and retaliation and counter-retaliation. His aim is only to spare the United States the escalating suffering that inevitably comes from this vicious cycle.
Our government merely needs to add this strategy to what it is already doing - and quickly the need for military action will fall away. The cost of implementing this approach, of ensuring peace for all time to come, is exceedingly small - it's less than the cost of a single B2 bomber, or approximately what the U.S. military spends in a single day. A wealthy person or family
could also accomplish this, and such people are being
approached. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Maharishi has offered us a tremendous opportunity. He has also made the reasonable observation that if our current leadership (a) persists down a path with potentially disastrous consequences for our country, and (b) ignores the proven, peaceful approach that has been offered, then (c) new leadership is needed.
If there were a simple and effective cure for cancer, we'd like to believe that our government would immediately make it available to cancer patients nationwide. There is a cure for crime and conflict, terrorism and war. We hope that either our government or the wealthy of this country will act wisely, and sooner rather than later.
Craig Pearson
Executive Vice-President
Maharishi University of Management
"How to effectively eliminate the root cause of terrorism and war", a new video featuring Major General Singh, a 35-year career army veteran, and John Hagelin PhD, award-winning quantum physicist, speaking recently on APTV throughout the USA:
[Streaming video - requires media player such as RealPlayer]
See also:
[Includes peer reviewed research published in respected publications such as Journal of Conflict Resolution]
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
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Transcendental quack
14.11.2001 12:57
The mantra people pay so much money for is meant to be kept a secret. Why? Because the mantras are proven nonsense and meaningless - it is simply repeating the name of a Hindu god. Go to: for more information.
If you want to learn meditation techniques and feel relaxed, contact established organisations like the Western Buddhist Order, which teaches breathing meditations and 'loving kindness' (learning to love your enemy) without charge. Alternatively, just take a quiet walk in the park or in the countryside, which costs nothing but time.
Daniel Brett
14.11.2001 13:42
.... and that the current war is a war on terrorism provides a great tool: the analysis of the root causes of terrorism. Unwittingly Bush and Blair has handed us a weapon that could be their downfall. With sufficient exposure of the nature of terror, its dependence on (primarily) US and British arms and the processes of radicalisation and repression there is great chance to reach a wider audience then usual: because people are thinking about terrorism right now - it is still fresh in the public memory (which is very shortlived!!).
Clean sober and analytic perspectives on terror is needed..
here's one, for instance:
Re: Transcendental quack
14.11.2001 15:05
Re: Transcendental quack
Daniel. I can understand your negative attitude to TM, but youve obviously never never tried it. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but TM has many well documented health benefits and is promoted by over 700 doctors in the UK alone. I've practised TM for the past 15 years (and I've been a teacher of TM for the past ten years) so I have first hand knowledge of TM's benefits and its potential for reducing stress and violence in the world. But dont take my world for it, check out these scientific references, and opinions of top professionals such as Sir John Harvey Jones.
Dont be fooled by the rubbish you read on some websites about TM. The majority of these are put up by organisations such as the drugs industry etc. After all, TM is bad news for them because it helps people become healthier and less stressed - without pills.
"Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognised.
First it is ridiculed.
Then it is opposed.
Then it is regarded as self-evident".
-Arthur Schopehnauer
Think about it:
"In which camp would you have found yourself if you had lived in the time of Galileo when he proposed support for the radical notion that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around? Think about it. Would you have rationally examined the evidence presented, or would you have just rejected the radical new paradigm?"
Check this out........
Forwarded message
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 22:51:02 -0700
From: "Ruth Taves"
Subject: Letter to the Editor
Here is a copy of a letter that a friend of mine in Canada
sent to his local newspapers. The editor of one of the papers was so impressed that he posted the letter on his website and plans to set up a page with links to the scientific research [discussed in the enclosed letter].
Ruth Ann
The Editor
"In which camp would you have found yourself if you had lived in the time of Galileo when he proposed support for the radical notion that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around? Think about it. Would you have rationally examined the evidence presented, or would you have just rejected the radical new paradigm?"
The world changed for all of us on September 11th. To effectively deal with the underlying cause of these catastrophic events, it's time for the leaders
of the world to acknowledge that there now exists a scientifically proven means to eliminate terrorism.
This means is unconventional. No guns will be fired. No bombs will be dropped. There will be no further casualties. It will get impressive, quantifiable and sustainable results quickly.
