David Blunkett wanted; Dead or Alive
proffr1@nospamfuckmicrosoft.com | 14.11.2001 07:59
If this story attracts a 'D' notice while 'new age' crap gets published I shall be very cross.(It did not appear despite being pulished 24 hours ago)IMC or Mi5?
Operation soft drill seeks pledges of 1 english pound to be pooled and paid to the closest prediction of the permanent retirement from politics of DB facist creep par exellence.
"Revolution cannot be non-violent or pacifist. It is a political act of violence aimed against the ruling elite to overthrow them just as the revolutions of the past were, history reminds us. It is political ignorance to believe that you can have a revolution without the use of political violence"
"Revolution cannot be non-violent or pacifist. It is a political act of violence aimed against the ruling elite to overthrow them just as the revolutions of the past were, history reminds us. It is political ignorance to believe that you can have a revolution without the use of political violence"