This alternate means of eliminating such negative currents as terrorism has been conclusively PROVEN to work. Forty-three scientific studies have now documented the link between this unconventional technology and significant
reductions in conflict, including a now famous study of warfare in Lebanon published by Yale University's Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Mr. Stan Darling, former MP for Muskoka-Perry Sound and member of the Commons Defense Committee and Carmen Kilburn, former Police Commissioner of New Brunswick, recipient of the Solicitor General and Governor General of
Canada Awards and the founder of Crime Prevention Week in Canada have both deeply researched this new alternate means of eliminating negativity and have been speaking publicly that we must act immediately to utilize this new
What do scholars think?
"My first reaction to work in this tradition was one of total disbelief. However, its proponents have shown themselves prepared to subject programs
to empirical test, and the technique already has a sounder basis than many less exotic approaches. At the minimum, courtesy and humility demand interest and attention to its progress and testing. If favourable tests keep
coming, we should not shrink from using them, or from seeking to understand them." Ken Pease, Ph.D., Professor of Criminology, University of Huddersfield, England; Board Member Home Office National Crime Prevention
"This is promising research. It is a non-traditional approach, but the methodology of these studies is sound and the statistical significance high.
In a world as unstable and dangerous as ours, I believe that any approach with such consistent objective support deserves careful attention." Dr. Ved
Nanda, Director of the Legal Studies Program, University of Denver; formerly President of the International Association of Law Professors.
"The hypothesis definitely raised some eyebrows among our reviewers. But the
statistical work was sound. The numbers were there. When you can
statistically control for as many variables as these studies do, it makes
the results much more convincing." Raymond Russ, Ph.D., Professor of
Psychology, University of Maine; Editor of the Journal of Mind and
"I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this
It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in
the field of conflict resolution. This work and the theory that informs it
deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers
alike." David Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas
at Austin.
What could it be that these reasoned individuals have concluded has such
potential? As even these researchers have alluded, to wrap your mind around
such a novel approach requires a willingness to explore a totally new
paradigm and be prepared to jettison the prejudice that comes from a
lifetime of seeing the world the old way.
This new "weapon" that will eliminate terrorism is yogic flying. Almost
everybody has seen a clip of yogic flying on TV or photos in the press
showing people with legs crossed hopping on foam mats. The practice of yogic
flying creates what is now known to science as the Maharishi Effect. I have
personally been practicing this technique twice a day, without fail, for 23
While this all sinks in, let's explore how yogic flying generates this
important and needed influence.
War (and terrorism) is made in the minds of men. Terrorism is only possible
when individuals in society at large are stressed beyond a certain
threshold. The practice of yogic flying creates an extremely powerful
influence of coherence that positively affects ALL individuals in such a way
that the tensions held by those individuals who would undertake acts of
terrorism are simply dissolved. It IS that simple.
This can be explored further. There are questions that beg answers such as
how one person doing something in one place can positively influence the
actions of a person or persons somewhere else. Brain wave research has
documented that when a person thinks a thought, their brain generates
approximately 8% coherence (hence the adage that the typical person uses
less than 10% of their mental potential). By contrast, when the body lifts
up during yogic flying, researchers see nearly 100% brain wave coherence.
Just as a powerful magnet can influence other magnets nearby, a fully
coherent brain positively affects everyone. We are only scratching the
surface here. I strongly recommend your readers explore the following
websites to gain further insight into the significance and substance of this
powerful technology.
How are you doing? Has this got you thinking or have you retreated and
rejected a valuable new concept? In which camp would you have found yourself
if you had lived in the time of Galileo when he proposed support for the
radical notion that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around? Think about it. Would you have rationally examined the evidence presented or would you have just rejected the radical new paradigm?
It's no different for each of you now. You will either explore the
substantial scientific research that documents, with an extremely high level
of probability, that yogic flying works or you will reject it. Even those
whose minds are fresh and flexible may find this proposal a shock at first
but they will allow themselves to consider what at the onset may appear
revolutionary. And when they do, the world will never be the same again.
As a final note, Prime Minister Chretien is proposing to spend the majority
of this year's projected $7 billion federal surplus on combating terrorism.
This would be a huge waste. Terrorism can be eliminated WORLDWIDE for a
fraction of this amount. Our politicians have been briefed repeatedly on the
technology of yogic flying. It's time for them to put it to work. Write your
MP and the Prime Minister. They know the old ways are not working. It's now
time for this new technology to bring sustainable peace to the entire world.
How to eliminate terrorism without resorting to military aggression:
Don't follow fake gurus
14.11.2001 15:44
If you want to change the world, you won't do it by jumping around in a lotus position and sinking into introversion as a single atomised individual. Collective awakening is about getting on the streets and taking action with other people. That's why 18th November will be far more effective than dozing off chanting some meaningless mantra.
Daniel Brett
OK. You win
14.11.2001 16:41
Well certainly have some very strong opinions on this topic, so I wont even attempt to counter them. You carry on as you think best, based on your own view of reality.
For anyone else who is interested, enclosed are some well-documented scientific references on the health and social benefits of TM and Yogic Flying in reducing stress and social unrest in the world. These have been published in numerous indpendent scientific journals over the past twenty years or so, including - The Lancet, The American Heart Foundation, and The Journal of Conflict Resolution etc etc.
"War is made in the minds of men". Terrorism is only possible when individuals in society at large are stressed beyond a certain threshold. TM and Yogic Flying have been shown to be the most effective and natural tools for reducing stress.
"If it's really just all about getting the numbers of meditators, up that all we need to do is to learn this simple (TM) technique and then practice it for creating coherence in the world, now is a good time to drop the barriers, drop the obstacles and let's get going".
What if the answer [to terrorism and war] was in our own back yard and we never did anything about it?"
JEAN GRECO, Fairfield bureau chief, From the Ottumwa Courier
September, 2001
The most important contribution of Transcendental Meditation to health would appear to be in primary prevention. Research from the USA examined health-care utilization over five consecutive years among 2,000 people practising Transcendental Meditation, as compared to control groups (from a total sample of 600,000) who were closely comparable with regard to age, gender, occupation, and health insurance terms [2]. Over the five-year period, the Transcendental Meditation participants consistently had fewer than half the number of doctor visits and days in hospital compared to controls. Of considerable interest was the fact that the Transcendental Meditation group showed relatively little increase in need for health care with increasing age, whereas this trend was clearly seen in controls, as would usually be expected (see chart below). Hospital admission rates for medical and surgical conditions were 60-70% lower in the Transcendental Meditation group, with reductions in all 17 disease categories studied. For example, hospital admissions were 87% less for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, 55% less for tumours, 73% less for respiratory disorders, 87% less for neurological problems, and 30% less for infections (see chart below).
These results are supported by further research showing reduced medical costs among individuals practising Transcendental Meditation [45] and even greater reduction in needs for health care when the technique is supplemented by other aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health [46] (please refer to Part II: Scientific Research on Maharishi Ayur-Veda). Other studies have reported decreased requirements for medication among people who practise Transcendental Meditation, including reduced use of mild analgesics, sleeping tablets, tranquillisers, anti-depressants, anti-histamines, asthma inhalers, anti-hypertensives, and drugs for heart disease [47-51].
Reduced requirements for health care are consistent with research showing that Transcendental Meditation reduces a variety of important risk factors for disease, including coronary heart disease and cancer [52]. These findings include reductions in: high blood pressure [53-61]; elevated cholesterol levels [55, 62]; cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse [47, 63-67]; overweight [68]; cardiovascular reactivity to stress [69]; physiological and psychological stress levels [30, 70-74]; anxiety, depression, and hostility [65, 71, 75-77]. Transcendental Meditation also enhances potential protective factors such as job satisfaction [72, 78] and overall psychological health and well-being [79].
A number of studies have shown that Transcendental Meditation leads to clinically beneficial reductions in blood pressure [53-58, 60, 61]. Randomized controlled trials have found that Transcendental Meditation is significantly more effective in reducing mild high blood pressure than any of the following: a relaxation technique (progressive muscular relaxation), a pseudo-meditation procedure (which attempted to imitate the Transcendental Meditation technique), or a 'usual care' programme comprising advice on weight loss, salt restriction, exercise, and reduced alcohol intake [57, 60, 61] (see chart below).
Transcendental Meditation produced reductions in systolic and diastolic pressure comparable to those commonly found with anti-hypertensive medication, but without any adverse side effects [60]. Further analysis showed that Transcendental Meditation produced significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure for men and women in both high- and low-risk groups on six measures of hypertension risk: psychosocial stress, obesity, alcohol use, physical inactivity, dietary sodium-potassium ratio, and a composite measure of these risk factors [61].
Non-pharmacological methods are now recognized as crucial to therapy for hypertension, especially in patients under 60 years. For example, the United States Joint National Committee on the Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure has recommended that non-pharmacological, behavioural approaches 'should be used both as definitive intervention and as an adjunct to pharmacologic therapy and should be considered for all anti-hypertensive therapy' [80].
A review of research on behavioural therapy for hypertension [58] concluded that Transcendental Meditation provides an optimal non-pharmacological treatment and preventive programme for high blood pressure because the technique:
produces rapid, clinically significant blood pressure reductions;
is distinctly more effective than other meditation and relaxation procedures;
is continued by a high proportion of subjects (in contrast to lower continuation rates for relaxation techniques and the frequent problem of poor compliance with anti-hypertensive drugs);
has documented acceptability and effectiveness in a wide range of populations;
is effective in reducing high blood pressure both when used as sole treatment and when used in concert with medication;
reduces high blood pressure in 'real life' environments outside the clinic;
is free from harmful side-effects or adverse reactions;
also reduces other cardiovascular risk factors and improves health in a general way.
In addition, a recent analysis found that Transcendental Meditation is more cost-effective in treating mild hypertension than medication [81].
A large body of research has demonstrated that Transcendental Meditation produces comprehensive improvements in mental health, enhancing positive features and reducing various forms of psychological distress [48, 49, 65, 71, 72, 74-79, 82-104].
A systematic review of 144 studies found that Transcendental Meditation was markedly more effective in reducing anxiety than other techniques (including progressive muscular relaxation, methods claimed to induce a 'relaxation response', and other forms of meditation) [76]. The superiority of Transcendental Meditation remained highly significant when only the strongest and most rigorous studies were included in the analysis. Transcendental Meditation has also consistently been found to reduce depression, hostility, and emotional instability, indicating the growth of a more stable, balanced, and resilient personality [65, 71, 74, 75, 77, 82, 86, 87, 92, 101].
In another statistical review of 42 independent research results, Transcendental Meditation was found to be three times as effective as other meditation and relaxation procedures in increasing self-actualization-an overall measure of positive mental health and personal development. Further analysis revealed that the technique is exceptionally effective in developing three independent components of this dimension: emotional maturity, a resilient sense of self, and a positive, integrated perspective on ourselves and the world [79].
An exhaustive survey conducted by the Swedish National Health Board found evidence that psychiatric hospital admissions may be much less common among people practising Transcendental Meditation than in the general population. This study also strongly confirmed Transcendental Meditation's excellent safety record [95].
Endorsements: What People Say About TM
Over 5 million people around the world, and almost 200,000 in the UK have learned the technique since it was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1957.
"I am a much easier person to live with"
"I believe in Transcendental Meditation. I have always told the truth when asked, and when I believe something can help I feel obliged to say so...My daughter Gaby had tried Transcendental Meditation and persuaded me to try it too, even before my first stroke. The two-day course cost a bomb but the logic of it appealed to me. After all, what is the point of relaxing the body if the brain is not rested as well."
The effect, he says, has been dramatic: "I am a much easier person to live with. To coin a phrase, I don't make a drama out of a crisis. If I gave it up now, my wife would leave me."
-Sir John Harvey-Jones
Broadcaster and former Chairman of ICI
[Evening Standard, Tuesday 17 Feb. 1998]
"I also feel physically better once I meditate"
"Before I started meditating...I always felt there should be some way of freeing up the be able to see clearly what matters and what doesn't. Now I find it easier to accept the things I can't change, yet am more able to change the things I can. I often find the solution to a problem after meditating or gain a different perspective on it.
I also feel that TM has made me calmer. I have a clearer focus and I'm achieving more, particularly at work. Also, in situations where I've had to deal with difficult people, I now find it easier not to get personally upset.
I also feel physically better once I meditate. My breathing settles down, the back of my neck frees up, and tension is released from my shoulders and stomach. It also re-energises me at the end of a day's work so it's easier to go out in the evening."
-Rosamund Sykes,
Head of Finance and Central Services,
Victoria and Albert Museum
[Financial Times Magazine, 6 June 1998]
"I feel more connected"
"I still find it amazing that a technique that is as effortless as cutting butter with a hot knife can be so powerful in its effects. Since I started Transcendental Meditation I feel more connected, more optimistic, more serene, more competent, and more effective. And these beneficial effects continue to grow."
-Dr Marion Roden
Occupational Physician, SmithKline Beecham
"It does stretch non-meditators' imagination"
"It does stretch non-meditators' imagination, but I believe that our good for business. Our success depends on being creative, and Transcendental Meditation has made a real contribution to giving us an edge."
-Richard Hobbs,
Managing Director, Viva Consumer Products.
[Sunday Business, 7 June 1998]
"The practice gives me a bit more pep"
"I make 50-60 telephone calls around the globe every day and I work long days. The practice improves my focus and gives me a bit more pep. Three other people practise TM in my small company and it helps us work together under stress. I've not had a sick day in two years, and that, at least, has saved us money."
-Morris Ahmed,
Commodities Trader, Trading International (Milk Products) Ltd.
[Sunday Business, 7 June 1998]
"I have a sense of organization which I have lacked all my life"
"My concentration improved, I have amazing physical energy and am capable of long hours of physical work without fatigue. After a fortnight [after learning TM] I realized that I had stopped biting my nails, a lifelong habit. I have a sense of organization which I have lacked all my life. I feel more patient and tolerant."
-John Harding
writing in the Sunday Times
"I've hardly been ill at all"
"I can honestly say that since learning TM I've hardly been ill at all. I originally learnt TM purely out of curiosity. I work in a high pressure environment and find that I can cope far better than most people. Problems with stress are much reduced since learning TM. TM enables me to leave business problems behind me in the office and give more quality attention to my family. I set up my company just five years ago. It now employs 64 people and has gone from nowhere to become Britain's leading traded endowment company. TM has made a significant contribution to this success. The Transcendental Meditation course is the best investment I ever made."
-Max Rosen,
Managing Director, Securitised Endowment Contracts PLC
"I don't give myself a hard time any more"
"A few years ago I was put in a high pressure situation which resulted in a lot of stress. I suffered from migraines and frequent colds.
Physically and mentally I was run down. I learnt TM at the suggestion of a friend and it was like the difference between night and day. I felt less stress and I became more able to cope. Life became less of a struggle and more enjoyable. I now deal with problems more easily - I have a better perspective and keep things in proportion. I don't give myself a hard time any more. TM frees up my energy, and I've particularly noticed that more avenues have opened up both at work and in my friendships."
-Ellen Brush,
Publishing Director, Axon Publishing
"In the past I could never relax"
"In the past I could never relax - I always felt that I should be doing something. With TM I have learnt to enjoy deep relaxation without feeling guilty. After using TM my thinking is more focused. Any sense of inner chaos or confusion is resolved. I can set my parameters for the day and zero in on the priorities. I have certainly noticed that both my organizational skills and my overall performance at work have improved.
As a result my working day is more pleasurable. Since learning TM I have generally become more aware not only of myself but of others too. I can sense when colleagues or friends are troubled and am able to offer my support."
-Hazel Collins,
Chief Executive, Ellishelen Ltd., Hair & Beauty Products Company
"I have more energy almost to the point of exhilaration."
"I've been very interested in personal development for a number of years and decided to learn TM recently after reading about it in a book. The effects of it have already been remarkable. I have a lot more energy almost to the point of exhilaration. I'm also much more composed. From the first day my mind has been clearer so I'm more efficient - things fall into place more easily. TM has accelerated my development considerably. I have a broader vision and a new thirst for knowledge.
The beauty of TM is that I can do it anywhere - at home, in the's particularly enjoyable in an aeroplane!"
-Henk van Wouw
Head of Environmental Affairs, Shell International
Petroleum Co.
Discover More
How To End Terrorism Now: A Viable Solution
By Dr. David Leffler
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Letter to Canadian newspaper...
14.11.2001 18:38
"letter that a friend of mine in Canada sent to his local newspapers. The editor of one of the papers was so impressed that he posted the letter on his website"
posted on the uk indymedia website. Oddly, the claim has never been posted on a Canadian indymedia.
OK, so I'm a Canadian, and I can't imagine any Canadian newspaper printing this dross or posting it on their website. So tell me, yogic flyers, which Canadian editor/newspaper was impressed? Which newspaper website was it posted on?
John Kearney
14.11.2001 19:51
It was me who posted both copies of that letter which mentioned the Canadian website. I dont know which site it was. But I do know that the scientific references and quotes mentioned in the letter are genuine and can be found on various websites (see enclosed url)
Now, to further test your mental boundaries and pre-conditioned view of reality, check out the enclosed article by a leading Iowa hack.
"Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognised.
First it is ridiculed.
Then it is opposed.
Then it is regarded as self-evident".
-Arthur Schopehnauer
From The Ottumwa Courier, By JEAN GRECO Fairfield bureau chief
FAIRFIELD -Tucking the kids into bed at night takes on new meaning in light of Tuesday's apocalyptic nightmare.
Those willing to die for a cause bedded in a faraway land brought to an end one of our most basic rights as human beings, the ability to move about without fear.
We shall never be the same.
Over the eight years in which I have lived in Fairfield, I have heard and read a great deal about the beneficial effects of transcendental meditation.
According to dozens of documented studies, TM can help alleviate or even mitigate a myriad of health problems including heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, a bad back, emotional trauma, or I as I have been apprised more recently, attention deficit disorder and
hyperactivity or even the want to use drugs and commit crimes.
In St. Louis, a judge assigns certain offenders to learn TM as a condition of probation. In an elementary school in Washington, D.C., a principal has instituted the offering of TM instruction for students. In Mozambique, the president learned to meditate and offered the same to his cabinet.
As published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, another study suggests TM can reduce or eliminate hostile tendencies by actually changing the physiology. People involved in stressful situations, after meditation will be more clear; the creativity for problem solving will be engaged.
When civil unrest escalated in Kosovo, organizers of Fairfield's TM movement renewed calls to go to the dome for the twice a day group practice of meditation. The more people meditating together, the greater the chance for coherence in the world, they say.
There are documented studies that suggest when thousands of
meditators descended upon Washington, D.C. to group meditate in 1993, crime was reduced in Washington.
It has something to do with the intangible field of consciousness, in much the same way people report a benefit from group prayer. The research may be arguable, but isn't it impressive that so many meditators cared enough to try and prove it. Meditating for peace?
Meditating for a drop in the crime rate?
When the community of Littleton, Colorado was wrestling from disbelief over the in-school massacre, young members of Fairfield's TM community, organizing as End School Violence Now, went to that area to tell kids they know a better way. They also went to the United Nations with the message of ending conflict.
Meditators have been in town for a long time.
Despite rumor after rumor that they are leaving, that the university is closing up shop, that has not happened. The mantra of the TM organization has been the same over the last nearly 30 years, "we've got something that works" and for remaining loyal to that, you have to give credit if not admiration.
We are about to go to war here, the likes of which we have never seen. When the fourth plane went down near Pittsburgh, my thoughts channeled to the nation's young men. I have always said I would help
my sons do whatever it takes not to fight in a war, unless it were an out and out act of aggression such as it was at Pearl Harbor. Now that the unthinkable has happened, I want to rephrase: I don't want a war. Surely none of us do. Where would it be fought? Is any soil
appropriate? Who is the enemy? Where are the battle lines? Where would it stop?
I've spoken with dozens of people since 9:03 eastern standard time Tuesday. We all agree on two things:
1) What we have been doing as human beings in the universe is not working if one of us could work so hard to take out the other.
2) A third World War is incomprehensible.
Transcendental meditators have a good message to us, the government:
"we want peace, we know how to help you find it, you don't have to pray to our God, or any God, you can do that however you see fit."
All that is required is settling your mind. Thoughts and body and resting for 20 minutes with your eyes closed and thinking about nothing. In the profoundness of it, you might find yourself, or the
deepest levels of nature, which could be you anyway. In the process, coherence in the world will be created even among those who would never dream that anyone is meditating for coherence. It requires a leap of faith to believe, but harkening back to point one above, we
are where we are on September 14, 2001, because we have been doing as we have been doing.
It's hard to find fault with the technique, if that is indeed all it takes to radiate harmony for the world. And you don't have to adopt the trappings of the TM lifestyle or even be part of a "movement."
"We need more transcendental meditators and advance meditators, yes, that is true," Linda said. "That much is obvious in light of Tuesday."
If it's really just all about getting the numbers of meditators up, that all we need to do is to learn this simple technique and then practice it for creating coherence in the world, now is a good time
to drop the barriers, drop the obstacles and let's get going.
All over the planet, we need a way to think and act like a world. So what if the answer was in our own back yard and we never did anything about it?
(c) 2001 Ottumwa Courier, Jean Greco, Used by Permission
A new approach to creating world peace
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)